Oh Shit, Danger Ahead!

Chrysanthemum Appreciation Pavilion, as the name suggested, was a place to appreciate chrysanthemums.

At least Gu Ye thought so, and she couldn’t help wondering: It’s winter. The chrysanthemums in other places have withered long ago, why are there so many guests here? They must have been planted with a greenhouse and cost a lot of money. There must be many types of chrysanthemums inside, which drew crowds to appreciate them.

With that in mind, she raised her foot to enter the shop.

”Stop there, Miss!” She was stopped right at the front door.

Yuhup! This must be the same as those scenic spots where you have to pay a fee to enter the door. Gu Ye took out an ingot worth five taels from her sleeve and gently asked, “There are six of us. Is this enough…”

The handsome-looking guy showed some embarrassment and waved his hands again and again: “I’m sorry, we don’t accept female guests here.”

At this moment, a few guests passed by, and the glances they threw at Gu Ye and Dong Xue emitted a gleam of doubt, amusement, and was that frivolity?

Gu Ye frowned and her petty temper came up. She snorted and said, “What kind of rules do you have? It’s sexist! What is wrong with being female? Do women not have the right to appreciate chrysanthemums?”

On the second floor, Yin Ba, who had just come from Yinzhen Pavilion and gave orders to the person in charge of “Chrysanthemum Appreciation Pavilion”, heard the commotion, glanced downstairs and almost nosedived.

Oh God! Is this the kind of place where this Little Ancestor can visit?

If his master knew that his beloved entered such an establishment, he would most likely finish him off without a word and smash the “Chrysanthemum Appreciation Pavilion” with his own hands!

The industry of Hidden Soul Hall spread all over the world and involved various fields. Chrysanthemum Appreciation Pavilion was an organization in the Hidden Soul Hall specialized in collecting information.

Fortunately, Ninth Young Master Jun persuaded the Little Ancestor to leave. Yin Ba inwardly breathed a sigh of relief.

”What? Chrysanthemum Appreciation Pavilion is brothel?” Gu Ye couldn’t help raising her voice when she heard Jun Qicheng’s blushing explanation. In such a flourishing small establishment, the “young men” inside must be good looking.

What a pity, ah, what a pity! It was a pity that she couldn’t go in and admire those comely men, each with their own merits…

”So, it’s not a place to enjoy chrysanthemums!” Seeing his sister’s regretful face, Gu Ming immediately said indignantly, “Then why did they name it like that? It’s misleading. Don’t be embarrassed, Sister. I also thought there were chrysanthemums in there just now…”

”Hahahaha… this is the funniest joke I have ever heard! Some people actually think that the Chrysanthemum Appreciation Pavilion is a place to see chrysanthemums. What season is this, and how can there be chrysanthemums blooming? How silly and naive! ” An arrogant laugh interrupted Gu Ming, who was comforting his sister.


Gu Ye turned her head and followed the source of the all too familiar voice and tone. A pair of handsome teenagers who looked almost identical stood nearby side by side. One of the young men in a blue cloak laughed so hard that even his molars were exposed.

How rude!

Bai Ji, who was wearing a sky-blue cotton robe, obviously recognized Gu Xiao. He was momentarily taken aback, and then he focused on the only little girl in the crowd. She had a small face, a sharp jaw, big black eyes, a yellow satin coat, a green satin pointed hem waistcoat, and a scallion yellow silk cotton skirt. The wind blew her cheeks rosy, and she stood there like a half-blooming daisy, delicate and beautiful.

Bai Ji took a step forward and said with a gentle voice, “What a coincidence, Grandpa Gu, Miss Gu. I didn’t expect to see you again in Yan City.”

Bai Zhi’s exaggerated grin froze on his face. His eyes widened, and he gaped before shutting his mouth. He pointed at the pretty and cute little girl and said in disbelief: “You…are that bratty girl surnamed Gu?”

He dared to call his sister a “bratty girl”. Gu Ming was unhappy. He slapped off the finger pointing at his sister and said in displeasure, “Who are you? How can you just swear at others?”

Gu Ming’s hand strength was quite strong and he didn’t hold himself back. Bai Zhi felt a sharp twinge in his right hand, and it swelled like a pig’s trotter. “You… A gentleman uses his tongue but not his fists; you broke my bones, you barbarian!”

”Staged crasher, you!” Gu Ye took out a bottle of medicated oil from her sleeve, threw it toward the servant behind Bai Zhi, and scoffed coldly, “My brother just patted your hand lightly, and then you howled like hell. Who are you trying to scare? Oh… After all, you’re the young master of a rich family. Your body is delicate and noble, and can’t bear the slightest suffering! Rub the medicated oil on your hands three times a day and the swelling will go down in two days!”

Bai Ji gave his younger brother’s servant a wink and asked him to take the second young master back to the inn. He said helplessly, “I apologize for the offense, Miss. Let me apologize on his behalf.”

”Every time I see Young Master Bai, you are apologizing for your younger brother. If you have time to make amends, why don’t you go home and teach him well before letting him out, so as not to embarrass the Bai family and cause trouble for the Jimin Pharmacy.” Gu Ye naturally wouldn’t stoop down to the level of a teenage man. She just lamented at the huge gap between the twins’ personalities.

She looked at Gu Ming, who was honest and upright beside her, and thought of the cowardice and weakness of the original owner. Not only did the twins not look alike, but their personalities were also poles apart.

Bai Ji had made plans long ago. When they went back to celebrate the New Year this time, he would leave his younger brother in the family and let his father sharpen his temper.

Chapter 175
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