The Sacred Ruins
Chapter 340: The Top-100 Celestial Realms

No sooner had he replied than Chu Feng realized he had be tricked by Lin Naoi . He had just divulged part of the truth .

That was because before now, he didn't know the man with the red mark between his brows was called Han Fei . He knew nothing about the man .

Chu Feng turned back to gaze at this pure and brilliant ex-girlfriend with complex emotions . She was indeed just as intelligent as she was in the past . She had taken advantage of his distraction while gazing at the golden egg to ambush him, making him carelessly reveal this secret .

Lin Naoi's hair hung loosely behind her and shone with a lustrous glow . Her countenance, the very picture of perfection, was overcome by an odd expression . However, she didn't ask more .

Chu Feng turned back without trying to explain or cover it up—extra words were useless since both of them were intelligent people . He looked towards the depths of the space and saw brilliant specks of light . It seemed like an extremely tranquil holy land .

Around him, many people were excited and in high spirits . They were actually able to open up the Pilgrimage Grounds under Chu Feng's guidance . This was something they had been looking forward to but things had far surpassed their imagination .

Everyone in the area had brought special weapons and were well prepared to pick the fortunes within . There was a small episode of confusion therein .

"You no longer seem to trust me that much," said Lin Naoi . This was something she said after a period of silence .

She didn't look at Chu Feng and was also gazing into the depths of the space . There was a certain glow to her fair and elastic complexion . It was as warm and lustrous as suet jade . Her figure was tall, slender, and elegant .

"How can that be?" Chu Feng replied .

"Everyone's waiting for you to find a way in . Don't tell me you're planning to trick everyone?" Jiang Luoshen walked over at this point and began to question him .

In truth, many people had also turned around . They were truly worried because only Chu Feng here was well-versed in domains . If, by any chance, he schemed against them here, he might really be able to trick everyone to their deaths .

Chu Feng was quite calm . In truth, he really wanted to send off some people he didn't like and bury them here .

Presently, these people were still worried about his notorious past deeds and were being cautious for fear of him playing tricks on them .

"What kind of words are those? Am I such a person? When have I ever done such things?"

What dumbfounded him was that some people nodded subconsciously .

Of course, they quickly realized that they had gone too far . Breaking into a dry cough, they immediately proceeded to say they trusted his noble and unquestionable character .

These words make Chu Feng blush somewhat . He let out a dry cough and once again started studying the domains .

Following which, he delightfully told everyone that there were no domains in front and that it was safe to enter .

No one dared to step forward after hearing such words . On the contrary, they glanced at Chu Feng and began to edge back nervously .

This was especially true for people like the Hollow Jade Temple Master and the Eight Visions Temple Master . They nearly turned around and left .

"What's the meaning of this? Didn't you say my character is noble, unquestionable, and trustworthy?!" Chu Feng raised his voice .

Goddammit! This was too aggravating . This was a rare occasion where he had spoken the truth in goodwill . In the end, no one apart from the old grandmaster believed him .

Chu Feng decided to prove it with actions . He strode forward with his eyes fixed straight ahead but ignored the golden egg .

That was because, with his Fiery Eyes, he had seen that the egg was empty . The life-form inside had long since come into being . It was just that it had pieced the shell back together to form a perfectly round egg .

Seeing him step forward, the group followed suit . They all believed that it would be fine as long as they followed his footsteps .

As soon as the group left the exit, a beam of gold light rushed out at unimaginable speeds . A certain life-form was about to flee .

"Give chase, block its path . It's likely a young true dragon!" Chu Feng cried loudly .

He cried out in secret—it seemed he had miscalculated . He thought the life form within the golden divine egg had long since emerged and left an empty shell, but it seemed not to be the case . It had perhaps hatched recently after the recovery of the heaven and earth .

Everyone's eyes turned red and ran back immediately to give chase .

However, the lifeform was simply too fast . It leaped onto the cobblestone path and turned into a beam of light which shot into the mist .

Everyone was anxious . They couldn't catch up to it and began to beat their chests and stomp their feet .

"Ah! Oh mother, what is that thing?!"

It was at this time that a sound was transmitted from the cobblestone path . Someone had been bumped into and nearly fell down .

"Stop it, it's a dragon whelp!"

Everyone was delighted . There was still someone on the cobblestone road? Why were they lagging so far behind?

"Grandpa, careful!" a girl cried out in surprise .

"You wretched thing, where do you think you're going?!"

People saw that it was the grandfather and granddaughter duo . The old Taoist's hands glowed brightly as he moved to capture the lifeform while the curvaceous problem-lady was shouting loudly .

People saw that it was the grandfather and granddaughter duo . The old Taoist's hands glowed brightly as he moved to capture the lifeform while the curvaceous problem-lady was shouting loudly .

The old Taoist whose butt was burnt back on Mount Zhijin had actually been following quietly from behind . He had arrived along with his rebellious granddaughter .

Golden light erupted with a thump as shattered scales and feathers danced about, almost causing the old Taoist to fall .

"How terrifying a divine beast's scales and feathers are! Any other person would've died already . It's fortunate that this old man here is holding the fort . No, wait, where did it go?! Has it escaped?"

The old Taoist let out an odd cry . He began to search nearby and then became quite anxious .

In truth, everyone felt their hearts sink because the thing had disappeared .

Only Chu Feng revealed a different expression because, with his Fiery Eyes, he was able to see clearly . A mass of scales and feathers had bumped into the old Taoist and burst apart . In truth, it wasn't the actual life-form .

He knew that the creature in the space wanted to escape . It had crafted a clever plan like a cicada shedding its carapace, leading everyone to believe that it had escaped .

Chu Feng reckoned the creature was still lurking around . Judging from how it wanted to flee, it likely wasn't very powerful .

The old Taoist cursed and walked over furiously .

"Handsome Big Bro Chu Feng!" The problem-lady twisted her small waist and winked at Chu Feng before walking over gracefully . This caused the old Taoist to glare at Chu Feng with great dissatisfaction .

"It has both feathers and scales . What is that thing?" the puzzled group asked the old Taoist .

Naturally, many people were apprehensive and were quite cautious when asking him . This was a truly terrifying expert whom even the flames of extreme yin and yang couldn't burn to death . Others were all turned to ashes and he was the only one to hop out of the domain .

"How should I know? I didn't see clearly either . It's definitely a young divine beast," the old Taoist replied in rage . He was feeling smothered and wanted to bang his head against the ground in regret .

He had followed the group into the Pilgrimage Grounds and wanted to snatch some fortunes . He hadn't expected he would let a great fortune escape due to his carelessness .

If it really was a young divine beast, it would be completely unimaginable . It would be able to sweep through a whole celestial realm once it matured .

At this time, Chu Feng had gone towards the golden egg . The others were also eager to give it a try after seeing the situation . The old Taoist was the first to move despite arriving last and held onto the golden egg .

The whole thing shattered with a cracking sound . It was as Chu Feng had seen, the interior was empty .

"It has run away," Chu Feng said calmly .

Everyone sighed . They all knew that it was the young creature that had just escaped .

Everyone sighed . They all knew that it was the young creature that had just escaped .

"What tree is this?" Everyone crowded over . There were many golden trees around the eggshell . Unfortunately, they also shattered when touched .

"Divine trees used to provide energy to the egg . They've already exhausted their essence and are easily shattered . " The old Taoist's expression was ugly .

This was especially true when he saw his granddaughter sticking to Chu Feng, laughing and chatting together . He truly wanted to beat someone up .

"Senior, it's great that you've come . With Chu Feng, a master of domains, and an expert such as yourself holding the fort, we feel absolutely safe . " Some people reminded him not to beat up Chu Feng . After all, they had to depend on him to break through the domains .

Chu Feng was seriously searching at this time . He had the old grandmaster block the exit because he believed the creature was still here .

Very soon, he noticed something odd . There was a small domain in a certain area that could conceal one's aura .

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Chu Feng immediately shot out some magnetic stones and locked down that area . He had gone around the whole area and knew that the creature was probably inside .

As expected, following his probing and use of domains, he vaguely sensed something .

In the end, he didn't take action right away . He only carved some symbols and jades, sealing the area completely and preventing the creature from running away .

If it really was a divine beast whelp, it would invite a calamity if he captured it right away—he would become the target of all parties, and the outer realm life-forms would definitely seek him right away after their descent .

The group didn't understand what he was doing and thought he was, as usual, deploying a small domain to perform some experiments .

Chu Feng acted accordingly and proceeded to carve symbols and toss magnetic stones .

In the end, he waved his hand and said, "Go ahead, this place is very safe . "

He began to move forward after saying this .

The whole area was lush and verdant . The leaves were shining brilliantly while the grasses were like carved jade, all of them having a certain spirituality about them .

Unfortunately, they had found no other mutant trees apart from the dead golden ones they had seen just now .

"Don't be anxious . I have a feeling that there's a great fortune in the depths ahead," said Chu Feng .

The whole space was glowing with a faint golden luster . It felt quite divine .

Before long, everyone was shaken as a majestic aura rushed at them from the front . They sensed that they had arrived at an extraordinary place .

The whole space was glowing with a faint golden luster . It felt quite divine .

Before long, everyone was shaken as a majestic aura rushed at them from the front . They sensed that they had arrived at an extraordinary place .

As expected, they sensed majestic and world-shaking fluctuations in front after passing through a thorny forest . It was as if a sea of stars was undulating therein, yet it was also comparable to great stars falling one after the other .

What was happening? Many kings were shaken .

In the end, after the white mist was dispersed, they witnessed a grand sacrificial altar towering over the land . It was outrageously large and was probably the size of a city .

At the same time, the sounds of ancient forebears offering sacrifice were heard as if they had been transmitted from ancient times .

The majestic altar was boundlessly imposing, even comparable to a great mountain .

The usual altars were like small mounds when compared to it .

There was a multi-colored jade table upon the altar . It was overflowing with colorful radiance and emitting resplendent lights which flowed like ripples .

"There are offerings!"

Everyone was apprehensive—the multi-colored jade table upon the altar was extremely big and filled with offerings . Many of them were surging with auspicious lights and seemed like divine objects .

At this time, no one dared to move recklessly . The suppressive might coming from the altar was boundless . Were those items offered during a sacrifice to the heavens?

"These offerings are all heaven-defying things . " The old man laughed out loud .

Many people were shaken and felt quite alarmed . They felt their spirits trembling with the urge to prostrate in worship .

Chu Feng, on the other hand, was distracted as he stared fixedly at the offerings on the table . There was something there which resonated with the black and white grinding stone . He actually began to feel hungry .

He revealed an odd expression of incomparable longing!

At this time, the mist in the air dispersed to reveal a stunning scene which petrified everyone .

There were many celestial bodies in the sky . The colorful stars, each as large as a grinding stone, were arranged in a straight line above the altar .

Upon counting, there was a total of 100 stars . Some of them were bright red, some dark green, some a lustrous purple… they seemed as large as grinding stones and all of them were emitting terrifying auras as if they would crush the sky .

"The 100 most powerful celestial realms?!" the old Taoist cried out in astonishment .

Chapter 340: The Top-100 Celestial Realms
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