The Sacred Ruins
Chapter 306: Difficulty

Death was a form of relief for Schiller . After being corroded by the black material to suffer endless torment, his spirit had combusted and was now completely annihilated .

Chu Feng couldn't help but admit how ruthless this person was . There would probably be no one to suppress him on the continent if he wasn't interrupted coincidentally by Chu Feng .

This Schiller had still left Chu Feng with a gigantic problem even as he died .

The black substance was akin to a river breaching its dike as it came into contact with Chu Feng's spirit . He was drowned by the dark radiance with no way to evade .

Chu Feng gave it his all and to have his spirit charge out of this mysterious space, causing a blinding mass of light within the Hollow Jade Temple .

"Chu Feng, what's wrong!" Lu Tong shouted in alarm . The frantic old man's face was now pale as sheet .

The development was simply too sudden . The jade stone disintegrated and was burnt to a crisp, illuminating the whole of the Hollow Jade Temple .

Chu Feng's spiritual body was in extreme pain after being enshrouded by the black material . He was like a drowning man struggling fiercely to escape but to no avail .

Lu Tong was nervous . He was originally stroking his beard but had snapped half of his long goat's beard in his shock . He rushed over and was about to touch Chu Feng in order to help get rid of the black matter . "

"Don't touch him . Back off!" The Hollow Jade Temple Master shouted .

Chu Feng's spiritual body shone as it became entangled with the black material . The struggle was quite intense—his spiritual energy was fluctuating continuously like a mountain flood breaking through the damn .

Within moments, the tables, chairs and weapon racks in the area began to float . Then, they crashed into each other and burst into pieces .

Chu Feng's spiritual energy had gone wild as it resisted the black material with great ferocity . However, it wasn't able to break free in the end and couldn't expel it completely .

Furthermore, part of the black material left his spiritual body and shot into his physical body .

The substance was extremely odd—it was searching for auras of similar origin . After sensing that Chu Feng's spirit and body were one, it split off a part and sent it charging towards the physical body .

Chu Feng knew he temporarily had no way to break free and that his circumstances were dire . Schiller's fate might be his ending tomorrow .

The area calmed down after his spiritual body merged into his physical body . Many people in the distance were shocked after seeing the weapons being torn apart and the steel walls that were several meters thick utterly destroyed . All of them were astonished .

Chu Feng's spiritual energy devastation was actually so terrifying? Everyone revealed expressions of reverence and apprehension!

"Chu Feng, how are you feeling?" Lu Tong's face was the picture of anxiety . He had noticed that he might've harmed Chu Feng—he shouldn't have let Chu Feng come to Hollow Jade Temple .

Chu Feng left without saying a word because he wasn't sure what kind of chain reaction might occur if the truth about there being a serious problem with his body was spread .


Chu Feng was overwhelmed to find that his physical energy circulation had already begun to stagnate within this short period . The channels within his lustrous flesh and blood were beginning to clot!

This was simply too fast . The black material had distributed itself quite evenly within every part of his body . From his skin and tendons to his marrow, it was everywhere—it's speed of invasion was terrifying .

His spiritual energy had also been affected but, comparatively, it wasn't completely covered by the black material .

Chu Feng forcefully circulated the energy within his body . A one-meter thick wall in front of him was torn apart as his body began to glow with intense fluctuations . The scene was terrifying .

However, he knew he was about to be done for .

That was because he had originally wanted to leave quietly and not cause such a huge ruckus . However, he had lost control just now .

When he circulated his physical energy with all his might, the energy failed to circulate within this body and instead gushed out of his body . His pores were all glowing but he no longer appeared divine but was instead overflowing with a bizarre dark radiance!

The surface of his body was enshrouded in a dark glow . It seemed like the treasure halo emitted from an invincible body when, in fact, it was the manifestation of this horrible condition .

Within an instant, not only his marrow, skin, and bones but even the energy within his body was merging with and had become one with the mysterious substance .

"Chu Feng, something's seriously gone wrong! Don't move recklessly!" The Hollow Jade Temple Master spoke . The divine light within his eyes was deep and clear . He appeared like a man in his forties who gave off a sense of might and dignity .

Chu Feng turned silent as his thoughts raced . It wasn't suitable to leave at the moment .

Lu Tong was now sweating all over . He rushed over recklessly and grabbed onto one of Chu Feng's arms . He wanted to check thoroughly and was unafraid of the black light's corrosion .

Lu Tong was now sweating all over . He rushed over recklessly and grabbed onto one of Chu Feng's arms . He wanted to check thoroughly and was unafraid of the black light's corrosion .

"What is this thing? How did this happen?!" Lu Tong normally seemed like an old fox but now he was under great pressure . He had lost his cool and his mind was in turmoil .

There were many mutants within the Hollow Jade Temple . A lot of them had begun to approach because the commotion was simply too great . Everyone was astonished .

Presently, Chu Feng's name had shaken the world and intimidated all the races . Mentioning Chu Feng's name in the outside world now caused an even greater deterrence than mentioning the Hollow Jade Temple, causing all the king level lineages to be apprehensive .

All of this was felt by everyone from the Hollow Jade Temple . Previously when they went out, some experts from the beast race were quite arrogant and even hostile . But now, everyone had become extremely amiable .

Now that they were able to observe the well-known demon king Chu, many people felt complex emotions and were somewhat excited .

Some young ladies had peculiar expressions . Their gazes flowed towards and glanced repeatedly at the almost expressionless youth .

"It seems Chu Feng has encountered some trouble . " A mutant informed everyone who had just arrived with a whisper .

"Trouble? How can that be possible?! Many people are saying he's qualified to compete for the position of the most powerful expert . Who can wound him? Furthermore, this is the Hollow Jade Temple . "

"The situation isn't good . The ancient jade brought back by the temple master is problematic . Chu Feng has been enveloped by a layer of black radiance and seems to be in serious trouble!"

The news spread via whispers .

As the Hollow Jade Temple master swept his gaze towards them, the whispering mutants immediately shut up and didn't dare discuss further .

Lu Tong tried many times but gave up after a dozen attempts . His energy was rejected immediately by the black substance after entering Chu Feng's body and failed to wash it off .

Chu Feng waved his hand and had the old man move away while he himself stood where he was without moving . He closed his eyes and began to investigate the situation within his body .

He discovered why Schiller wasn't willing to suffer such torment despite being able to retain his spiritual body and possess other people . That was because the effect of the black material on the physical body was greater than on the spirit .

The energy circulation within his body became slow and stagnant as if he was walking through a marsh . It was becoming increasingly cumbersome .

His spirit was also being invaded but it wasn't completely hopeless because he could still circulate it .

His spirit was also being invaded but it wasn't completely hopeless because he could still circulate it .

But he discovered, when using the Imperial Sword Technique, that there was a problem . His spirit would feel a stabbing pain that was almost unbearable . The black material entangling his spiritual energy would transform into a sword and pierce through his spiritual body .

The scarlet flying knife revolved around Chu Feng once like a bright red flood dragon with sword intent piercing the air . In the end, the sparkling palm-sized blade disappeared into his sleeve .

Even within such a short period, his pained spiritual body felt as if it was about to be torn apart .

"Help me prepare a quiet room," said Chu Feng .

He knew it wasn't a good time to leave . Originally, he had wanted to leave quietly but he didn't expect the black substance within his body to be so tyrannical . It lost control and compromised his real situation .

It was hard to tell what kind of consequences would follow after news of his problem disseminated to the outside world .

Perhaps those corporations and enemies from the beast race would heave a sigh of relief . A series of unpredictable incidents might even take place .

"Seal of this news . No one is allowed to divulge what happened here today!" The Hollow Jade Temple Master issued an order . He possessed an innately dignified manner and, despite having reached middle-age, still looked soldierly . His eyes, as sharp as lightning, swept over everyone present .

Chu Feng sat within a quiet secret chamber . He was once again attempting to clear away the black substance but to no avail .

He diffused his spirit throughout his body and circulated the mysterious breathing technique . The result was that the black light on the surface of his body began to boil but ultimately couldn't be cleared away when coming into contact with the outside energy .

Lu Tong followed him around with his heart full of guilt . He was incomparably regretful that he had asked Chu Feng to return . Otherwise, this wouldn't have happened .

"Let me see if there's some way to solve this problem . " The Hollow Jade Temple Master arrived along with the Eight Visions and Roaming Jade Temple Masters .

"I'll have to trouble you all . " Chu Feng nodded . He sat quietly within the room and allowed the three experts to work .

The Eight Visions Temple master possessed a withdrawn and apathetic attitude . He lost an arm on Mount Longhu and had failed to reconnect it, but it wasn't impossible to turn things around . He still had a ray of hope during the next stage of evolution .

The blood energy within the Roaming Jade Temple Master was rolling like the tides . He was normally quite tyrannical and now his gaze was like lightning . He placed both hands on Chu Feng and sensed attentively .

The three experts performed their arts at the same time to study the black substance within Chu Feng's body . They also attempted to clean it out but all of them failed to do so in the end . They couldn't dispel it .

"It's very troublesome . This unfathomable black substance opposes the force of evolution and might even cause one to unevolve . " The Eight Visions Temple Master spoke .

The three experts performed their arts at the same time to study the black substance within Chu Feng's body . They also attempted to clean it out but all of them failed to do so in the end . They couldn't dispel it .

"It's very troublesome . This unfathomable black substance opposes the force of evolution and might even cause one to unevolve . " The Eight Visions Temple Master spoke .

At this point, Chu Feng didn't hide anything . He told them all about his experiences within the jade, hoping to borrow the three experts' aid in resolving his difficulty .

But now it seems to be of little use . The three combined couldn't produce any results .

"We'll go and flip through the various ancient records in the daoist depositories and see if there's a way to resolve this," said the Roaming Jade Temple Master .

"It's best you don't contact the outside world at this moment, including those at Kunlun . We should keep this a secret . "

The place became silent after the three left .

Lu Tong blamed himself and almost wanted to bash his head against the wall . His expression was extremely ugly .

"Yellow Ox, I've encountered a big problem…" Chu Feng contacted Yellow Ox . He stood outside the Hollow Jade Temple in the wind and snow, gazing at the hazy cold sky .

At this moment, his body couldn't feel the cold . His strength still remained, even though the black substance had penetrated his skin, tendons, and marrow .

However, there was a cold and desolate feeling in his heart . He immediately sensed the chill of helplessness—his world would perhaps be turned on its head hereafter and undergo a great change .

News of Chu Feng's arrival in Shuntian was already widely known since it wasn't a secret . Countless invitations piled up during the following couple of days .

So much so that some great demon kings from tens of thousands of miles away rushed over to meet him fervently and respectfully .

Some large corporate powers immediately prepared valuable gifts and had their dignitaries come over personally to meet Chu Feng .

In truth, they had already expressed their intentions by sending agents to try and make contact with Chu Feng on his way . All parties were apprehensive and had no choice but to recognize him .

Chu Feng stood before the window, gazing at the heavy snowfall outside without moving for a long time . On the table before him was a large pile of invitations .

Chapter 306: Difficulty
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