Worm (Parahumans #1)

Rank 479

List of reviews made by users for the Worm (Parahumans #1) novel.

14 users have written reviews for the Worm (Parahumans #1) novel and rated it with an average score of 4.5 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 479th among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub VIP platform.

14 Reviews

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rabidbunny 1
Chapter 103 one month ago

The premise of this story is good and the writing is definitely above average for a native English speaker. For me personally, this story did not live up to the hype. I read about 100 chapters and could not get over the indecisive nature of the main character, and at least in the early story it seems like she has some kind of victim complex. Only a handful of the characters are well developed in my opinion, which means a lot of the peripheral characters are flat and sometimes comically villainous. The fights are okay. If you come from reading novels like Reverend Insanity, Shadow slave, Mother of knowledge, this story may not be satisfying for you.

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novel_enjoyer_ 10
Chapter 312 2 months ago

This is probably the best web novel of all time. It's writtten by a skilled author who natively speaks english, it's got unique powers, the characters feel like real people, the plot is incredible, it all feels very realistic and grounded (no wacky plot armour shenanigans). It has a massive word count, and yet it doesn't feel too drawn out or long winded. Wildbow deconstructs the superhero genre, analyses it, and reconstructs it with a masterful touch. You will never again enjoy a novel as much as this one. Plus, there's a really good sequel, and he's written a bunch of other novels as well.

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Zhang_Ya 8
Chapter 310 2 months ago

It's quite a refresher, the author put a lot of work into thinking up the abilities and their origin was quite a good story. There's no mc who has a hidden power etc and all that other stuff. The novel doesn't focus all the spotlight on the mc but also gives some to other people cause you have to keep in mind that the world doesn't revolve around her somehow like in other novels. All in all, I'd be happy to see this get a movie or series adaption a it lives up to the standards and is by far the best superhero themed work I've ever seen

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PiYUHKumar 7
Chapter 71 3 months ago

Well for starters the mc is a girl in an action novel who is not stupid The power levels are good Different gifts are unique and the way used are also good Overall a good novel But it's sometimes gets boring to read as there is many monologe and flashbacks So proced with caution

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MJustM 4
Chapter 100 6 months ago

First off, completed novels I've read so far and would recommend on this website so that you can decide if my opinion is even worth a d*mn: LotM 1, Mother of Learning, Release That Witch, The Perfect Run. Others that aren't as good and have some obvious flaws but are still worth a read: My House of Horrors, Kidnapped Dragons. So, would I recommend this novel? No. Would I say it's still worth a read, tho? Maybe. but probably not. Now, as to why: (buckle up, this might be enough for 5 comments, but I just have to get this off my system. ) Pros: -Active world. People are doing their own stuff outside of the happenings of our MC and might or might not create certain situations, interfere, etc. There are mysteries concerning individuals, groups, or. . . things that are interesting to uncover. -It's realistic in the sense that, sometimes, sh*tty situations just happen and people's lives are lost. Even more so when superhuman abilities come into the picture. No second-hand plot-armor. Sometimes failing to anticipate stuff, getting outplayed, or just being unlucky may lead to certain doom. -Two antagonists are up there with the best I’ve ever had the pleasure of encountering. The group with a penchant for a certain number and the silbings that just really wanna see stuff till the end are amazing. The terror they radiate every time they are on screen is magnificent. -Even tho there are a ton of characters, they still manage to come off as unique. Cons: -The placement of some of the interlude chapters is horrendous. Some fights just get interrupted by flash-back chapters. Multiple flashback chapters, and these are pretty big later on. Best thing about them is that some of these interludes don’t even give you any real information as to why certain dynamics are the way they are. Most you get is something highly vague, or misleading, actually. One fight even gets interrupted in the middle of the chapter, in the middle of the fight. . . for a timeskip. . . was a really important fight with lots of new people and new abilities too. Now, granted, you can just skip the interlude chapters and come back for them later. And that one timeskip instance isn’t that detrimental. -The other con, and the one that trounces all of the pros, are the characters. Of all the characters that get introduced, major or minor, only a few (5 max. ) are actually decent/good characters. Everybody else, and there are a lot, is so stupid or behaves so irrationally that I really have to wonder if the author specifically made them to p*ss the readers off. And for the vast majority of them, that’s not even a me thing. There are enough instances that it’s just the objective truth. The only difference between them and the side characters of your run-of-the-mill Chinese revenge novel is the fact that they still have a personality instead of just being your copy-paste annoying-Imma-stand-in-the-way-of-the-MC-just-cuz typa guy. Literally being a**holes for the sake of being a**holes or making bad decision after bad decision and then wondering why everything falls apart. And character growth is virtually nonexistent in this (except for the very few actually good ones). So hoping for some of the characters to change will only leave you unsatisfied. Even though we spend interlude after interlude on certain characters and their problems only to then see them in a situation where they could change or take a step in the right direction, but nah. Right back to how they were. This happens soooo often. Even our MC isn’t an exception to this. Already read a few chapters and got a feel for her character? Well. . . she’s gonna stay that way till way after chapter 200. Again, there will be instances where you will think that now, finally, our MC has learned something, but nope, right back to the way it was. Even at the end, I’d say it’s highly debatable if our MC even changed at all. And naturally, as a consequence of all this, emotional scenes just don’t hit at all. Like, why should I feel anything for someone who constantly makes the wrong choice? behaved like a total id*ot the entire time we saw him? or even behaved irrationally by their own laid-out standards? even though it’s been proven time and time again that their way of thinking won’t help them attain their goal or even be close to a favorable outcome? Now, why did I still read this from start to finish? Well, I heard that the author of The Perfect Run took inspiration from MoL and this novel here, so I kinda had high hopes since those two were bangers. That hope sadly didn’t die fast enough. I also made the mistake of, for once, giving comments the benefit of the doubt and believing that this novel truly is at the ‘peak’ of the ‘fiction mountain’. Well. . . went about as well as expected considering the sh*t that gets upvoted from time to time on this website. Whatever. Maybe all the others are right, and I just don’t see the scriptures of God when I have them right in front of me. That’s it.

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  • VoidDancer 10

    I couldnt read anything in yer review at the bottom which makes me sad because i was really getting into it 🥲 also yer review was so validating cuz i thought i was crazy getting the ick

    • MJustM 4

      (2/2) "... behaved like a total id*ot the entire time we saw him? or even behaved irrationally by their own laid-out standards? even though it’s been proven time and time again that their way of thinking won’t help them attain their goal or even be close to a favorable outcome? Now, why did I still read this from start to finish? Well, I heard that the author of The Perfect Run took inspiration from MoL and this novel here, so I kinda had high hopes since those two were bangers. That hope sadly didn’t die fast enough. I also made the mistake of, for once, giving comments the benefit of the doubt and believing that this novel truly is at the ‘peak’ of the ‘fiction mountain’. Well. . . went about as well as expected considering the sh*t that gets upvoted from time to time on this website. Whatever. Maybe all the others are right, and I just don’t see the scriptures of God when I have them right in front of me. That’s it."

      Edited: 6mo
      • VoidDancer 10

        Ooo powerful quote ta end it off 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 thanks again for the breakdown

    • MJustM 4

      No problem, fellow reader 🙇🏻‍♂️ (1/2) "... So hoping for some of the characters to change will only leave you unsatisfied. Even though we spend interlude after interlude on certain characters and their problems only to then see them in a situation where they could change or take a step in the right direction, but nah. Right back to how they were. This happens soooo often. Even our MC isn’t an exception to this. Already read a few chapters and got a feel for her character? Well. . . she’s gonna stay that way till way after chapter 200. Again, there will be instances where you will think that now, finally, our MC has learned something, but nope, right back to the way it was. Even at the end, I’d say it’s highly debatable if our MC even changed at all. And naturally, as a consequence of all this, emotional scenes just don’t hit at all. Like, why should I feel anything for someone who constantly makes the wrong choice? ..."

      Edited: 6mo
    • MJustM 4

      Oh yeah, true. The end part is cut off when on smartphone, even with desktop-view enabled (tho it cuts off a bit later). Works fine on PC/Tablet, tho. Well, I can post the rest of it as a reply here if you tell me where it cuts off for you. And if you still care enough to actually read it, that is. 🤸🏻‍♂️

      • Dead_Ladybug 2

        Three stars is a little low still... I could understand four, a lot of the things you pointed out were obviously valid, but the sheer quality of this novel, along with its horrifying antongonists, are just not a three. Looking at other novels on this site that average three stars, this is clearly above their level. I myself critique the ending of this novel. Although the ending is a horrifying masterpiece, the writing does get a little sloppy. And know that I'm not trying to disrespect you any way, its just that I honestly think three stars is low. Have a good day my novel-reading brother.

      • MJustM 4

        (2/2) ...is just brilliant, only for that to fall completely flat. Which is a shame because it makes their interactions appear stagnant, repetitious, and just boring or annoying when it could've been so much greater. Not to say that I expect growth 100% of the time, but the amount of it here is just so small that I'd consider it a flaw. Now, if I could, I would give it a 3.6⭐ rating, or somewhere around there, but definitely not 4. Another reason is that I just don't see this novel as "only" one star below a novel I'd rate 5, or the other way around, a novel I'd rate 5⭐ "only" being one star above this novel here. Not to say that your opinion of it being 4⭐ is wrong or anything; I just don't see it that way based on the way I'd rank novels. If we rate it based on the rankings of most other novels on here, then I'd agree with the 4⭐ ranking. I also should've ended the review on a more neutral note. Oh well🤷🏼‍♂️ And a good day to you too, my novel-reading brother!🤸🏼‍♂️

        Edited: 5mo
      • Dead_Ladybug 2

        Nice, respectful, and civil disagreement. Very wholesome my dude. You have earned my respect. If you hadn't read it already, I'd definitely recommend My House of Horrors. Read that recently and it's a solid read.

      • MJustM 4

        Oh yeah, I agree; that was/is a good read. Reading that in the dark with some fitting creepy ambience in the background was just *chefs kiss*👌🏼. Also, not to come off as annoying, but at the beginning of my review, I did mention that I read it and that I'd also recommend it. Then again, the fact that a review automatically just cuts out all the spacing (everything above 1 space) between a paragraph or after a sentence doesn't really help in terms of clarity and structure. Unnecessarily making a long review a bit more tedious to read by throwing a wall of text at you. I'm rambling. Well, anyways, I wish you well on your journey to find another gem amidst this library of garbage, my fellow novel-reading brother. 🙇🏻‍♂️ Don't veer off the path of quality, and beware of filling the bittersweet void left behind by finishing a good novel with inadequate mediocrity. 🕯

      • MJustM 4

        (1/2) I also agree that this novel is way better than the other 3⭐novels on here. And, tbh, maybe I should've ranked it based on that. Tho I find it hard to do so, considering how the ranking is so arbitrary and all over the place. Like, some sh*tty sm*t harem novels being 4⭐ and above. Not to say that novels in this genre can't have that high a rating, just that even in their respective genre, some just are awful. So, trying to be as objective as I can manage, I'd say: 5⭐: "Perfect" 4⭐: Not quite "perfect". Really good. One major flaw or a couple smaller ones. So on and so forth... Tho novels can still vary greatly since we only have 1-5 ⭐ to express them, and a higher point-based system would allow for a more detailed expression. My two major flaws are the lack of growth from the vast majority of side characters, and our MC. Which is double frustrating since we spend a lot of time with our MC (duh, obviously) and also the side chars. AND the setup for growth for a lot of chars...

        Edited: 5mo
      • VoidDancer 10

        Ofc! It cut off after “So hoping for the characters to change was….” Thanks so much!

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Laurobi2005 3
Chapter 312 8 months ago

I think the story was pretty good. MC was wasn't some super overpowered protagonist that effortlessly wipes the floor with everyone else, but rather had to use strategy and their own intelligence to come up with possible solutions. Even then things didn't always work out perfectly. This novel really creates more realistic situations and outcomes rather than just plain simple happy endings where everyone lives and the big bad guy dies. The only thing I would say could be improved is the chapter length. The further you go in, the longer the chapters become until at some point they are astonishingly long compared to most other web novels. This kinda makes it seem as if you aren't really making a lot progress reading it. Instead, I just felt like the story could have simply been spread out over a larger quantity of shorter chapters. I think this would make it a bit more user friendly.

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Maxtron4761 3
Chapter 112 9 months ago

now THIS is a masterpiece if i have ever seen one -probably one of the best stories/novels that i will ever read, if you are reading this review then do know a few things beforehand. You may not like the bullying at first but trust me It gets good The characters are good -may it be villians or heroes or the small side characters, they are VERY well written and it is hard to find such good writing and consistency these days The chapters ARE very long but you will not lose interest in them Although i have not finished the novel yet , this review is genuine and this novel is good but underrated -really going you give this one a read THANK YOU !

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  • Dead_Ladybug 2

    My dude... if you haven't finished this novel yet, be prepared for the ending. I don't want to give even the slightest spoiler about it; you just need to read it. Glad you found this novel. I myself came across it randomly.

BlackCatReader 3
Chapter 312 11 months ago

This is a great novel about a girl who wants to be a hero but turns out to be an anti-hero. The first part of the story is a bit clumsy but it will always get better later on. The story setting is well built. Character psychology is clearly and impressively portrayed. 5/5

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Dead_Ladybug 2
Chapter 18 11 months ago

About The Writing: Top-tier novel. While a little jarring initially, the exposition is phenomenal. World-building is very solid objectively, but does not quite posses the same charm Mother of Learning had. About The Story: Its a Dystopian Superhero Epic. The story is very realistic. Magical solutions don't really exist, and the rare ones that do occur feel reasonable. This novel is dark, and can be pretty gruesome. Read at your own risk. Side characters are developed and have their own stories and motivations. About The MC: Rather than the main character using their so-called 'wits' to save the day, it would be more appropriate to say that the MC suffers through their problems. Half the story is about the physcial and mental trauma the MC goes through.

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EricTheAwesome 41
Chapter n/a one year ago

From what i can remember, it was a good read with solid world building. If you like a mc that uses its wits and intelligence to win against all odds and pull the win, this is for you

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