The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs

Rank 1155

List of reviews made by users for the The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs novel.

22 users have written reviews for the The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs novel and rated it with an average score of 4.1 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 1155th among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub VIP platform.

22 Reviews

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1ckle 21
Chapter 14 25 days ago

This Ln doesn't receive the TLC it should receive. It's fun to read, all tropes and characters are covered and the pace is good. Translation quality somewhere along the line suddenly drops, and recovers a bit, bit it doesn't return to its previous quality. FYI, this site only covers 5 volumes. Volumes 6-10 can be found elsewhere, just like volume 11 with side stories.

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JoJo_Cat 1
Chapter 14 one year ago

love the Leon's antagonistic personality just being a asshole here and there and not backing down against these "nobles". It's entertaining to read, good plot and is very enjoyable and good laughs all around. The side characters are decently written and have good personalities and impact the story in a good way too. Leon making the queen fall for him was just perfect from my pov. the FMC Angi and Liv are the 2 perfect girls and i love how the author made them, the side females (queen included) like the queen, seniors and the girls from the other countries are amazingly well written and i love them all very dearly. my only complaint is that the other volumes that have been released and translated by some groups and posted on reddit dont get posted on here sadly, other then that nothing bad about this novel yet and a solid 5 star from me.

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Magellans_facade 23
Chapter 14 one year ago

Well written plot and characters and boy a make mc to an otome I had my doubts but the works mad gold! I kinda find it a bummer his not using luxions full potential but that aside the amusing scenes that happen especially with Bradford or bratforth? Well him and the female characters especially his reincarnated sister hahahah and the misunderstandings plus noble idiots that tag along with him! Quite the amusing scenes they make in the novel

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Resistance 21
Chapter n/a one year ago

I love the MC's antagonistic personality. It's entertaining to read. The plot is enjoyable and kinda funny. The side characters are decent. Not really a big fan of mechas though.

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Fiollnir 1
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Currently at Vol 4 ch3. Leon's schemer / antagonistic personality was actually refreshing at the start and probably why this novel got a lot of attention. But as the series progresses, he reverts into a typical jap spineless / inferiority complex hugging protag. Like man up mate! There's no development in him anymore! The fl are always a damsel in distress with no particular use. Marie is annoying at first, also her story is truly pitiful. She kinda becomes a comedy character along with the 5 money-sucking morons. Gotta admit her resilience against her current circumstances. I also read a lot of reddit threads, the story really goes downhill. Good luck future readers! P. S Want to read an antagonsitic / wise / unique mc with a maserpiece like plot? I recommend my death flag shows no sign of ending, beginning after the end and dungeon defense You're welcome!!!

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Uselesschollar 17
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

This is fun for the most part, fun setting, enjoyable main charcters, theres an intetesting mistery aspect too. It kinda lacks in romance for a series that both rotates around and parodies romance. MC has the tendency to just evade problems, which blow in his face later, can get really anoying. Livia and Anje are great characters who develop their relationship in a great way, but their relationship with Leon doesnt develop at all. He had to be forced to engage both of them and he really doesnt seem that interested. Marie is a little bitch and that why she is enjoyable, her brocon borders on incest, her entire life is missery, so you feel a combination of pity cause she is a girl who is small cause she was famelic at childhood and was murdered in a case of domestic violence, and justice, cause getting her little harem ended up backfiring on her and even now, lives miserable, the incest side story gets kinda deep, Leon has a better relationship with her than his actual romantic partners. There is a rest of "harem" but it barely has any participation or developement, only exception is Noelle, who is fine. And still, Leon wants to fuck the queen more than his own wives.

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Dr_Monotone 4
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

I've enjoyed it so far, arc 5 or whatever, the only annoyance is the MC who is a slacker. When he wants to do something he can do it very easily, they describe him as 'resourceful', but it takes the whole ass arc for him to make a move.

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HungryForBees 2
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

The story is entertaining because the word is so dumb you want to see how the MC adapts to it. Character interactions range from awefull to high mid. At around Volume 3 the translations become so god awefull. Il try to power though that and maybe update my rating then.

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JojoCat 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

I'll just give a short review. The story was amazingly written and I loved it, it's something "new:" yk. Leon is just the perfect average mc that you come across and can relate with. I love Angie and Livia Noelle too she best girl of vol5 I like every volume (other then the marie parts of the story even the Leon x Marie one is bad imo) it sad that they have yet added the other volumes (I've seen that volume 6 is translated but have no idea on 7 8 and maybe 9 I've yet to look into it sorry:( please forgive me) well that's all for the short review 10/10 lived it and I'm hoping that the anime will do the ln and manga justice.

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lnwUser103457 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Wow.. just wow.. i expected this to be bad but i wasnt expecting it to be this bad. There was no clear clue to what his main goal is. Is it to get married because if so then why not make a move on livia, or angie but no, the flow of action is all over the place. The focus of the story is all over the place. Not to mention, i thought he was OP? He is a bit powerful but i wouldnt call that OP. The comedy is the only thing i can appreciate here. Maybe if you want to read something light then fine you can read this but if not then dont read this.

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  • dadsarefuny 9

    Also, this mf can create gold from air and destroy every single mech in the kingdom, how tf is that not op?

  • dadsarefuny 9

    Meh, I agree with the rating you put but not the reason cause you very clearly did not read but just skimmed through it. He didnt make a move on those two due to how high their status is or will be in the future. Now, after it gets past the academy arc is where things go to shit and the protagonist becomes the generic isekai protagonist with a harem.
