The Sacred Ruins
Chapter 271

Everyone in the parlor was looking at Chu Feng . Those from the Archaic Alliance knew what had happened and was somewhat nervous .

Chu Feng was momentarily silent before speaking, "Very well!"

He agreed to leave and not touch the Archaic Alliance’s people .

He was someone who would repay favors . He was thinking of many things during that moment of silence . His parents had always received the Hollow Jade Temple’s protection .

In addition, the Hollow Jade Temple Master and the Wudang Grandmaster had frequently stood behind him whenever he was in danger .

Now that the other party was asking for a favor, Chu Feng couldn’t refuse . He held back even though he wanted to eradicate all those from the Zhang Family .

But there will be no second time . The Temple Master wasn’t likely to stop him again either .

Chu Feng had always been helping the Hollow Jade Temple take action . He had flattened mountains, razed forts and killed many powerful beast race experts, intimidating the kings of the world . He wasn’t only performing meritorious deeds but also repaying the favor .

"Let's go!" He turned around and left in a straightforward manner .

Zhang Yuanhang immediately relaxed and revealed a smile .

"Brother Chu, I really didn’t think things would turn out like this . We’ll definitely compensate you . " Zhang Cheng added honestly .

A knowing radiance flashed in the depths of the elders’ eyes . This outcome was likely the best . The whole alliance was bound to be thrown into chaos if they really let Demon King Chu erupt here .

Chu Feng left without a response .

"We’re leaving just like that?!" The black yak wasn’t satisfied at heart . The Archaic Alliance hid treacherous intentions and had viciously colluded with the beast race to encircle and attack Chu Feng . How could they just let them off like this?"

The Manchurian Tiger felt rather stifled because he had never encountered such an incident before . Although he was never a moral person, he would never let himself feel aggrieved .

But Chu Feng still didn’t speak so they left along with him and stopped trying to persuade him .

"Heehaw…" The donkey cried out one more time before leaving . The group of black-suited agents was left with a black face but ultimately didn’t dare to say anything .

While they were headed down in the elevator, the black yak couldn’t hold it any longer . "They wanted to take your life but we’re letting them off just like that? Dammit, I really want to rush up and give them a good beating . These people look amiable and polite, but there wasn’t a shred of sincerity . You can see from the way they immediately used the Temple Master to suppress you that none of them are good people!"

The black yak was absolutely furious . He wasn’t satisfied at all and even wanted to have Chu Feng withdraw from the Hollow Jade Temple .

The Manchurian Tiger nodded . "This really makes sense . Let’s conquer a mountain for ourselves after you withdraw from the Hollow Jade Temple . You’ll be free from all restrictions like a god . No one will dare ask anything of you neither will you need to do anyone favors!"

Even Yellow Ox agreed, "That makes sense . You’ll gain more freedom by occupying your own mountain . There’s no need to worry about subordinates . We can call over a group of brothers from Kunlun . "

"This donkey also agrees . Why should you be bullied at the Hollow Jade Temple? Why should the supremely grand Demon King Chu give up revenge just because of a word from the Temple Master, and those who want to kill you live on in peace . "

Only the human form Golden Condor was silent . He still had a knot in his heart although he had submitted and wasn’t willing to speak .

At this time, a beautiful lady with a pair of long white legs and clad in a miniskirt chased after them . Her eyes were slender and beautiful while her voice was gentle, "Mister Chu, please wait a moment . "

She actually came to deliver a check . It was the one written initially for one billion .

Chu Feng turned back and, with a snort, turned the delivered check into fine powder before fixing his eyes on the lady, "Take Care!"

"What’s the meaning of this? Are you trying to shoo away a beggar? Are you trying to humiliate my brother?!" The black yak was furious .

"Any of the beast kings my brother has killed is worth more than this check!" the Manchurian Tiger roared .

"Let’s go!" Chu Feng left in large strides .

The old men in the parlor on the 45th floor of the building glanced at each other and smiled . They became noticeably relaxed .

"The Hollow Jade Temple Master’s name sure carries weight . Even Demon King Chu left without a word . " Zhang Yuanhang was smiling .

The other three elders were also laughing merrily .

At this time, Zhang Cheng lifted his head and stood tall, no longer the amiable and humble character from before . The eyes of this sharp and capable person were deep and spirited . His temperament was completely different from before as the corners of his mouth revealed an indifferent smile . "At last, we’ve chased him away . "

Chu Feng and his party didn’t immediately left Hangcheng but didn’t go very far . The Golden Condor King was instructed to land at a place a few kilometers away .

"Are we letting them go just like that?" The black yak was unconvinced .

"Let’s wait awhile . The Hollow Jade Temple Master personally made this request so I need to do him a favor . But there won’t be a 'next time'," Chu Feng replied .

Lu Tong contacted him before long . The old man was feeling guilty and troubled .

Lu Tong told Chu Feng that he would refuse the Archaic Alliance’s request and have his people immediately kill Liu Ziheng .

"Eh? They still want to retrieve this human king safely?!" Chu Feng’s killing intent surged wildly . The Archaic Alliance’s requests were simply too excessive .

This Liu Ziheng had gone to Jiangxi and worked together with a group of beast kings to kill Chu Feng . Now, after being captured, those Zhang family members from the Archaic Alliance have the audacity to ask for the prisoner?

"Give an inch and they want a mile . Chu Feng didn’t cause trouble for them but these bastards still want the culprit back?!" The Manchurian Tiger felt indignant .

"Let’s slaughter them all . Why should be let him go?! Off with his head!" Even the cowardly donkey was shouting at this time .

Chu Feng gave this some thought and told Lu Tong, "Since we're already doing a good deed then do it until the end . Deliver him back to the Archaic Alliance . "

"Sigh, don’t say such things in anger . I’ll help you slaughter him in a moment!" Lu Tong replied .

Chu Feng stopped him . "Don’t kill him, let him go . I’m not saying it out of anger . I mean it . "

Lu tong was puzzled and dumbstruck . Why would they release such an enemy?

"I’m now repaying the Hollow Jade Temple, aren’t I? I should do it thoroughly . Next time the Temple Master shouldn’t come looking for me anymore, right?" said Chu Feng .

"Sigh!" Lu tong sighed because he knew Chu Feng was completely dissatisfied this time .

But he quickly realized that the little brat wouldn’t allow such an enemy to live even if he was acting out of spite . He definitely had other intentions .

"What are you planning?" He couldn’t help but ask .

Chu Feng replied, "Old man, keep tabs on those people who come to you these days . List down all those who ask you to intercede in this matter . "

"You want to go along the vines to find the melon—you plan to use this opportunity to find all the remaining corporations?!" Lu Tong’s eyes squinted somewhat .

Chu Feng nodded . "Others might use the same methods after seeing the Archaic Alliance use favors to resolve this matter . "

He also added that Lu Tong should announce that it was him who had lent the Archaic Alliance a helping hand this time .

"You want everyone to think that I’m highly capable and thus come to me for help?"

"Indeed . Water down the Hollow Jade Temple Master’s merit and advertise your efforts . "

Chu Feng ended the call after a simple conversation .

"Brat, you’re letting the Archaic Alliance off today not only to repay a favor but also to round up the remaining prey, right?" The black yak stared at him .

"Yeah, let’s try this method," Chu Feng didn’t deny it, "I had planned to visit the corporations one by one, but it doesn’t feel quite right without any proof . Let’s see if we can catch a big fish this time . "

News spread rapidly over the next couple of days that Chu Feng had gone knocking on the Archaic Alliance’s doors only to return without daring to touch the alliance .

This caused quite a commotion . Chu Feng had gone to confront the corporation for colluding with the beast race to harm him but was forced to leave without attacking in the end .

"The Archaic Alliance sure is capable to be able to push back Demon King Chu!" Someone sighed .

"What do you know? It’s said that Lu Tong of the Hollow Jade Temple had stepped in to stop Chu Feng . It’s only due to his favor that this case was closed . "

"Ha, pretending to know everything . The truth was that the Archaic Alliance was acquainted with the Hollow Jade Temple Master and had asked him to step in, forcing Chu Feng to leave . "

Different kinds of news were spreading at this moment .

The Archaic Alliance’s resources were astonishing . They even had close ties with the Hollow Jade Temple .

Without a doubt, Chu Feng’s might had become quite subdued in the commotion . He had gone to confront his enemies but the other party had asked the Hollow Jade Temple to step in and force him to retreat .

Those who didn’t know the actual situation thought that Chu Feng didn’t dare oppose Lu Tong and the Hollow Jade Temple Master .

These days, numerous corporations were discussing this matter . The corporate scions were also talking about this in their own social circles .

Zhang Cheng’s friends would occasionally call to ask him about the actual situation .

At first, he was very humble . He refused to reveal much except that their grievances with Chu Feng had been resolved and that everything was just a misunderstanding .

But in the end, he revealed the whole course of events while drunk . His tone was unbridled and involved quite a bit of bragging . He said that this Demon King Chu didn’t amount to much and that they had directly called up the Hollow Jade Temple Master who suppressed Chu Feng on the spot . In the end, Chu Feng had left dejectedly and dared not bring this up any longer .

These undoubtedly unfriendly words involving Chu Feng did spread somewhat .

When the news spread, even Jiang Luoshen couldn’t help but call Chu Feng to ask about what had happened .

"Umm, it’s nothing . I just did the Hollow Jade Temple a favor and held back from attacking the Archaic Alliance . But I’m soon going to start a massacre—it can’t be that every corporation is on good terms with the temple, right? Ask around for me, will you? That’ll prevent any accidental injuries when the time comes . "

Jiang Luoshen was somewhat dazed after hearing his words and pondered, "You’re not using me to intentionally spread the word . are you?"

She unintentionally shivered after realizing something .

"Do as you see fit if you treat me as a friend . " Chu Feng hung up at that point .

Lu Tong contacted Chu Feng on the third day .

"Old man, there should be news right? Who contacted you?" Chu Feng asked him .

Lu tong was momentarily at a loss for what to say and then sighed . "There really is a big fish to be caught!"

"Which one?"

"The Extraterrestrial Research Institute," Lu Tong informed . He explained everything with a sigh .

Not only did the Extraterrestrial Research Institute contact Lu Tong but also went looking for the Eight Visions Temple Master . They had once gifted the latter a five-storied pagoda .

Back then, no one knew of its uses but it eventually turned out to be a powerful magical weapon, and as such, the Eight Visions Temple Master owed them a great favor .

The Extraterrestrial Research Institute hopes the Temple Master would help them make peace with Chu Feng just like the Hollow Jade Temple Master had helped the Archaic Alliance .

"Ha, do the Hollow Jade, Eight Visions and Roaming Jade Temple Masters all have secret relationships with these corporations?!" Chu Feng inquired .

Lu Tong was helpless because the Eight Visions Temple Master had already explained matters to him .

"Haul in the net . Let’s not make it too difficult for you . It's enough that we found such a big fish . Otherwise, I wouldn’t have known the Extraterrestrial Research Institute’s involvement in his matter . Things aren’t turning out like I’d expected!"

Chu Feng’s killing intent surged and boiled . He didn’t intend to wait any longer to make his move .

"Calm down, don’t act rashly," Lu Tong was worried .

"I won’t act rashly but they’ll definitely bleed!" Chu Feng hung up the communicator .

"Go, we head to Hangcheng!" He rallied the party .

"Didn’t you say you’re going to do the Hollow Jade Temple Master a favor and not touch the Archaic Alliance?" The black yak asked .

Chu Feng coldly replied, "I said I wasn’t going to touch them that day but three days had passed since then . Additionally, that Zhang Cheng keeps boasting irreverently about this matter, saying that I didn’t dare touch their Zhang family and could only leave dejectedly . Since he dares to provoke a king, we have the reason to go knocking on their door and kill them without mercy!"

Li Ziheng had been recuperating these few days . He was deeply moved by these recent events . He had participated in the scheme to kill Chu Feng and was consequently captured only to be released later . It could be said he had visited the gates of hell .

Many people came to visit him; not only friends and family but also many kings who had come in secret .

"What can Demon King Chu do against the Archaic Alliance? Weren't they forced to release me in the end?" He was quite pleased with himself as he boasted ostentatiously .

But he soon regretted it because his words were soon spread far and wide .

He was feeling increasingly uneasy these days .

At this moment, he opened his eyes in terror after feeling his eyelids trembling . Was this a king’s intuition?

He stood up and planned to leave Hangcheng and the Archaic Alliance .

But he was immediately frozen in place when he realized there was a young man in the room, looking at him with merciless eyes

"Chu Feng, you… how come you’re here?!" he cried out in alarm .

This was the Archaic Alliance’s building . The whole of the 20th floor was his personal resting and training area, but Chu Feng had actually arrived silently .

"I came in an upright manner," Chu Feng replied .

"Don’t kill me!" He was frightened out of his wits after meeting Chu Feng a second time . He couldn’t find the slightest bit of strength to resist, knowing that the distance between them was simply too great .

"Give me a reason not to kill you," Chu Feng was cold and detached, "rest assured, you won’t die in obscurity . Everyone will know that you were beheaded by me!"


A head fell to the floor at that moment .

After that, Chu Feng continued his journey towards the Zhang family . Their residence wasn’t within the skyscraper but instead in a certain villa district .

"Chu Feng?!" Zhang Cheng cried out in astonishment . The others were also alarmed by this uninvited guest .

"Do you still want someone to intercede… wait, suppress was the word . You can contact them now and see if they’re willing to pull you out of this predicament once more .

Chu Feng stood in the hall observing them and wasn’t in a rush to make his move . He was giving them time to call for help .

The black yak, the Manchurian Tiger, and the others had already surrounded the villa district .

"So slow!" Chu Feng roared and cut off Zhang Cheng’s head with a pfft . He then turned towards Zhang Yuanhang, "If you plan to contact some important characters, you’d better hurry up . I don’t have that much patience . "

Zhang Yuanhang’s face was incomparably pale .

Chapter 271
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