Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife
Chapter 191.2: Too Ugly, Don’t Want

All of this, Li Hong Ming naturally was also very about. He wasn’t like Noble Consort Su, having deep feelings towards Li Hong Yuan. Towards Li Hong Yuan, he ultimately carried doubt. But, Min Xiang, as the person involved, all was unable to say anything substantial, so his suspicions could only be pressed in his heart. If said out loud, not only will it not affect Li Hong Yuan at all, it might even make him suffer a loss. It was true that Min Xiang was his full-blooded younger sister, but a younger sister that didn’t even have the slightest marriage value, it was also just that.

Li Hong Yuan walked closer, giving his greetings. He knew what the atmosphere was like right now, yet on the inside, he was completely unconcerned. When it comes to sorting out Min Xiang, once was enough. At times when she knows her place, who would still have the mind to pay attention to her. At least, how she will be in the future, completely wasn’t within the scope of Li Hong Yuan’s considerations. Whether she was alive or dead, and whether she was well or not, was all the same to him.

Princess Min Xiang got up and greeted him, very properly and very ‘intimately’ calling out sixth brother.

Li Hong Yuan hooked his lips into a faint smile, “Min Xiang right now is becoming increasingly beautiful.”

Actually, the times Li Hong Yuan smiled was very few. Suddenly seeing one, don’t know how many people would get distracted by it. Just like now, even the mother was seemingly all captivated by it. However, after Noble Consort Su returned to her senses, she subconsciously looked towards Le Cheng Emperor. Even she was able to notice the similarities between this smile and the one in her memories, so how could he not know. As expected, Le Cheng Emperor was absent-mindedly staring at his own son’s face. Regardless of who, no one would feel he was looking at his son.

Li Hong Ming similarly observed it all in, his complexion somewhat turning pale, unconsciously clenching his fist.

Towards Imperial Noble Consort, he actually had a bit of an impression of, just this impression wasn’t that deep. Seemingly, she was just a woman that was very beautiful when she smiled, and seemingly once gently patted his head before. The rest, he didn’t have any impression of at all. Just, his consort mother said, sixth brother looked very much like her, especially when he was younger, practically as if craved from the same mold. But, in the end, he was still a boy, and as he grew with age, his masculine characteristic became increasingly obvious, and the degree of similarity also decreased. However, judging from imperial father’s expression, he just knew, imperial father was forever unable to forget in his heart. All say, the son relied on the mother’s honor. Even if consort mother very firmly told him, imperial father won’t have the throne given to old six, he still was very much worried inside. Having the throne set aside for one’s favorite son, throughout history, this kind of emperor, were there any less of?

Towards their brilliant and varied expressions, Li Hong Yuan was like as if he completely didn’t notice, “Consort mother, Min Xiang has come of age already, has her fuma been decided on yet?”

Li Hong Yuan’s words had everyone all pulled back to reality.

Noble Consort Su blinked, seemingly just realizing what Li Hong Yuan said. She raised a smile, “For the most part already decided. Probably this time, after returning from the summer holiday, can completely settle it.”

“The person consort mother chose presumably is very excellent. However, all things have a contingency, so how things will be like in the future, no one can be certain. Min Xiang, if in the future, he lets you down, don’t hesitate to tell sixth brother. Sixth brother will help you sort him out.”

“Many thanks sixth brother.” Princess Min Xiang smilingly replied, her face carrying a trace of bashfulness.

Le Cheng Emperor put away the sorrowful look on his face, coldly snorting, “If you sort the person out, will the person still be able to live? You want to let your younger sister become a widow?”

“What are you saying your Majesty, saying it like as if Yuan’er is extremely brutal. Even if Yuan’er’s temper is bit bad, he still has never easily taken anyone’s life before. Min Xiang’s future husband will be his younger brother-in-law. Even if Yuan’er does something, he will certainly still have propriety. Yuan’er was saying out of his care towards his younger sister, so you can’t just randomly twist it.” Noble Consort Su said with a smile.

“Then, imperial father can just treat it as this son having too much time on one’s hand, meddling in other people’s business. Then again, Min Xiang still has her own older brother, where would there be the need for this son?” Li Hong Yuan unconcernedly lifted the hem of his gown and sat down to the side.

“Bastard———-” Le Cheng Emperor lifted the dessert saucer by his hand and just threw it over.

Li Hong Yuan tilted his head, and that saucer just landed on the ground, smashing into pieces. The few dessert pieces on the saucer scattered in all direction.

“Saying something this suffocating to the heart, your consort mother raised you for nothing.”

Li Hong Yuan didn’t even give him a single glance.

Le Cheng Emperor was unbearably angered. In contrast, Noble Consort Su was laughing to the side with her mouth covered, “Raisin such a white-eyed wolf, beloved consort, you’re still able to laugh? If it was this emperor, certainly would’ve already whipped him to death.”

“Look at what your Majesty is saying, this consort can’t bear to do that. Besides, Yuan’er was retorting you and not retorting this consort. What exactly Yuan’er was thinking, would this consort, as the mother, not know? This consort views him as one’s own son, so Yuan’er naturally views this consort as his birth mother. It was your Majesty that said all those things. And first of all, what his temper is like, it’s not your first day knowing either.”

“So it’s this emperor’s fault?” Le Cheng Emperor raised his brow with a scowl.

“This, your Majesty said it yourself, this consort didn’t say anything.” Noble Consort Su smilingly looked to him.

Noble Consort Su has followed by Le Cheng Emperor’s side for twenty to thirty years, the extensive pampering never ceasing, and the reason for this definitely wasn’t just one-sided. Because she had Le Cheng Emperor’s mood grasped very accurately, that’s why, when occasionally making a joke, saying some ‘disgraceful’ words, she also completely didn’t need to worry it would cause Le Cheng Emperor to be displeased. On the contrary, it would even let Le Cheng Emperor experience something he’s unable to experience elsewhere, for instance, the warmth between ordinary married couples.

“Who doesn’t know that Min Xiang likes sixth brother the most. I, this third brother, sometimes, even feel jealous. Moreover, sixth brother’s attitude towards Min Xiang is also obvious to all. We, these brothers and sisters, are all envious. This son sometimes also rather wants sixth brother to help vent one’s anger. Unfortunately, this son doesn’t have that charm.” Li Hong Ming interrupted with a smile.

“You, as the elder brother, still want your younger brother to help you vent your anger? These words, you feel no shame saying out loud?” Le Cheng Emperor scolded with a smile. That’s why, Le Cheng Emperor was the same as the sky of the sixth month, face of a child, indefinitely changing.

“It can’t be helped, sixth brother’s fame for fighting is too grand. Forcibly suppressing all sides, all isn’t a problem. Sometimes, this son’s mouth would all be dry from talking, yet still wouldn’t be as good as just having sixth brother’s name brought out to use.” Li Hong Ming said as if he was helpless.

Le Cheng Emperor’s smile faded a little, lifting up the teacup and taking a shallow sip, “This bastard is just one that doesn’t care about anything at all, his thug-like reputation rather resounding. What, you even frequently encounter another group of thugs?”

Those who frequently came in contact with thugs, for the most part, can be classified as wastrels who have nothing better to do. Li Hong Yuan can, but if Li Hong Ming dared to do this, he will certainly be ruthlessly skinned alive.

How could Li Hong Ming still not know that he’d said something wrong. Then, meeting with Noble Consort Su’s indifferent gaze, his heart shivered, “How can that be possible, this son was just seeing that sixth brother is too carefree, and felt a bit envious. This son naturally wishes to have him dragged back to share the burdens with imperial father. Among the brothers, it’s just him that’s the most idle. Never mind this son, most likely even the younger brothers attending school all want to beat him up.”

Le Cheng Emperor casted him a glance, “Letting him come handle matters, you’re saying to have all the time outside of handling the task used to clean up the mess after him? Just take care of yourself, in this lifetime, he’ll just be this way.”

Le Cheng Emperor’s last words perhaps weren’t just said for Li Hong Ming to hear.

Chapter 191.2: Too Ugly, Don’t Want
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