The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated

Rank 930

List of reviews made by users for the The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated novel.

10 users have written reviews for the The Devil Does Not Need to Be Defeated novel and rated it with an average score of 4.4 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 930th among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub VIP platform.

10 Reviews

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dwerghamster 3
Chapter 342 4 months ago

its a very good novel but it has not have more chapters for now it has good story but with slow progression it focus a lot on the characters overl a 8. 75/10

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Orynth 23
Chapter 342 one year ago

A fun novel that somehow makes you think that evry other novel similiar to this is absolute trash, a hidden gem that should not be this low. A great story with interesting characters that makes me curl my toes in anticipation for what will come next

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Shin_Kurogami 2
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

def one of the interesting novel there is, rlly love how author makes mc hate cliche but theres also so much cliche in the novel LOLOL, mc def one of ghe most funniest and badass, and rlly love diere and leisha

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Mysticedge 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Highly recommend reading just got to the latest chapter the Mc has sorta of a guts mind set where friends are freind and enemies need to be slaughtered. Overall the plot has been used many times es before hero gets summoned to a fantasy world to slay the demon king although he is already dead. So it adds a little mystery and why he was summoned and why he should care about this world. It's a fresh bit of air to see that the Mc takes absolutely no shit from no one.

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Ruler_Of_Spikes 2
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Really not bad. More of a 4. 5, it breaks just enough of the tropes to still feel fresh, but it definitely plays it safe and close to the basic isekai format. Overall good read, not my favorite but definitely not bad

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Expression 6
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

This novel is filled with the cliché of mc doesn't want to act like cliché mc who is dense op and gets harem yet falls into the cliché of the mc who tries to avoid that cliché. This series is more of a 4. 5 because while the clichés and word count filling are annoying they don't detract drastically from the series. the mc is likeable except for when the author decides to go with the cliché "I'm not a perverted lust demon but I am a man so if I see a beautiful chick having delusions is alright. " the action scenes are good but the major flaw with this series is the pacing. 230 chapters in and the plot is only now starting, the 230 chapters go by pretty quick because most of the author's writing is filler text to set up a joke. the series is enjoyable but a 5 star scale isn't good for this series because putting at a 5 would be putting it on the same level as ORV or Overgeared. when its closer to 'by the grace of the gods. '

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lnwUser69958 2
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Unfortunately a very cliché novel where the author makes a lot of mistakes. 1. We have the typical page/word filling, where other novels maybe repeat a few sentences with redundant information, to fill their word count ( and thus $$$ ). This author makes use of the "art" of internal monolog, what can be best described as word soup. Where you can see the monolog start, skip 80% of the page until it ends, and the continue with the story. It becomes painful after a while. It adds nothing to the story, repeats the same things, does not build storyline or character development, its so obvious page filling, that its painful. The amount of times he needs to repeat his own cheat skill, because its loosely defined from the start, like he thinks the audience needs a refresher, every 10 pages! While this can be forgiven when it happens one time, , it happens dozens of times in a row. At page 81, this novel can be cut back to 25 pages. That is not a joke. 2. Power scaling . . . You can tell the author is writing himself already into a corner with the "cheat" skill and the power gains related from it. It does not feel very satisfying when there really has not been a single good fight, as OP does not even need to use a fraction of his power. 3. Story is . . . cliché but worst of all, the author thinks he is smart by pointing out how cliché the story is. A dozen times . . . It gets boring fast and despite the protagonist knowing how cliché the encounters are, and yet finds some excuse to then do exactly what the cliché story is. There is no brilliant storytelling going on here folks. No, stepping outside the lines to solve a problem. 4. You can see a Harem forming without a reason. Because cliché . . . The protagonist is literally doing nothing to even justify any form of attraction. And you see the girls already going hot for him. Its like the author has no experience with women and thinks that women act like this. Man with secrets that does not instantly jump a girl bones, with some "power". Makes women feel attracted! It just feels . . . 5. Everybody is taking care of the protagonist and its so lazy story writing. And lets not start with the plot holes. One that really annoyed me, The first big fight and the location of the future "harem" range. Its not a spoiler. Let me give a hint: Range + Sound. Its full with inconstancies like this. I can go on but it deserves a 3/5 at best. The author is trying to present the story as something special but you can almost copy 20 pages from any other medium cliché novel, add 40 pages internal monolog and repetitive information nd your somewhat close to this. Probably ok if you never read a novel in your life. If you have, and know the tropes, having somebody say "how cliché" and still doing the cliché things, does not make it less cliché, nor does it make for a good novel. Now, thinking about it after writing so far, the novel only deserves a 2/5. Read the "The Spider Queen" or something like that, that actually tries to do better.

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___zzzz____ 5
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

This novel, while entertaining, wasn't really my favourite. It's a classical transmigrated as a hero novel with an op looking mc. However, I don't like the fact that the mc could could've been possibly lead around the nose all the time. I also don't like the fact that the mc is not using his blessing to its full advantage and try to gain new skills on his own instead of just trying to learn from books, other people, etc. This novel is a bit slow paced in my opinion. It has the usual cliches and a pretty good sense of humor that can make you laugh every now and then. Other than that, it doesn't have anything special. I've read over 200 chapters but it didn't feel like I've read that much to me. Maybe this novel has pretty short chapters too and I just haven't noticed.

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  • lnwUser69958 2

    Its not the chapter length issue but the author filling 70% of the pages with the internal monolog, information you already know. Repeating the same thing, over and over again. Like the hero is a deep thinker but all that happens is page filling. This is why you feel like they are short. Your subconsciously skipping redundant content. There is so much repeating filler information, that the story really does not progress, while the power level up insanely. So you have this big disconnect between the story and the powers.

Rzora 8
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Definately a good book, i do recommed reading it. It not cliche like most lightnovel and also have above average. The MC actually different for most protaganist that want a "peaceful life", he actually tried to avoid trouble and not "avoid" trouble

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  • Strom17 3

    Can you elaborate the last sentence? I don't quite get it. Thank you

King_Chaos 2
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

The novel is a typical cliché, with everything you can find in other works, it doesn't change many things, but it's a good read for those who like this type of story.

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