Indulging in Carnal Desire
Chapter 281: [Emperor’s Story 33] Bind Play (Slightly H)

Jing Chen was not at all comforted by Chu Jiao’s response. He haphazardly threw the food he had just bought to the tableside and took out a hemp rope from his lapels unexpectedly.

“Ah Chen, wh-… what are you going to do?” Chu Jiao took a few steps back from dismay, her scalp turning numb by the second.

The young man’s eyes turned blood red as he firmly wrapped the hemp rope around one hand while stepping closer to Chu Jiao, until she had her back against the wall. Then, he pulled her into his arms.

“Why are you always avoiding me?” Jing Chen gently caressed Chu Jiao’s cheek and murmured lightly, “Why are you so naughty, I should just tie you up right here and now since that seems to put me at ease the most.”

He said this while fiercely ripping off Chu Jiao’s clothes. He then lifted her up without much effort and took two swift steps, abruptly pressing her down on the bed.

“Ah!” The young man was exceptionally strong. Chu Jiao’s hands were immediately forced up, her wrists bound by the rough hemp rope, circling over them twice, and was fixed above her head.

“Didn’t you say that you were going to stay by my side, forever?” The tyrannical yet restless young man skillfully pulled the rope that was encasing Chu Jiao’s wrist down and circled it around her smooth shoulders. He then dragged it across her chest before continuing to roughly wind it around her waist and back.

The coarse texture of the hemp rope rubbed against Chu Jiao’s soft skin, and along with the young man’s actions, they made her feel itchy and chafe.

“Ah Chen, please don’t be like this…”

She wanted to struggle free, however, the upper half of her body was restrained from the binding, making the rope bite deeper into her flesh and carving bright red marks on her fair skin.

Yet, Jing Chen did not stop there. While caressing the fine derriere of the person beneath him, he kept shaking his head with contempt, “‘He’ treated you too well in the past, and that’s why you dared to leave…” That ‘he’ was naturally referring to the usual Jing Chen, “I won’t make the same mistake as he did… I’ll lock you up so that you can never escape.”

The young man didn’t stop with just his words, because, using his hands, he also quickly crossed the two ends of the rope around her back before going down her body and in between her legs.

“Wuuu… Ahhh…” Sensitively feeling the little flyaways rubbing against her skin, Chu Jiao’s body instinctively quivered and called out.

The young man’s breaths became heavier and heavier. He bent a knee on the bed and parted Chu Jiao’s legs, staring at this spectacular image. The hemp rope traversed in between her legs, and with a sudden bout of strength, Chu Jiao’s legs were raised. Then, they were immediately hung into a very shameful position, bent right at her waist.

“Wuuuu… Don’t…” This position was too shameful!

In the end, Jing Chen tied a knot and gazed at his masterpiece with extreme satisfaction.

Back in the army, he had learnt plenty of ways to bind and torture war prisoners, and now that he was using the very same methods to bind Chu Jiao with, he wouldn’t let her feel any pain but also wouldn’t give her any ways of resisting, binding her in an extremely gentle fashion.

However, in the midst of all this, he had also learnt to add in a little of his… ideas.

Before him was a beautiful naked body. The fair skin contrasted nicely against the brown hemp rope, which was artistically tied in well-planned criss-crosses and circles, transforming the girl’s body into a work of art as though she was an adorned flower blossoming before him.

Jing Chen slowly reached out a finger, and with a soft ‘puchi’ sound, his slender finger entered her cave.


Chu Jiao threw her head up from surprise, her body was like a fish on a chopping block, allowing others to take advantage of it as they pleased.

“Such beauty… Such temptation…” Jing Chen’s finger stirred around her cave mischievously as he watched Chu Jiao’s face gradually grow flushed, “You must be doing this deliberately, right?”

“Ah… De-deliberately doing what?” Chu Jiao asked in parted breaths.

“Deliberately enticing the young and ignorant ‘him’…” The young man pulled his finger out, hungrily licking the light coating of liquid. At some point in time, his demonic mask was taken off, exposing his handsome face. And, this face of his was brimming with a lustful demonic charm. After making such a licentious move, Chu Jiao sheepishly turned her flushed face to the side, unwilling to look at him but was forcefully forbidden to do so, staring straight into the youth’s blood red eyes. “Deliberately letting me become addicted to your warm embrace… Making me… fall in love with you…”

“It was you who clearly…” Chu Jiao started to retort but abruptly stopped halfway, finally realizing a loophole in the young man’s words, “Didn’t you say that… that the one I enticed was ‘him’?… Did… you fall in love with me as well!?”

A trace of annoyance flashed across the youth’s red eyes, “How could that be! I hate women who never keep their word, like you, the most!”

As if to cover up his raw feelings, he swiftly raised his hand and covered Chu Jiao’s eyes blind, then while holding his meat stick, he plunged it into her flower cave, instantly opening her up.

“Aaaahhhh…” Chu Jiao’s scream was cut off midway from the force of strength she suffered. Satisfied, the young man held her waist and started to thrust strongly.

The girl’s full bosoms that were twined around with rope bulged out, the two milk buds appearing more enticing than usual. The young man buried his head and started suckling on one, his tongue fervently wrapping around the erect head, drawing circles on it and teasing it. At times, he would gnaw on it with his teeth, the pain and the pleasure intermixing with each other, allowing Chu Jiao to gradually experience a different kind of high.


Chapter 281: [Emperor’s Story 33] Bind Play (Slightly H)
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