The Sacred Ruins
Chapter 272

Zhang Yuanhang’s face became ashen as he continuously retreated, "Brother Chu, let’s talk this over . Don’t be rash!"

Zhang Cheng was killed right in front of him, to his great horror . This made him tremble from head to toe .

A single word from him would normally decide the fate of many people, but it was always his subordinates who had carried out his orders . He had never personally witnessed any bloodshed . His scalp had gone numb now that his nephew had died right in front of him .

"My patience is limited and so is my time . Do you have any more major characters to suppress me with?" Chu Feng’s words were calm and indifferent as he reminded .

Zhang Yuanhang was dressed in traditional Chinese clothes . He was normally a calm and collected person but now he was frantic as he fumbled around for his communicator .

He didn’t want to die just yet . His nephew was beheaded just now because he had moved too slowly .

Zhang Yuanghang’s fingers trembled as he searched for through his contact list, his face, and lips all pale . He wanted to find the Hollow Jade Temple Master and ask the latter to help him out of this predicament .

He had heard of many things regarding Demon King Chu—like how he killed beast kings ferociously like clearing out weeds . No normal king level expert was his match at all .

"You’re really still unresigned and hope to find someone to suppress me?" Chu Feng’s lips revealed an insipid smile . Zhang Yuanhang found a man surnamed Yuan on his communicator .

Zhang Yuanhang was regretting this matter . He shouldn't have gone beyond his abilities and provoked this person .

He never thought that this demon king would visit his house in only three days after he had suppressed him perfectly last time . He couldn’t help but shiver at the thought of this .

"You’re so slow!" Chu Feng commented as a flying knife appeared—it was translucent and sparkling like agate .


The scarlet flying knife spun through the air and decapitated its target .

"I really shouldn’t have provoked this person!"

Zhang Yuanhang was incomparably regretful . His heart was full of terror the moment before his death .

As a dignitary of the Archaic Alliance, his word would usually decide the fate of many others . Who would’ve thought he would be killed so easily by another person one day?

The others from the Zhang Family was absolutely enraged . Some loudly roared claiming that they would take Chu Feng down with them .

"Careful, this Zhang family sure is vicious . There are various heavy weaponries here," the black yak reminded .

Everyone was dumbstruck after seeing the villa district equipped with laser weapons and rockets, not unlike an arms depot .

But the others from the Zhang family couldn’t do anything against the black yak, the Donkey King, and the Manchurian Tiger . They moved like violent lightning and swiftly disabled those strategic points .

"Chu Feng, are you planning to wipe as all out?!" An elderly voice came through at this point . It seemed there was a king level expert in the Zhang family .

A bright silver-haired elder walked out . His aura was powerful . As an expert with five severed shackles, he was the most powerful martial power within the Archaic Alliance .

His strength was, in fact, a secret which very few people knew .

This was Zhang Yuanhang’s father, a man who had encountered a fortune and became a mutant 21 years ago .

"I had no grievances with your Zhang family but you were all intent on taking my life . Could all of this be related to you?" Chu Feng inquired .

"The breathing technique in your possession is enough to move even peerless experts, let alone others like me . Neither will I be the last one to covet it . "

Silvery light shot out from the old man’s eyes . His aura was still imposing despite the dangerous situation but he did admit to his mistake in sending people after Chu Feng .

The silver-haired elder offered Chu Feng a deal . If he was willing to let them go this time, the alliance would wholeheartedly support Chu Feng in the future .

"The famed mountains are all buried in ice and snow . An unprecedented change is about to sweep over the world . You’ll definitely be able to conquer a mountain if you work with our Zhang family and the Archaic Alliance . "

The silver-haired elder was of an opinion that the famed mountains were not truly revived just yet and that their future value was incomparable . One would need to occupy one of them to be able to gain a foothold for the future .

He even predicted that the beings from the external regions would immediately fight for the famed mountains once they descend .

"You’ll only be able to negotiate with the powerful beings from the other realms if you own a famed mountain . Only then will you be able to gain more benefits and rise to power . " The silver-haired elder’s eyes were almost luminous .

"You have no right to discuss conditions with me . I can easily obtain these things by myself," Chu Feng spoke calmly as murderous intent pervaded the air .

"I don’t want to fight to the end with you . Don’t force my hand . " The old man’s expression was gloomy .

The black yak walked in . "Hand over the breathing technique that the Archaic Alliance gave the Hollow Jade Temple Master . We want to take a look . "

"We don’t have it . " The silver-haired elder shook his head .

"Then what’s the use of leaving you . Die!" The black yak was enraged .


Chu Feng’s flying knife shot out, filling the air with sword intent which tore the villa apart .

"Then let’s go down together!"

The silver-haired elder roared in fury . He was as strong as a silver lion . He had long since known that this youth was aggressive and was mentally prepared for this kind of outcome .

In this hand was an old and yellowish piece of paper on which were inscriptions of Buddhist symbols . Every stroke therein was now glowing with blinding light as if tadpoles were swimming upon the shriveled paper .

He was giving it his all as he poured all of his essence energy into the talisman, hoping to activate it and decimate everyone .

Chu Feng wasn’t quite familiar with its might but would certainly not allow the enemy to activate it . The flying knife immediately appeared in front of him to cut off his hand .

The silver-haired elder moved to the side and effectively evaded the attack . He was confident in being able to activate this Buddhist Talisman but he wasn’t sure if it could take Chu Feng’s life .


A bloody light erupted from his shoulder, causing him to stagger backward with a groan . His whole arm had been cut off .

Yellow Ox’s delicate little face revealed itself from near the window behind them . He had used a chopstick-sized silver spear to cut off the elder’s shoulder joint so that he could no longer charge the piece of yellow paper .

This silver spear along with the jade stone containing the Demon Flood Dragon Fist was a gift from the Pre-Qin Research Institute when he was going on a rampage back at Shuntian .

Chu Feng already had the flying knife so he had given it to Yellow Ox .


With a flash of his blade, Chu Feng had lopped off the elder’s head . He flashed once and took hold of the old piece of paper which had started to grow dim without the influx of energy .

"What a waste of a rare treasure! He has no idea how to use it properly . " Yellow Ox had leapt over to where they stood and looked down disdainfully at the silver-haired elder .

The silver-haired elder died with a look of resent and indignation .

"This is the Golden Arhat Talisman, a type of consumable magical weapon crafted by a mighty evolved ancient entity . "

According to Yellow Ox, it was like a fuse which, when ignited, would draw in the drifting energies of the world and cause them to collide . The result would be an absolutely terrifying explosion .

The paper was still useable now that they had stopped the activation sequence .

Yellow Ox observed it closely . "This should be made by the Golden Arhat . There’s even his signature here . Its destructive potential is extraordinary and should even be able to would experts with six severed shackles when it explodes . "

Chu Feng, the Manchurian Tiger, and the Donkey King were all astonished . It was just an old piece of paper . Could a consumable weapon really wound a peerless expert?

"The Golden Arhat lineage is considered extraordinary even among evolved beings . Even a simple product could be lethal for those in the shackled realm . "

As he spoke, Yellow Ox continued to study the scribblings on the paper, but unfortunately, all of them were unfathomable Buddhist writings .

"Unfortunately, it's not the work of a Bodhisattva level evolved being . Otherwise, a casually produced item would be incomparably terrifying . "

Chu Feng was somewhat moved after hearing this and even looked forward to finding such items .

"What exactly is the Bodhisattva level?" the Manchurian Tiger asked .

"Don’t think too much for the time being . It’s quite difficult to go past even the shackled realm with the current state of this world . We can ponder more about this when we find some kind of deifying fortune . "

Chu Feng then proceeded to hypnotize the remaining people and, after obtaining enough information, he killed all the men .

All of them were descendants of the Zhang family . Chu Feng had sufficient reason to kill them all . Some of them had taken part in the plan to harm Chu Feng while others were in charge of negotiating with the beast races .

But he didn’t harm the innocent . There were many women and children whom Chu Feng didn’t touch . He merely knocked them out with a brush of his hand .

They opened up the Zhang family’s underground treasury . Yellow Ox went through them and started picking out useful things . In the end, he was delighted to find three more Golden Arhat Talismans . These things would surely prove useful for them despite being the simplest of items produced by an ancient evolved being!

"Haha…" Yellow Ox was in a great mood . His exquisite little face was full of smiles .

"Too bad we didn’t manage to find the breathing technique or the fist technique manual . "

"Let’s go . We still need to visit the Archaic Alliance Building!" Chu Feng told them .

He had already gained information from the hypnotized men that the Archaic Alliance’s treasury was in fact under the skyscraper . That was their true area of importance .

The Zhang family was one of the most important members of the Archaic Alliance and possessed a fair bit of authority . However, they couldn’t speak for the whole organization .

They rushed over at full speed and arrived in mere moments . They immediately rushed into the underground treasury . It was where their most important collections were kept .

The frightening traps were nothing in the face of a peerless expert . All obstacles crumbled along the way—even the alloy wall that was several meters thick couldn’t resist long against Chu Feng’s fist and flying knife—it was soon torn apart .

He had also dealt with all the booby traps and self-destructing mechanisms .

The treasury was filled with a dazzling line up of rare antiques . There was even half a flying saucer dug up from a certain ancient site .

Yellow Ox looked through everything and frowned . He had certainly found some items left behind by ancient evolved beings but all of them were fragmented and virtually useless .

"No fist technique manual!" They were all disappointed .

"No worries . I’ll teach you all the Xingyi Fist when we return . There’s a breathing technique hidden within it . " Chu Feng consoled the two oxen .

Finally, Yellow Ox’s eyes flashed . He had discovered a Buddhist staff . It was completely dark but began to release Buddhist lights after activation . It emanated a divine aura and was obviously an extraordinary magical weapon .

"We didn’t waste our time in coming here . This is a great item!" Yellow Ox’s beautiful face was full of smiles .

They guessed that the Archaic Alliance must have dug up a certain Buddhist site to build up such a collection .

Finally, they gave the staff to the black yak who was soon beaming with joy and couldn’t stop smiling .

Liu Ziheng was beheaded, the Zhang family annihilated and even the Archaic Alliance’s treasury was dug open . This news was certain to shake the world .

The culprits didn’t linger very long . They immediately left Hangcheng on top of the Golden Condor and rushed towards the Exterrestrial Culture Research Institute . They claimed to be on their way to continue their efforts towards shocking all those corporations to death . Go big or go home!

Chapter 272
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