Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife
Chapter 251: Someone Immediately Offering a Pillow When Drowsy

When Jing Wan arrived, she first expressed her apologies, and between them, they politely greeted one another. After sitting down, while eating the little snacks and drinking the flower tea, Jing Wan idly chatted with her zhoulis. Since she has already entered this circle, then naturally also need to ‘blend’ in. At least the harmony and friendly relations on the surface still needed to be maintained.

Speaking of which, among the six present, Jing Wan’s age was the smallest. However, based on ranking in the family hierarchy, there were only two in front of her, Kang Wangfei, no need to mention, still nonexistent, the second prince long dead, and this Rui Wangfei already left. As for Gong Wangfei, she’s already suffered a loss in Jing Wan’s hand, getting warned by her old man and paternal aunt in succession, so even if she has resentment inside, she still can only hold it in, this while, persistently behaving herself, her expression dull. The fifth prince was sickly, not involving himself in all things, and his wangfei was just like a dough, polite and amiable to everyone. As for the latter few, also don’t need to be mentioned, they didn’t have too great of a presence anyways.

It was true that Jing Wan was a newly-wed, but that aura wasn’t weak in the slightest. In addition to being in her own home territory, she definitely had the manner of a ‘master of the house’. In reality, if not for having the intention to suppress them, afraid someone will be too ashamed to show their face. Sweetly smiling, she already obtained quite a few information that she wanted to know from some trivial small matters. It couldn’t be helped. Her husband’s ambition was far-reaching. Even if she can’t give help, still can’t be a burden, no?

Jing Wan divided her attention, chatting with them on one hand, while watching the performance in the other. These beauties really were very good. Of course, it wasn’t just full of the alluring type. There were similarly the imposing and sharp type, very pleasing to the eye.

“Sixth sister-in-law, with these beauties being monopolized by us, what about wangye and them? Could it be that there are even more beautiful ones?” Tenth wangfei said with a smile.

Ultimately, this was precisely what they cared about the most. To be able to endure until now before finally opening their mouth, it was already relatively not bad.

“No matter how beautiful, it’s still just to this degree, right? Wangye and them don’t have this sort of ‘luck with women’ like us. This while, they’re listening to a play, martial arts play.” Jing Wan turned her head and batted her eyes, carrying a bit of mischievousness as she smiled towards tenth wangfei.

This didn’t just astonish tenth wangfei, “Sixth sister-in-law really is incredible!”

The acting troupes and female entertainers raised in Jin Qinwang Manor were known by quite a few people, but not many have actually seen them before. However, Li Hong Yuan’s brothers all more or less seen before, and every time, they would all endlessly covet. Unfortunately, the living Enma was completely like as if he didn’t understand their meaning. Clearly when giving away other beauties, he was always very casual, yet at times like these, he was very stingy. Prior to coming, it’s not like they didn’t hear them reminisce about either. As the wife, despite feeling sour inside, they couldn’t say a single word.

But in the end? The beauties they wholeheartedly coveted, they didn’t get to see, and the beauties from the acting troupe also were without a trace. A bunch of grown men sitting there watching a martial arts play, just imagining it, one just knew how sullen they were inside.

A bunch of wangfeis couldn’t help but cover their mouth and giddily began laughing. Can’t blame them for being unkind, one has to know, this kind of opportunity was too hard to come by. And they also don’t need to worry about them disregarding their face and asking the living Enma for the people.

Thus, when looking at these beauties again, they didn’t have that much hatred either, even whispering to one another as if admiring flowers.

In reality, a certain few at this time were indeed quite sullen. Those that were unable to bear just opened their mouth, too boring.

Li Hong Yuan nonchalantly sat there, that appearance was like as if still quite intrigued.

“Sixth brother, this act you’re still able to take in?” Seventh wangye expressed he was very puzzled.

“Quite good, in any case, the rest, all tired of watching. Occasionally changing the flavor is also pretty good.”

You’re tired of watching, but us brothers all very much crave. All one’s own brothers, can’t mess around like this.

“Sixth brother, how about changing the performance?” Afterwards picking that ‘decadent music’.

“No one to sing.” Li Hong Yuan very bluntly stated, “Your sister-in-law said there’s no one to carry the tea water, so the people got asked to go serve tea. Only have the martial arts performance left to watch, just put up with it.”

They nearly spatted a mouthful of old blood. Heavens, this was the first time hearing the words ‘put up with it’ from the living Enma’s mouth. Has he ever had a time where he ‘put up with’ things before? Who can let him reluctantly accept? But this matter really did happen.

Fifth wangye, because his body was unwell, in terms of women, he has always restrained himself. Moreover, the doctor wanted him to remain modest and calm to avoid stirring up internal fire, only this way can he live long. He was purely just gathering with his brothers, and didn’t have that many crooked thoughts. This while, carrying a bit of tease, “According to old six’s meaning, could it be that those entertainers raised in the manor also got asked away by younger sister-in-law?”

“Admiring the dance and listening to the songs with your wives.”

Great, this living Enma got seized by his own wife?

Each and every one were left speechless. Even this living Enma has gone down? Speaking of which, in the future, if they want to find a place to pass time, wouldn’t it be even harder? Although in the past, it wasn’t that easy either, but it was still better than completely not having a door. Alright, the beauties here, they also could only look at, can’t touch, and further can’t eat. Precisely because of this, thus it was further itchy in their hearts. The brothels, they rather can go to, but one still have to look after one’s feathers[1], not daring to be too open and brazen. Moreover, after seeing the ones in this brother’s manor, they kept feeling that those were all ‘ordinary rouge and plain powder’. Thus, they either genuinely or falsely taunted him a few words, letting him know he was lacking in the principle of a husband, getting controlled by his wife, very much losing face.

Li Hong Yuan however completely didn’t mind. Never mind flying into a rage out of humiliation, his mood even seemed pretty good.

And on Jing Wan’s side, the zhoulis more or less produced a bit of envy and jealousy, yet it wasn’t considered serious. What kind of person was Jin Qinwang, they were all too clear. In the past, just listening to his quarrels, one was all able to whittle away quite a bit of time. He’s just married a wife, and even a delicate and tender one. Any man would all feel the novelty for a period of time. And what kind of person was Jin Qinwang? When pampering someone, he was able to pamper into the heavens. But once the pampering passes, seeing on behalf the fact that she’s his legal wife, perhaps he would still leave a bit of face, but it was also just that, any more was impossible.

“Since sixth sister-in-law now has the entire Jin Qinwang Manor all controlled in one’s hand, how about having two of these beauties given to this older sister-in-law, letting this sister-in-law take back to whittle away the time with.” Gong Wangfei said with a fake smile.

Not a single new bride would go touch the beauties their husband raised. Regardless whether or not at this time, one’s husband has one cupped in the palm, docile and indulgent towards one, when interested, naturally everything was all fine, but once fed up with, then it was just faults everywhere. For women that have yet to establish a firm footing, they all won’t make this kind of mistake. Moreover, to be like this immediately after marrying in, a jealous woman, this was an adequate not virtuous title.

Didn’t you want to show off? Fine, let’s see how you’ll bring this around.

Jing Wan read from Gong Wangfei’s eyes this kind of message. Jing Wan smiled, “For fourth sister-in-law to take a fancy to them, it’s their good fortune. If you like, can pick more than two.”

Gong Wangfei nearly fainted in anger. Taking this many vixens back, was she just too bored with her life? But, the one to ask was her, so declining now, wasn’t that just slapping one’s own face? “Then will have to thank sixth sister-in-law. Just, this kind of good thing, how could this sister-in-law just enjoy alone? We, zhoulis, each should all have a share, no?” Since she wasn’t happy, then the others can’t be happy either.

Jing Wan nodded with a smile, “Naturally so.” She was still thinking of how to have these people sent out. This was practically someone offering a pillow when drowsy. And she didn’t even need to pull in grudges herself, practically can’t be better.

The rest were all ready to bite Gong Wangfei to death. This moron!

[1] Another way of saying face or outside reputation

Chapter 251: Someone Immediately Offering a Pillow When Drowsy
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