Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife
Chapter 276.2: The Living Enma’s Style

For the people who were used to their interactions, towards this scene, they were long too accustomed to find strange, but for those seeing for the first time, for instance, Yu Zhong Qing and Li Su Yan, although still carrying a deadpan face, they more or less were somewhat shocked inside. Compared with the Jin Qinwang they were familiar with, this was truly worlds apart.

If Jin Qinwang’s temperament was like this the whole time…………

Everything else aside, there was one thing that was certain, and that was that the women with titles in Jin Qinwang Manor definitely won’t be in the minority.

Jing Wan reached out and secretly jabbed Li Hong Yuan’s arm, making a face at the two who were like door gods.

Every person that will make his wife distracted, in Li Hong Yuan’s eyes, that was all classed as an enemy. His gaze darkened, but it wasn’t good to continue compensating from his wife. If he were to mess around even on small trivial matters, then his wife sooner or later will no longer put up with it. Then, he can only let others come shoulder all of it. Turning his head, “Why don’t you two also eat a bit.”

The two men strangely felt a bit cold, “Many thanks wangye.”

Originally, several barbecue racks were prepared, but now, it was enough for the servant girls to just use one to specifically serve Jing Wan and Li Hong Yuan.

Barbecuing, inherently, was also just eating for fun, and at this time, perhaps can even add as a novelty. Everyone’s appetite was all pretty good.

Li Hong Yuan also let someone fetch the fine wine, that taste truly wonderful.

With outsiders present, Li Hong Yuan didn’t pull Jing Wan over to be lovey-dovey together either, instead languidly half-leaning on the recliner, letting Yu Zhong Qing and Li Su Yan also sit down, and began casually chatting. There were quite a few grilled food on the tray by his hand, and the leftover skewers were very quickly cleaned away, so really don’t know how many he ate specifically.

“…………Li Su Yan, how many black clad guards did you bring out?” Just a moment ago, they were still idly chatting, so Li Hong Yuan’s following line just seemed sudden.

Li Su Yan subconsciously wanted to blurt out, but inadvertently saw Li Hong Yuan’s nonchalant, yet emotionless gaze towards him from the corner of his eye, pausing for a moment, “Replying to wangye, one hundred people.”

Yu Zhong Qing’s hand movement paused. That day in court, his Majesty clearly said fifty people, yet this actual number increased by a fold. What was the purpose in this?

Speaking of which, the black clad guards were also unpredictable in appearing and disappearing. On the surface, Li Su Yan brought along fifty people. This was merely half the amount of people, yet even Yu Zhong Qing weren’t able to see all of them.

Li Hong Yuan didn’t have the slightest abnormality, just having the extra fifty people divided up into five person a team, separately dispatching to ten different places.

Clearly it was an extremely important matter, yet he was just like as if saying today’s weather was not bad.

Li Su Yan’s duty was just to assist Li Hong Yuan. He didn’t need to have his own thoughts, just needing to unconditionally carry out orders. “Yes.”

And in this moment, the people from don’t know where they were hiding just successively left the group, going to carry out their mission. These people, they were good at investigating, arresting and interrogating, yet this time, they need to secretly gather information. However, in between, there was certainly a common ground, so shouldn’t be considered too difficult either. Moreover, even if very difficult, they still must complete at all cost, and even need to be perfect.

After taking care of this small matter, Li Hong Yuan seemingly just lost interest. After all, when it wasn’t mealtime yet, the stomach really wasn’t that hungry, and these people, they naturally don’t have the habit of eating and drinking excessively for no reason either. At most it was just continuing to drink and occasionally eating a little bit, treating it as a snack to go with the alcohol.

Here, they have eaten to the point of not wanting to eat anymore, but the people on the surrounding boats were just miserable. The smell was too aromatic, yet they could only smell it, unable to see, and further unable to eat. It couldn’t be helped, the living Enma’s boat was the tallest and the biggest. The closer they were, the more they were unable to see the situation on deck.

Of course, those that got drawn over weren’t just the accompanying people either.

Seeing that they were about to reach Kaiming Fu, more and more boats gathered on the canal.

Kaiming Fu is a very important administrative city prior to entering Jiangnan, and at the same time, also Tong Prefecture’s prefectural capital. In other words, they’ve already entered the borders of the target area this time. This place wasn’t within the scope of inspection, but if Li Hong Yuan was suddenly in the mood, just choosing to start from here, it also won’t be able to have itself cleanly plucked free.

As such, this place wasn’t just flourishing, but also a major point in transportation. What was developed wasn’t just the waterways, but also the land routes. It can be seen, it absolutely can’t be underestimated.

“Master, we’ll be arriving in Kaiming Fu in another hour.” An Yi went forward and softly stated.

“Have the boats stopped at Kaiming’s dock. After the noon meal, wait until after this prince’s afternoon nap before descending the boat.” Li Hong Yuan faintly said.


Silently lighting a candle for the many officials waiting at the dock, this will be four and a half hours later.

That was a slew of second rank and lower officials, like the Inspector General, Governor-General, General Commissioner, Surveillance Commissioner, and so on. Learning that a qinwang was arriving, and further because he was the imperial envoy personally appointed by his Majesty, no one dared to slight. Moreover, because the matter this time was too big, they’d long received news. And this imperial envoy naturally was just the number one target of interest.

There was no need for them to make discreet inquiries. The capital had already spurred the horse full speed to send over the list of names of all the main personnels, and towards their temperament and preferences, all the relevant explanations were noted. Among these people, there were naturally also people they were familiar with. However, these all weren’t important. Jin Qinwang, who was the imperial envoy, the introduction on him was already several pages long. Seeing this one’s ‘glorious deeds’, many people dripped sweat from their foreheads, and those that were already familiar with Li Hong Yuan were almost paralyzed directly. Afterwards, after making sure that they didn’t commit any wrongdoings, they finally relaxed a breath slightly, but they were still very much on edge. This one usually never acts according to common sense, so who knows when time comes, whether or not they will become roasted fish.

After mutually filling one another in on various things, and regardless of whether they were political enemies or allies, they all collectedly grieved endlessly. Why did his Majesty just had to pick this one? Is there no one left in the imperial court?

And those that were unaware, the more they found out, the more extraordinary it felt. That was a violent mythical beast? Or having three heads and six arms? Still haven’t seen the person, yet each and every one that were just like big bosses on normal days were all trembling like quails in fear. And without a doubt, their own legs also began trembling along with.

The living Enma’s infamy practically personified into a demon, to the extent that they momentarily had the portion regarding Jing Wan overlooked. Of course, it was also possible that because Jing Wan was a woman, so even if wanting to adopt roundabout tactics, it still wasn’t good to have her temperament and preferences written too clearly, else if found out by the living Enma, wouldn’t he have them torn apart alive one by one?

Besides, Jin Qinwang in a certain sense even specifically sorted out wastrels, because regardless of what kind of wastrel you were, in front of him, it was all groveling on the ground.

Because of this bit, these officials didn’t earnestly advise their own family’s brat any less that during Jin Qinwang’s stay, by all means, don’t cause trouble. It’s best if they don’t even go out at all, else falling into his hands, no one will be able to save them.

One has to know, the second generation rich young masters in these places were even more lawless and out of control than the imperial princes of the capital, and towards their own old man’s words, they didn’t care all that much either. Just, when they really fall into Li Hong Yuan’s hands, each and every one will regret to the point where their intestines turn blue, finally realizing, compared to this one, they were actually nothing at all.

Because the prestige was too great, the entire dock all got cleared out. The ordinary commoners of Kaiming Fu all knew that there was something big happening today, standing on their tiptoes and extending their necks to watch from afar.

When the fleet arrived at the dock, no need to specially explain, all the officials just knew, the main lead has arrived. ———–At a glance, one could just tell, it wasn’t a boat ordinary people could use. Three layers, luxurious and imposing, and on the edge of each layer’s deck stood majestic blade-carrying bodyguards all closely packed together. Just based on feeling, one just knew, they weren’t just decoration, but rather true and honest guards that have seen blood.

They couldn’t help but produce a kind of ‘as expected of Jin Qinwang’s style’ sigh, yet clearly, whatever style Jin Qinwang had, they simply had never seen before.

The nearby boats perceptively moved to the two sides, emptying out the middle position. The large boat steadily came to a halt.

As soon as they saw the boat, the officials ashore just quieted down, and as it drew near, they hung their eyes and lowered their head, adopting an extremely deferential stance, respectfully welcoming Jin Qinwang’s arrival.

Just, almost a quarter of an hour has passed, yet still haven’t seen the slightest movement. They couldn’t help but slightly lift their heads, and the result? What the boat looked like when it stopped was what it still looks like now. They couldn’t help but look to one another in dismay. What was going on?

Since the main boat didn’t have movements, the other boats naturally didn’t dare to move blindly either. And they also were unable to make sense of the situation.

This wait just lasted for another two hours, and for these people, they also lived like nobility, in addition to long reaching the time for the afternoon meal, their body seemingly all somewhat swayed. In the end, they truly were unable to bear anymore, preparing to let someone go ask. The person receiving the order inwardly cursed, yet had no choice but to harden their head and go. The one on the boat, they couldn’t afford to offend, but these people, they similarly couldn’t afford to offend either.

However, as that person was slowly advancing, the boat showed signs of movement first. The plank for descending the boat was quickly propped up, and a man that at a glance, one could just tell was missing that important part, walked down, haughtily standing before everyone, his voice rather sharp as he opened his mouth, “Everyone, master is currently using the afternoon meal, and afterwards, will also be napping for a while. Master’s meaning is if you all get impatient from waiting, can go back first. This kind of trivial matter, master definitely won’t bicker with you all.” With that said, Eunuch Mu just turned and left.

Chapter 276.2: The Living Enma’s Style
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