The Sacred Ruins
Chapter 245

Chu Feng revealed a smile and basked in the delightful aftertaste of success .

He had succeeded without the help of divine pollen . He had depended on his own strength to sever the fifth shackle and greatly increased his strength .

He could clearly feel his strength increased by a great margin . His physical and mental faculties had all strengthened exponentially .

Deep at night within the quiet mountains woods, Chu Feng raised his arms amidst the darkness as if he was supporting the firmament above . Each step he took almost shattered the mountains and rivers .

Naturally, this was just a misperception obtained from the rapid increase in strength, but nonetheless, he had indeed become much more powerful and his combat prowess had indeed surpassed all his peers .

At this time, his heart was beating at a steady rate and was no different from any normal person’s . However, he understood the power hidden within as it transported vigorous energy towards every part of his body .

Chu Feng activated his internal vision and found the agate-like bright red and crystalline heart glowing with interwoven beams of scarlet light .

That was the source of his most intense divine energy .

The heart houses the spirit, embodies all life and was the purest of yang—it was the container of boundless life energy . It was like a divine furnace forging a continuous stream of life energy to nourish the body .


Chu Feng moved out, severely shaking the whole mountain with each step . He rushed out with a thump, leaving a powerful explosion where he once stood .

His speed had reached an extreme; he had vanished within the blink of an eye and caused cliffs and rocks in the far distance to explode as he charged through them . Nothing could stop his advance .

Chu Feng plowed through everything as he traversed the long distance .

His speed was simply too terrifying; he only heard the shocking explosion after he had stopped running .

A field of carnage followed him wherever he went—giant trees and mountainous rocks were all sent flying only to explode mid-air .

"I’ve reached five and a half times the speed of sound . " Chu Feng concluded after some testing . He felt surprised because there was no one, to his knowledge, who had reached such a speed .

Even some experts with six severed shackles had to push themselves to the limit in order to barely reach Mach V .

With Chu Feng’s current speed, he could chase down any life form he locks onto . There was scarcely any way to outrun him .

"Black Dragon Crown Prince, your time is up . Let’s see where you can run!" he muttered .

The black flood dragon was extremely fast, but Chu Feng was confident he could definitely kill him if they met once again .


The earth exploded as Chu Feng leapt up . Even the sturdiest rocks couldn’t withstand the force .

With a swoosh, he landed on a thousand meter peak with relative ease . He wasn’t flying; a mere leap from ground level brought him to such heights .

This was sufficiently overwhelming to dumbfound any spectator .

Apparently, it wasn’t even the full extent of his power, but it was already quite terrifying and extraordinary to be able to reach a high peak in one jump . It felt like something out of a legend .

With a single step, Chu Feng rushed out from the summit like an arrow and traveled a thousand odd meters to reach another summit within a single moment .

A terrifying scene took place atop the previous peak . Cracks ran down the peak before it exploded with a bang, sending rocks and debris flying in all directions . Thereafter, a mountaintop had disappeared .


A red beam of light shot out from Chu Feng . It was a flying knife erupting with scarlet radiance which obscured the weapon’s true form . It turned into a mass of scarlet light and shot out at lightning speed .


The scarlet light slashed through the rocky mountain across where he was and hacked through a mountain hundreds of meters tall . The scene was absolutely terrifying; almost comparable to some mythological battles where the ancients would cut mountains and rivers .

Chu Feng believed his strength to be now comparable to those experts with six severed shackles, perhaps even stronger . He was confident enough to challenge the various experts around the world!

He felt the effects of his breakthrough this time were rather impressive . His physical strength had increased by absurd amounts .

Yellow Ox had told him before that the experts with six severed shackles could look down on the world, unbeatable by experts at any other level . Even those experts at five severed shackles would be easily suppressed in battle .

But Chu Feng’s strength at the moment was far stronger than those king level entities with five severed shackles . This was likely related to how he had always relied on pollen to pass each threshold of evolution and the type of breathing technique he used . It was also likely due to this fifth shackle which he severed on his own .

Other beings mostly relied on mutant fruits to achieve evolution .

Chu Feng stowed the flying knife away and began to observe the various changes in his body . What ability had he obtained during this breakthrough?

Normally, there should be one unpredictable ability after severing every shackle .

After the evolution, he felt his physique improve by leaps and bounds—his strength had increased by an overwhelming amount .

He felt an inexhaustible amount of energy with every punch and kick .

His heart was surrounded by a scarlet glow which worked to nourish his body and afford him tyrannical strength!

"Could I have obtained the strength of a Vajra, increasing my strength explosively?" Chu Feng mused .

In truth, the sheer magnitude of his strength was exceedingly terrifying and had long since surpassed his growth in speed .

"The heart is the source of all energy and vitality . Such an explosive growth in power is quite logical . "

Very soon, Chu Feng found that something wasn’t quite right although his body had grown much stronger . This strength wasn’t the ability he had obtained from the severing .


Finally, Chu Feng discovered that he had obtained a miraculous ability the moment his heart erupted with bright scarlet light following the severing .

Back when he had attacked the shackle with all his strength, Chu Feng coughed up blood and was somewhat wounded .

But within the blink of an eye, he was as fit as a fiddle and had completely recovered . It was indeed too quick .

He slashed his radiant skin with the flying knife . Even the incomparably sharp knife had to be backed with some force in order to cut through his resilient skin .

Chu Feng ignored the fresh blood flowing out and soon found that the wound was moving ever so slightly, making small rustling sounds . It actually closed itself rather swiftly with a scarlet glow and was soon healed .

Not even a scar was left behind in the end .


Chu Feng struck himself viciously with the flood dragon fist, causing blood to seep out of the corner of his mouth .

But soon, the pain from the injury receded and he soon recovered .

This was especially evident when Chu Feng circulated his breathing technique to support this ability . He was soon perfectly healed after a short while; his body glowed with a translucent radiance, and his blood energy was strong like the tides .


Chu Feng was absolutely delighted . Severing the heart shackle not only granted him an exponential increase in strength but also such a mysterious technique .

This must be the regeneration ability spoken of in legends!

After extensive testing, he found that any wound on his body could be rapidly healed, including bone-deep ones . The rate of regeneration far surpassed any other king level entity .

This put a brilliant glow in Chu Feng’s eyes . This heaven-defying ability was just what he needed! It would grant him several more lives in battle!

Especially if he were to encounter a powerful foe of the same level, he could absolutely win a battle of attrition .

Now, he need not fear even if he was surrounded by a group of kings . Even if it would be difficult to evade all the attacks, he would be able to regenerate the wounds he suffered . He could depend on this ability to kill his enemies in every direction .

"The heart is the source of life . It truly does makes sense!"

Chu Feng was satisfied—he wasn’t lacking in killing moves—the divine feet, his lightning attack or his two fist techniques were quite sufficient .

Now, with increased regenerative abilities, others would find it hard to compare with him . He was now fearless and powerful .


Finally, his stomach began to growl—the pangs of hunger had finally begun . Testing his new abilities and physical state had exhausted large amounts of energy and magnified his post-evolution requirements .

Hunger was something that would assault him after every evolution .

He would feel extreme hunger every time he evolved . The sensation was previously suppressed on purpose but now it was becoming unbearable .

Chu Feng’s stomach rumbled nonstop like the rolling thunder .

He knew that normal food was useless in such a situation . He required high energy food to satiate his ravenous state .

At this moment, he recalled the night he had killed ten king level entities and felt it to be too great a waste . He didn’t get to eat any of them despite killing so many .

"I have to go… to Jiangxi!"

Chu Feng rubbed his roaring belly and felt his mouth full of acidic saliva which had rushed up from his stomach .

He recalled the king level entities such as the Golden Condor, the pheasant, and the moose, causing him to drool incessantly . He could take it no longer .


He shattered a mountaintop with a single step and crossed a thousand odd meters like a bolt of lightning . Very soon, he was running madly towards the east amidst loud explosions .

Chu Feng couldn’t wait a moment longer and ran through the night without a rest . He wanted nothing more than to meet his sworn enemies and cook up a feast!

His speed at the moment was absolutely shocking and the uptime had increased exponentially since he severed the shackle on his heart . He was an extraordinary supersonic vehicle!

He covered extreme distances with each step before an explosion took place behind him .

It was rather fortunate that Chu Feng was traveling through the forest and nowhere near human settlements . He would surely make headlines as soon as he was discovered .

That was because his speed had surpassed all known experts and was overwhelming .

In order to cook up a feast and satiate his extreme hunger, Chu Feng ran at terrifying speeds and only slowed down to rest when he felt his blood boiling and his body reaching its limit .

Finally, he arrived in Jiangxi as the sun rose up .

At this time, Jiangxi was a gathering place of high-level experts from various powers . It was a place of various battles for supremacy .

Innumerable king level entities had made their appearance in Jiangxi in the recent days .

The cause for all of this was Chu Feng!

Those most concerned about Chu Feng were naturally the ones who had participated in the group hunt that night . They feared he would return for vengeance if he was able to get through this calamity .

"Everyone has been searching for so long . Just where is he hiding?" Some beast kings within the forest were discussing with hushed tones .

"Oh, could it be that he had already died? We did, after all, dealt quite a lot of damage to him . His heart was almost torn asunder and a huge cavity was visible on his chest . It’s not so easy to survive such injuries!"

These two were a large pheasant and a moose . The pheasant wasn’t small; its body was adorned with bright feathers and with a colorful radiance . The moose was sturdy and muscular with glowing light enshrouding his whole body .

They were the more fortunate survivors among those who had attacked Chu Feng that night .

But their luck had just run out today as they patrolled the Hubei border for they were soon discovered by the returning Chu Feng .

Chu Feng was standing in the distant forest at this time; his keen eyes had already discovered the two king-level entities .

"How lucky to be able to run into wonderful ingredients as soon as I return!" Chu Feng could no longer control the flowing saliva as his eyes suddenly flashed with a mischievous glow .

Chapter 245
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