Light Novel Pub VIP Announcements
You can follow the notifications covering the developments, news and request topics for the website and its applications. Please contribute us with your comments.
Fatigue and Burnout ...
May 17, 2024First of all, your attention; The website is not being shut down. Only functions that require constant moderation, regular checks, such as comments and reviews, library, history, etc. will be disabled or restricted. The novel chapters will continue to be updated regularly, including new novels to be added. But I will no longer develop the website. Only maintain the development process for the supporters.
Well, I have not been responding to your off-topic comments for some time.
Because I am seriously TIRED.
When I banned or deleted those who violated the rules, they kept asking me "why". Some of you also reacted against blocking off-topic comments.
But there is a point that you missed; swearing at each other unnecessarily is also off-topic content, as is asking for a movie recommendation. Some off-topic content is acceptable, some is abusive. But all of it is off-topic. This means that no rules can be applied to each individual issue and it has to be grouped under a general category. When an honest off-topic message is allowed and another vulgar off-topic message is deleted, it justifies asking why the other one wasn't deleted.
It's the same as getting drunk in the library and screaming mindlessly. I don't know if you can do that in the libraries where you live... (I'm sure there will be a few trolls claiming to have done this.)
Anyway, our website is already banned from many ad networks (because there are too many off-topic insulting, abusive and ridiculous comments that are independent of the website category. ) and because many people use ad blockers, I can't even afford the server and domain costs. And I also need an earned income to live on, because I don't work any other job.
I would like to mention that I am thankful to the supporters, thanks to them the website and the app can survive...
What I mean is that I invest most of my life and most of my day in developing this platform, and in return I get the above... I should disable all the comment sections, limit the user library and history tracking functions, minimize my load as much as possible and start working another full time job.
Comment posting is re-enabled but some limits have been extended. The karma system will also be disabled. I am working on a new system and I will inform you when it is in place.
Edit: Check the Shadow Slave comment section to get a sense of what I mean, load more, then more...
important: Read the RED paragraph at the beginning of the thread first...
- NetherClaw ...
Mobile App is Now Available for Android OS
Oct 02, 2023Hey folks,
Finally, I would like to introduce the mobile app.
It is now in open beta and available to all users.
The app has been released on the Android platform for now. There is no version for iOS yet, but I am working hard on it.
Share your experiences and feedback with comments under this thread and let's make the app better.
Please make sure that you are using the app correctly and properly before suggesting anything. Do not repeatedly suggest a function that is already available or similar.
Let's clarify some application functions;
Offline mode;
* It can be activated from the novel menu on the library screen.
* The starting point selection means that it starts downloading the selected chapter and onwards.
* Offline mode feature is public, but supporters have unlimited access, while regular users can access it by spending LNC points. 20 LNC points can be obtained by watching rewarded ads.
The application is not hosted on the Play Store. So for now, you can only download and install the APK file for the Android OS.
If you previously installed the app via the Play Store, please uninstall and use it by downloading the APK file. The last properly working version is 1.9.9. If you are getting an error that prevents the app from working, please uninstall and download the APK file to access the latest version.
Discord Server (Locked Publicly) & Subscription (Updated)
May 19, 2023Unfortunately I had to lock the public part of the server, it will only be available for supporters. The requirements to join the Discord server no longer matter. I apologize to those who tried to join the server during this process. Actually I did my best, but I couldn't manage the trolls.
It was not something I could handle. Dealing with a lot of trolls and morons and tolerating them is not for me. Discord needs a team and resources and I don't have time to build this network. It's overwhelming enough to deal with both the website and the mobile app development.
No user is kicked off the server, you will be actively connected. Announcements will be done through the server. Please, please, please do not ask questions about public access to the server. With my current decision, it will not be public unless I organize a serious discord team.
Keep reading novels...
Become a supporter;
Well, the discord server will remain active so you can become a supporter. The #paid-subscription channel has the steps you need to follow. Make sure to set up a discord link on your profile page after you've completed the subscription process.
To access the Discord server:
Website Maintenance & Back Up
Apr 12, 2023Attention please!
Due to a leak in the data center where our server is hosted, all virtual and physical server hard drives have been encrypted and formatted. This situation also affected us and caused our data to become unusable. It is NOT a direct attack on our website and server.
Due to the lack of responsibility of the data center, many customers like me are affected. Since we received backup service from the same company, the backup files were also unusable in the same way. The last backup on my personal disk was from 8 months ago and I was only able to recover the website with it. My biggest mistake was that I trusted the backups to be stored on the Cloud server.
Unfortunately, the user data for the last 8 months was completely lost. Accounts, libraries and reading records of users who registered during this period were gone. And it is not possible to recover them. As for the novels, the situation is simple, there are many copies on the web and it is possible to add them back to our website.
You may encounter blank chapter pages. "xxx novel missing", "xxx chapter page empty" Please don't make comments like that. I know all of them and I will update them all. Of course, this is a time-consuming process. You need to wait patiently.
Updated on April 17th
This thread will be regularly updated.
System Update June 3, 2022 (Advanced TTS)
Jun 03, 2022Hello dear readers,
I would like to share with you the changes made with a small update released today.
In the advanced search and filtering page, a field is defined for you to enter the tags you want to exclude. In this way, you will filter the novels that you do not want to see in the results.
Since the browser-based TTS voice function does not work properly in every browser, I have been working on the development for a while to provide a permanent solution and finally I completed it.
This new version will work like you play an audio file on a player. Since it is browser independent, it will work in any browser that runs javascript.
Since the content of the novel chapters is quite long, processing the content and converting it into a single audio data would take time and consume resources. As a solution, the content will be divided into parts and the parts will be played sequentially on the player. As an advantage, you will be able to follow the paragraphs of the current track with autofocus on the screen while the audio track of the chapter is playing.
It has been defined to a novel section so that you can try and observe the feature.
Go to the episode page to experience it. (Limited time, will be removed later)
This new feature will only be available to subscribed supporters. Unfortunately I don't have enough server resources and extra effort power to activate it for all users.
If you have different suggestions or bug fixes apart from these issues, please share them in the comments section.
System Update May 9, 2022
May 10, 2022Hello dear readers,
After the update launched last week, a lot of feedback was sent. After reviewing your feedback, I decided to post another update.
The changes made with the update are as follows;
♦ Added functions where you can change the background color of the dark mode and the colors of the accent elements (buttons, links, tags, etc.). You can see this feature on your profile page.
♦ When you select TTS voice type and rate, your settings are saved. You don't need to set it again at every page transition.
♦ The subscription service has been activated. We created an account on the Buymecoffee service. The integration process will be done manually. In the form you used while subscribing, please make sure to write your username and e-mail address that you used on the website (Do not share your information in the "Say something nice..." section, fill in the email and name fields at the top). You can see the subscription link and details on your profile page.
Some users have reported that the Text-to-speech feature is not working. I should point out that this feature is provided by the browser and I do not contribute any coding on this feature. It will work if your browser includes SpeechSynsthesis and supports all its functions, otherwise it will not work. In addition, since this feature is designed to voice short texts, it can never voice over long texts on chaptar pages. At this point, what I do is divide the chapter content into dozens of small parts and pass it to the TTS feature in a loop. Depending on your device's performance, browser permissions (does the device have access to audio hardware?), it will start reading texts by queuing this process. Otherwise it won't work again...
There are thousands of different devices and browsers on the market. I will never get a chance to test each one individually. I've already tested it on many iphone (11,12,13) and android (8~12) devices and browsers as far as I can get. It seems like the TTS feature not working is pure luck... Please try to understand this issue...
Thank you for your support!
System Update May 1, 2022
May 01, 2022Hello dear readers,
I've been collecting feedback from you for a while and I've finally been able to release an update that fixes some minor issues.
♦ Updated dark mode colors and applied some interface improvements. Some interface updates were also made in Light mode.
♦ The dark mode lag issue when navigating between pages has been fixed.
♦ The text-to-speech function has been improved and made more stable. This feature works as much as your browser supports.
♦ More language options have been added to the feature that allows the content to be translated according to the language you choose on the novel section page.
♦ The user profile page has also been updated. You can see some statistics about your account on this page (the number of comments, the number of likes you receive, etc.)
♦ Fixed some minor server-based issues.
If you notice any other issues, please let us know below.
Additionally, we will be relaunching the premium subscription service soon. When development is complete, notification will be provided under this topic.
Additional information; Login with Facebook has been disabled because Facebook no longer accepts login requests made through this domain. Users logging in with Facebook, please create a new account via email or gmail and send me your username in your facebook account. I will migrate all your data to your new account. You can forward your information to [email protected] email.
Please follow the announcements to be informed about website developments.