Indulging in Carnal Desire
Chapter 280: [Emperor’s Story 32] Recurring Dream

Just like this, Chu Jiao was unwillingly detained by Jing Chen in the small attic, while the sesame seed cake shop she had just sorted out no longer opened for business.

Regardless of how much she expressed kindness and begged for forgiveness, even if Chu Jiao explained how the entire incident unfolded back then, Jing Chen wasn’t the least bit moved. He kept thinking that if he didn’t imprison her, Chu Jiao would run off the moment he took his eyes off of her. So everyday, when he had to be on duty and patrol around the city, he would lock her on the second floor so that Chu Jiao couldn’t get out.

Chu Jiao was angry, yet helpless. She didn’t dare resist him too much right now and could only allow Jing Chen to confine her temporarily. If she were to provoke the ‘red-eyed’ Jing Chen once again, she wouldn’t be able to anticipate what he would do next.

[Hey, 419] Chu Jiao had been sitting inside her room for a couple of days and was beginning to grow incredibly bored, resorting to making conversation with the system.

[Host, what’s the matter?]

[What’s my progress?] Chu Jiao casually sat by the window, propping her chin while overlooking through the muslins, absent-mindedly looking at the passers-by outside and asking out of the blue.

In the past few worlds, she had always cared much for her mission progress but in the end, her attitude slowly started to change, no longer asking the system.

To be honest, at times, Chu Jiao would find it hard to separate missions from reality. When she recalled having lived more than 20 years in each of those worlds, it felt as if she was just looking out of the window like right now, and everything that had happened before was merely covered with a thin white veil, as though they had nothing to do with her.

She fondly recalled the worlds she had gone through. Because in these worlds, she had lived as she liked and was happy for those moments, but most importantly, it was because in these worlds, they had him.

[The current progress rate of this world is 60%, the accumulated progress rate has already reached 90%.]

The system’s words shocked Chu Jiao, causing her hands to slip and for her chin to knock against the wooden window pane.

[Hiss——What, it’s already 90%?] Her eyes grew wide from surprise, [Does that mean I’m about to go back soon?]

She, herself, did not realize how unreluctant her voice sounded when uttering these words.

[Yes, according to the system’s calculations, after completing this mission, host can return to the original world. ]

Ah… I see.

She didn’t think that… it would happen so fast.

In just a snap of a finger, she had already transmigrated through seven worlds. Second Uncle, Master, Father-in-Law… The individual faces of each man passed through Chu Jiao’s mind before finally stopping at Jing Chen’s demonic mask.

Who… are you? And, who… am I?

Chu Jiao remembered the disjointed dream she experienced in the last world.

In her dream, she was like a vegetative person, with the ability to think but no way of moving. The man, whose face was indiscernible in her dream, didn’t seem to care about that at all. He treated her so well, so affectionately, just like the ones in the past worlds.

Was that him too?

Why didn’t she remember that she had been to such a world before?

Chu Jiao’s expression became a little dazed until a white light flashed in her mind, and she seemed to have suddenly traveled through time and space, arriving at another and different scene.

She was floating in midair, like a freed soul with a transparent body.

She opened her eyes to observe her surroundings, which were strange and incomparably novel. This seemed to be a futuristic world, with everything brimming with advanced technology. All kinds of vehicles not only travelled on the road but also shuttled around in the air. There were huge ships floating in the sky, and most of the people walking on the roads and sidewalks were wearing strange metallic clothing. The entire city was enveloped by a huge glowing halo.

Chu Jiao was looking around when she suddenly felt her body get sucked into a luxurious mansion. Here, she saw a man and a woman arguing fiercely about something, and in a cradle not too far away, a little baby boy, who was waiting to be fed, wailed with his mouth wide open.

Chu Jiao realized that in such a state, she was unable to hear any sounds coming from them, but she could see that the upset child was not in a good state, his crying face already turning blue, and for some odd reason, she felt quite distressed.

The two seemed to be a couple, so the baby was most likely their son.

It seemed that the woman finally realized that there was a problem with her son, so she frowned and hesitated, walking into a different room, and after a while, led out a girl, who looked about fifteen or sixteen years old.

The young girl also wore the same metallic jacket as those from the outside. She had a delicate face, but her complexion was rather dull. She skillfully picked up the baby in the cradle, mixed the milk powder, and fed it to him.

The little baby finally fell asleep in her arms, and the woman waved at the girl impatiently. The girl then returned to the room it was just in, very obediently.

The man and the woman grew tired of arguing and just angrily slammed the door upon leaving, the woman also packing up her things immediately. As she left, the woman glanced at the baby boy with hesitation before hardening her heart and leaving the house.

Chu Jiao continued watching. She initially thought that the couple would come back once they’ve calmed down from their intense quarrel. After all, they still had a son here.

How could she have foreseen that ever since then, not a shadow of them could be found.

The little baby woke up again from hunger and cried loudly yet again.

The young girl finally walked out of the room when the baby’s voice had turned hoarse from crying. She tilted her head curiously and looked at the baby for a while before picking him up.

Chu Jiao felt that everything that had happened so far was weird and baffling. She was waiting to take a closer look, but pain suddenly overtook her body. A white light flashed in front of her, and she returned to the attic she was imprisoned in in a blink of an eye.

At some point in time, Jing Chen had finally returned from his patrol, and at this moment, he was currently gripping her shoulders tight, his expression panic-stricken.

“What were you thinking about?” His eyes turned blood-red again, “Why didn’t you answer me when I called you!?”

He had changed shifts earlier than usual today and bought the strawberries and rice cakes the two liked to eat the most from the shop at the street’s corner. But, he didn’t think that upon his return, he would find Ah Jiao sitting by the window in a complete daze. Her whole body was surrounded with a bright white light, making her look ethereal but also making him feel as if she was going to leave him again, making it impossible for him to grab her.

“I was thinking about you!” Chu Jiao quickly calmed him, “I was thinking about you, I was thinking about our childhood.”

That was indeed the case. Watching the scene unfold just now, Chu Jiao was actually thinking in her mind that if she had arrived in this world a little earlier, if Jing Chen was still a baby at that time, she would definitely act like the girl in her vision, taking good care of him and raising him without any problems.

Seeing the greatly affected man in front of her, Chu Jiao sighed in her heart. Sigh, what was going on? She was simply bringing disaster onto herself.

Chu Jiao: Legend says that if you gather seven dragon balls, you can summon the Dragon God.

If I gather seven men, can I summon…?

Someone: You can summon me, and I’ll use seven different positions to f*ck you.


Chapter 280: [Emperor’s Story 32] Recurring Dream
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