Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife
Chapter 412.3: Consequences

Gong Qinwang lifted his head, wanting to avoid that possibly fatal thing, swallowing his saliva, as he ignored the wound on his head, even ignoring the blood that ran under his eyelid, “Sixth brother, sixth brother, fourth brother was wrong, really wrong. It was just because of worrying for shu consort mother, thus vexed inside, and in a moment of impulse, made a mistake. Forgive this older brother this one time, there won’t be a next time, I promise…………..”

In this very moment, Gong Qinwang regretted to the point where his intestines turned blue, even wanting to ruthlessly slap himself a few times. He clearly knew what kind of temper Li Hong Yuan had, yet how come he still impulsively did something stupid? Think that with the court officials and the numerous foreign emissaries present he would just restrain himself?

It was obvious, Gong Qinwang still didn’t really understand exactly how he had Li Hong Yuan angered like this suddenly.

Li Hong Yuan was also too lazy to continue wasting his breath with him, getting up and exerting strength with his foot on Gong Qinwang’s back, seemingly as if he was going to crush him to death alive.

Ordinary people perhaps won’t be able to, but for He Shi Hai who has genuinely experienced Li Hong Yuan’s power before, seeing Gong Qinwang like that, even he all felt painful.

This many people all didn’t dare to go forward. Among them, there was even the imperial censor present. Can only say, regardless of whether or not you were a clever speaker, and regardless of whether or not you had hard bones, encountering the living Enma, you can only pull back. After all, people all have weaknesses, and by having a weakness, you won’t be able to escape from the living Enma’s palm. In the past, there was a court official that once provoked Jin Qinwang, and for a very long period of time, his entire family was entirely in chaos, causing one to break down in all kinds of ways. The living Enma was ruthless; the living Enma was malicious; the living Enma didn’t care for anything at all. Once angered, that was truly unreasonable to the extreme.

And for the court officials that understood Jin Qinwang’s temper very well, and was also smart enough, they were able to ‘harmoniously get along’ with Jin Qinwang.

As long as one carefully contemplate and ponder, then one can just discover, every time Jin Qinwang got angry, it was always for the most part others provoking him first. And regarding him being oppressive and tyrannical among the commoners, actually, majority of it was all just distorted truths and slander spreading, having no evidence, and no credibility.

Gong Qinwang this time was also the same. Originally still perfectly fine and peaceful, yet he insisted on going up to stroke the tiger’s whisker. For things to have ended up like this, it was definitely asking for it.

Seeing Gong Qinwang with a painful look, the corner of his mouth even seeping with fresh blood, some people finally couldn’t sit still, “Wangye, as the saying goes, to forgive is to………….”

Li Hong Yuan swept a glance over, and that person’s voice came to a halt, unable to say another word.

However, if the situation were to continue going out of control like this, they really can’t guarantee that he won’t kill someone.

Gong Qinwang in the end was still a qinwang that held actual power. If he were to just get killed by Li Hong Yuan like this, no matter how much Le Cheng Emperor adored him, afraid it would be impossible to let him off lightly again.

As such, Li Hong Yuan’s certain brothers rather wished for Li Hong Yuan to really have the person killed. Never mind having one less opponent, they can even get rid of Li Hong Yuan, this bastard that made them humiliated and fearful.

The unrelated people perhaps can still watch from the sidelines, fearing Li Hong Yuan’s threat, but what about the people tightly linked to Gong Qinwang?

Gong Wangfei nearly broke down. Gong Qinwang nowadays has become increasingly not good to her, but they were still husband and wife. If Gong Qinwang falls, she also won’t have good days. However, she wasn’t able to even come near. Gong mama moving to stand before her, for Gong Wangfei, that was just the wrath of heaven. Gong mama had Jing Wan regarded very highly, yet she got insulted by Gong Qinwang for no reason. However, because she was a servant, she didn’t show it on the surface, but on the inside, she was nevertheless exceptionally furious, restraining herself from doing something. But, for Gong Wangfei, don’t even think about taking another step closer.

Gong Wangfei shouted, cursed, and pushed, but it was all useless. Without a choice, she could only turn towards her own father for help, but the Left Commander-in-Chief Qin Tian Ming just coldly stared at her, “How do you want this father to help? Never mind whether or not one can help, even if it’s saying something, later, the one to suffer a calamity will be our family. Your Highness wangfei, did you forget about what happened last year at Gong Qinwang Manor? You had offended Jin Qinwang, and your husband was unwilling to bow his head and acknowledge the mistake, so the ones to suffer were your brothers, even causing this father to humbly apologize and ask for a punishment. How long has it been for you to have it all forgotten?” He glanced at Gong Qinwang, “If the heaven sins, it can still be forgiven, but if one sins, there is no mercy.”

(T/N: Referring to the incident in chapter 154.)

Qin Tian Ming didn’t lower his voice when he said these words, so the people in the surrounding all heard clearly. It was obvious, he, this father-in-law, all felt that Gong Qinwang was just asking for it.

The entire court all knew, ever since that matter last year, Qin Tian Ming and Gong Qinwang just became somewhat estranged, yet unexpectedly, it has actually reached this degree. Speaking of which, Gong Qinwang’s greatest backing was precisely this father-in-law of his, yet now it was pushing him further and further away. To want to seize the throne now, afraid it will be difficult. ———–Of course, these were everyone’s tacit understanding inside. No one would actually say it out loud.

As for Gong Wangfei, she just felt her head buzzing.

The other person that nearly crumbled was naturally just Gong Qinwang’s birth mother, who staggeringly ran over, but because of her status, she didn’t dare to directly pull away Li Hong Yuan, yet she still disregarded her status as a shu mother, directly kneeling down as she tearfully begged Li Hong Yuan to have mercy.

She was Le Cheng Emperor’s consort after all, so not just anyone dared to accept this kneel of hers. The people nearby naturally retreated one after another.

Unfortunately, never mind that Li Hong Yuan just fully accepted it, he didn’t even spare her a single glance.

Gong Qinwang’s birth mother was especially helpless, crying her heart out. On normal days, she was also an extremely clever person, able speak eloquently, and able to come up with ideas with the spin of her eyes, yet this while, her mind seemingly was blank, just knowing to beg on her knees, seemingly having no other way.

“Yuan’er…….” Noble Consort Su slowly walked over.

Just, Li Hong Yuan was still like as if he didn’t hear.

Noble Consort Su’s complexion was somewhat unsightly. If placed in the past, she certainly would think that Li Hong Yuan just didn’t hear, but now, she didn’t dare to be certain.

Gong Qinwang’s birth mother, however, was like as if clutching onto a life saving straw, “Your highness noble consort, your highness noble consort, please save old four, please save him. He was just momentarily muddled, and definitely didn’t have any other meaning. Please save him, begging you to please save him. As long as you can save him this once, this concubine will be willing to serve you like a cow and horse, begging you please……….” What was different from Li Hong Yuan was that she didn’t have the slightest misgiving towards grabbing onto Noble Consort Su’s sleeve.

Noble Consort Su frowned, tugging her sleeve twice, yet was unable to pull away, “What is younger sister saying, you and I are both his Majesty’s consort. That is all just serving his Majesty, so quickly get up.”

How could Gong Qinwang’s birth mother be willing, greatly having the stance of ‘if Noble Consort Su doesn’t help, she will just continue to kneel and not get up’.

Noble Consort Su’s complexion naturally just turned increasingly unwell, retreating two steps as she forcibly tugged back, having her sleeve retrieved. She coldly glanced at the woman on the ground, and then looked towards Li Hong Yuan who was still stepping on Gong Qinwang, “Yuan’er, more or less is enough. It was merely just a few words. Could it be that you really will because of this just kill your blood related brother?”

Li Hong Yuan finally reacted, turning his head and looking towards Noble Consort Su. Perhaps because of the angle, he very much appeared to be looking down from above, “Just a few words, consort mother thinks of it as such?”

Noble Consort Su’s heart unconsciously jumped. Those who weren’t aware just figured that she wanted to have the big matters shrunken down, and the small matters dissolved, but in reality, she was going against Jing Wan. Her simple and light words, in a certain sense, were just solidifying Gong Qinwang’s words. Jin Wangfei lacked manners, having no propriety, and under numerous eyes, not know any shame, practically just embarrassing the imperial family!

In the end, for Noble Consort Su to dare to set traps for Jing Wan in her words again and again, it was nothing more than feeling that Li Hong Yuan’s personality was just straightforward, thus simply didn’t have the patience, or even, didn’t understand the twist and turns of the inner palace. More importantly, her subconscious mind still felt that she, this consort mother, was actually the most important person in his heart. Even if barriers formed between them, it still can’t change this bit. As long as it didn’t involve Rui Qinwang, then on other things, this son would still listen to her as before.

Noble Consort Su didn’t respond, seemingly contemplating on how to answer, but before she could say anything, Li Hong Yuan instead expressed his attitude first, “In the imperial family, if there really is such a thing as blood related brothers, then there wouldn’t exist that many fights and battles. I can let him off, but consort mother, this is the last time.” Li Hong Yuan retracted his foot, then had Gong Qinwang kicked flying.

Noble Consort Su didn’t understood too well what exactly this ‘last time’ meant, but her intuition told her that it definitely wasn’t anything good.

Despite having Gong Qinwang sent flying, it wasn’t the end of it either. Li Hong Yuan hooked his foot, and that copper pot of the antique soup also got kicked out, directly smashing onto Gong Qinwang’s back with a thud, and then loudly rolled onto the ground. The soup in the pot as well as some remnants of food splashed all over Gong Qinwang. The floor was also in a mess. Speaking of which, it was also fortunate that it smashed onto his back. If it had smashed onto his head, perhaps he would really just lose his last breath. After all, that copper pot wasn’t light at all. Of course, this was most like the result of Li Hong Yuan deliberately controlling the direction.

Chapter 412.3: Consequences
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