Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife
Chapter 247: Blood Spilled On the Spot

Coming from the same family clan, Luo Jing Ying’s relation with her wasn’t ‘ordinary’. Having the person brought over, it was nothing more than just two reasons, either for making connections and pulling in the relation, or wanting to give her a show of strength by humiliating Luo Jing Ying.

The latter’s possibility really wasn’t that high, unless Rui Qinwang’s brain was broken. But making connections? During the time at the temporary imperial residence, they should’ve already had the face torn, so what friendly relations are there to pull in?

However, since they already brought the person over, can one even have the person driven out?

Luo Jing Ying watched Jing Wan and Rui Wangfei smilingly chat. Clearly last time when they’d met, she still needed to perform a bow towards Rui Wangfei, but now, they were already completely equal in status. She’d clearly grown much taller, and don’t know if it was because she’d married, she seemingly was even more radiant than before. That body of delicate skin was still that flawless, still facing the heavens confidently without makeup. Even Rui Wangfei’s exquisite look in makeup was still thoroughly defeated, let alone her(LJY). The two of them standing together, for those who weren’t in the know, no one would have her considered as the younger sister. Regardless whether it was her face, eyes, or spirit, she all appeared to be more than ten years older than her. Heheheh………..

Even if she(JW) married a very unbearable man, she(LJY) still couldn’t go against her heart and say she wasn’t living well.

But, that kind of man, how can it be good?

Rui Wangfei said quite a few words to Jing Wan before finally having Luo Jing Ying pulled to her side, “………….Today, brought Concubine Ying here, mainly because Concubine Ying truly wanted to see her maiden family, but because of her status, it’s not easy to see them. Other places, this sister-in-law isn’t able to take her to, just thinking that today, we’re all one family, thus shamelessly had the person brought over. Younger sister-in-law don’t think too much.”

And Luo Jing Ying also quite cooperatively looked to Jing Wan with teary eyes. In her eyes was an indescribable and endless longing, “Third sister……………” Luo Jing Ying actually really did miss her, just don’t know whether or not this longing also contained jealousy and hatred. All in all, in this very moment, she just felt this sworn enemy was especially intimate.

Perhaps, in this moment, she truly understood what was called ‘even if the bones break, the tendons are still connected’[1].

She originally thought that even if she died in Rui Qinwang Manor rear court, she still won’t be able to see her maiden family again.

It’s not that she has never pleaded Rui Wangfei to send letters to her mother for her, but ultimately, it was all sinking a stone in the ocean, not having the slightest reply. She knew, she’d already thoroughly broken her mother’s heart, really no longer caring about her. And the others of the Luo family, further didn’t have anyone that would pay her any attention.

Seeing Luo Jing Ying living this miserably, Jing Wan really didn’t have any feelings of content inside, but she also didn’t pity her. In the end, between them, there wasn’t any great grudge of life and death, and for Luo Jing Ying to have ended up like this, it really wasn’t that she had no other options, nor was she forced by anyone, it was all her own decision. Originally, she could’ve had a pretty good marriage, and regardless whether it was the Luo family or herself, all won’t go destroy it. Yet, her greed was insatiable, and she was also young and short-sighted, unable to see the state of affairs clearly, creating such consequences.

Jing Wan’s eyes circled around her stomach. In reality, her child was at most just ten days younger than Sun Yi Jia’s child, but the child was already fifty days old, yet didn’t hear any news of Rui Qinwang Manor adding a child. And looking at her now, she also didn’t seem like she’d just given birth to a child not long ago. As such, if not losing the child at birth, then afraid it was long gone before then. When she’d gotten pregnant, they ‘excitedly’ came to the Luo family to report the good news, but when it was gone, the Luo family didn’t get the slightest news. Rui Qinwang truly was without favorable benefits, just not having the Luo family taken seriously.

“Entering Rui Qinwang Manor, just properly live out your days. Your surname is Luo after all.”

These words were said for Luo Jing Ying to hear, but further said for Rui Wangfei to hear.

“Third sister……….” Luo Jing Ying crumbled into tears, her teardrops tumbling down one after another, “It was my mother’s fault, if not for her saying that your birth suppressed me, and if I don’t want to be suppressed by you, need to be stronger than you in all things, why would I always want to go against you. Among all the sisters, it was just me that was the bad one, just me getting pushed aside, just me having a mind higher than the heavens. I clearly could’ve been happy for my whole life. Men are all good-for-nothing. When you have value, he will just use sweet words to deceive your heart, cheat your body, but when learning that you don’t have value, he’ll just not know the former, letting others degrade……………”

Luo Jing Ying hysterically vented. Towards her mother, she perhaps really carried resentment, and having Luo Jing Ying raised into this temper today, she needed to bear more than half the responsibility. Ending up in such a state, in Rui Qinwang Manor, calling to the heavens, yet the heavens don’t respond, calling to the earth, yet the spirits don’t show, even her mother was this heartless, unwilling to come see her. No one knew the darkness and despair in the bottom of her heart, no one gave her a hand.

Rui Wangfei’s face was somewhat dark, wanting to let someone block Luo Jing Ying’s mouth. But casting a glance at the stiffened Jing Wan, she momentarily didn’t know what to do.

Because all brothers of the same family, they really weren’t too strict with formalities, thus when Li Hong Yuan brought Li Hong Ming over, the brothers naturally heard a good play. Rui Qinwang’s complexion really was interesting, furiously wanting to go forward to teach Luo Jing Ying a lesson. However, he got blocked by Li Hong Yuan who was seemingly smiling yet not smiling.

Rui Qinwang endlessly hated inside, but this place wasn’t his territory. If one really were to cause a ruckus, it won’t be good. Moreover, he wasn’t this bastard’s opponent. If things get physical, then that would be even more humiliating.

Rui Qinwang coldly looked to Luo Jing Ying. Stupid thing that doesn’t know what’s good for her, sort her out when they go back.

Jing Wan sighed. In the end, she was still just a fifteen year old girl, and in her past life, still just a high schooler. Yet she has experienced through being abandoned by her family, discarded by her lover, and the painful loss of her child. For a woman, all the sorrow and misery were nothing more than these. “You………….”

“Third older sister, I know, that man’s true objective was you, but unfortunately, he wasn’t even able to come within thirty feet of you. And he further doesn’t have the guts to touch the living Enma’s fiancee. What manifestation of a dragon, disposition of a phoenix, the heaven’s proud son, he’s just dogshit. What respect for the wise, simply just fake righteousness and hypocrisy. On the outside pretending to be scholarly and gentle, modest and approachable, but in reality, nothing more than a cold-blooded, cold-hearted animal. He won’t have a good death…………..”

“Concubine Ying, what nonsense are you saying, shut up!” Rui Wangfei’s complexion was terrifyingly gloomy.

Luo Jing Ying turned back to look at her, smilingly sinisterly, “You think you’re some good thing? You and him are nothing more than just jackals of the same tribe. The man a bandit, the woman a prostitute, isn’t that just talking about you two?”

“Someone come, have her mouth stuffed.”

Luo Jing Ying swiftly walked to Jing Wan’s side, singlehandedly grabbing onto Jing Wan’s arm, “This place is Jin Qinwang Manor, the living Enma’s manor. You are all scared of him, and my third older sister is his wife. Not just one of you all have told me that he just shields his wife. Whoever dares to touch me, careful I might involve my third older sister. Has Gong Qinwang fixed the relation with his father-in-law yet?” This was a true and honest threat.

“Slut, quickly let go of your older sister.” Rui Qinwang was unable to restrain his anger.

Luo Jing Ying looked over, her face full of tears, smiling exceptionally strangely, “Jin Qinwang’s complexion doesn’t seem too good. Because you were peeping at his wife, perhaps right now, he just wants to dig out your eyeballs and have you chopped up to feed the dogs.”

Li Hong Yuan right now indeed was overflowing with dark currents, looking to Luo Jing Ying just like looking at a dead person, but he didn’t go over. And Rui Qinwang, who was standing next to him, strangely didn’t dare to move either.

Rui Qinwang was nearly about to explode from anger. From birth until now, even if getting sorted out countless times by Li Hong Yuan, he still has never been pointed at and humiliated by someone like in this very moment, and moreover, even by his woman, a woman that was completely grasped in his hand.

“What out of the ordinary, nothing more than just a coward, coward……………” Seemingly as if thinking of something, she happily began laughing, carrying a bit of insanity, “Indeed just a coward………….”

(T/N: There’s a double meaning in this line that can’t be translated, but it’s very important. The word for coward in chinese ‘没种’ can also be literally translated as ‘no seed/seedless’, hinting at the fact that Rui Qinwang no longer can have children because of the poison.)

“Enough, don’t say anymore.” Jing Wan furrowed her brows and interrupted her.

Although Luo Jing Ying was grabbing onto her right now, Jing Wan could sense that there simply wasn’t any strength, and she further didn’t have the slightest intention of harming her. That’s why, when Luo Jing Ying got close, Jing Wan stopped Hei Mei from doing anything.

Luo Jing Ying was very off today. Her words were simply just like having herself pushed towards a dead end.

Dead end………..Jing Wan’s heart violently raced, staring at Luo Jing Ying, “You………..”

“Third sister, right now, I must be very unsightly, right………….” Using the handkerchief, she wiped her face. The makeup melted, just like a female ghost.

Jing Wan’s lips moved……..

Luo Jing Ying gently smiled at Jing Wan, suddenly letting go, and just rammed towards the nearby rockery.

Even if Jing Wan already realized that she might seek death, she all didn’t expect that it would be this quick, this resolute. No one could stop her in time. “Fourth younger sister…………..” Jing Wan’s pupils shrunk, hurriedly rushing forward.

[1] This phrase means even if separated, there’s still an unbreakable connection

Chapter 247: Blood Spilled On the Spot
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