Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms
Chapter 369: Every Single One of You are Thrash!


Everyone seated in the casino were thunderstruck after they heard Chen Xiaobei's bet in the very first round.

"What the hell?! The brat is insane! He's betting nine hundred million; it's as if money was recycled paper to him!"

"Nine hundred million! I don't think that I can earn that much money even if I stop eating and drinking for hundreds of generations! And this brat is going to spend it all on one single bet! It's outrageous!"

"I've never seen anyone gamble like that! It's like he wants to end the game at once!"

"This is craziness! Insanity! Madness!"


The Black Gang faction was utterly stunned and were unable to calm down all of a sudden.

The blonde dealer was shocked, too. She had worked as a dealer for years, crossing paths with all sorts of millionaires and billionaires – but she never met one quite like Chen Xiaobei!

"Asshole Xiaobei! You're too brash! How could you close your only exit! And how am I even supposed to save you…?" Murong Xiaoyao was really anxious; her elegant hands were turning pale as she clenched tightly at the corners of her dress.

Beside her, Fire Boss and the five key members' foreheads sweated buckets as their legs trembled without control. Even the calm Third Elder was restless; the elderly man rubbed his hands as he widened his gaze to witness the insanity.

Nine hundred million!

Any normal human being would definitely be losing their minds, but Chen Xiaobei remained as calm as a placid lake. With his cellphone, he wired the capital into the system – nine hundred million, split into three different bets. Three hundred million each!

"Why are the three of you just staring? Didn't you guys tell me to place a larger bet? And you guys did say that I'm stingy, right? Come on then, make your bet!" Chen Xiaobei mocked and taunted them with a cold glare.

"This is all I can say: you're a bloody coward if you refuse to call my bet! And to think that you three are big shots in Jianghu! Where would you hide your faces?"

"This…" Qiu Hairui's trio stared blankly.

They had pulled every trick in their book just to get Chen Xiaobei to sit at this table. However, they were already freaked out by the brat's aggressive move right on the first round.

One single bet, and the winners as well as the losers would be decided.

Naturally, the victors would indulge in endless happiness while the losers would drown in a rain of shame. On top of that, ninety percent of the Black Gang faction would become broke – the trio included.

Still, they could choose to end the game if they were not comfortable with such a tremendous bet! If one compares money and face, money was definitely way more important!

And then, out of the blue, the dealer nodded at Qiu Hairui. She was gesturing that he would not have to worry about the bet.

"We'll call your bet! We'll play with you until the end since you've pulled us into such an exciting game, even if it's so sudden!" Qiu Hairui spoke loudly with regained confidence, realizing that he did not spend one million to hire the legendary dealer from Las Vegas for nothing. He firmly believed that she could easily crush a beginner like Chen!

"Let's go! I hope Mr. Chen won't be cry in our faces when the dealer reveals the result!" Gu Caozhuo laughed. "I'll give you a friendly advice too; the cameras here are looped into the system and will record the result as soon as we flip our cards. The transaction will then be completed automatically! There's no chance for you to play any tricks!"

"So big… So fair…" Chen Xiaobei ignored them, completely focusing his attention on the dealer's ample bosom.

"Son of a bitch! We have placed our bets! What are you waiting for? Draw your card now!" Dongfang Hong chuckled arrogantly. "I can't wait to see you lose every dime in your bank account! I long to see you roll on the floor and cry like a little bitch! Hahahaha…"

"What's the rush? Couldn't you tell that I'm communicating with that beautiful over here through our hearts?" Chen Xiaobei replied, his eyes still feasting on the dealer's chest as if a lecherous old man. He wanted to rest his head on those soft and perky breasts so badly!

"She was about to tell me the location of the card with the biggest value! You guys are dead meat since you let me draw first!"

"What an asshole!" Murong Xiaoyao stomped the floor angrily. Here she was worrying about him, and yet that Chen Xiaobei was passing time flirting with that blondie!

"Cut the crap!" Dongfang Hong yelled angrily. "Stop struggling before you die! Draw, now! I want to see your sore loser face!"

Qiu Hairui and Gu Caozhuo were laughing coldly beside them; their hearts were dipped with of poisonous. They may not be saying anything but they were genuinely waiting for the doom of Chen Xiaobei!

"Sweetheart! Thanks for telling me where to draw the biggest card!" Chen Xiaobei smiled and winked at the dealer.

"You're quite the funny one, Mr. Chen. However, I'm a professional dealer and I would definitely not help anyone cheat in a casino! Good luck!"

Though she smiled, the dealer stared at Chen Xiaobei condescendingly. It was as she was mocking him, that a newbie could never draw the best card.

"Are you sure you are not going to help me to cheat? Hehehe…" Chen laughed evilly and stretched his hand to the cards.

In gambling, luck was the only factor that mattered under ordinary circumstances – but Chen Xiaobei had already noticed that the dealer was working together with Qiu Hairui. It was never a fair game from the start; and since they were acting like complete pricks he decided that he will not show mercy.

When it came to cheating, everyone were greenhorns compared to Chen Xiaobei.

With a blink, he activated his Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes. Every card turned transparent at once.


Without hesitating, he drew the Ace of Spades and put it in front of himself.

"Mr. Chen, I believed you've made the huge error of not thinking properly before you drew the card!" Gu Caozhuo laughed menacingly. "Did you really think that luck could help you through this round? Don't you think you are too damn naïve?"

"He's not naïve, he's an idiot! And his luck is not as good as ours! He's going to lose it all in this very round! Hahaha…" Dongfang Hong guffawed cheerfully.

"Mr. Chen, this time, you lose. Prepare yourself! I don't want you to die of a heart attack so soon!" Qiu Hairui declared arrogantly.

Everyone from the Black Gang cheered for their leader's proud proclamation.

"Haha! We are going to be big winners!"

"Our contribution will be multiplied once we get our share! This is fantastic!"

"I knew we'd get rich joining the Black Gang!"


"Okay! Now's our turn to draw!" Qiu Hairui said with a wink at the dealer. It was then that he noticed that she was deathly pale and non-responsive.

"Hey! Imbeciles! Save your strength, you people are the losers!" Chen Xioabei said coldly and flipped his card!


Everyone blanked out the moment Chen Xiaobei revealed his card – the flipping "Pat" sound was as if an invisible slap on their faces!

He had the Ace of Spades!

Chapter 369: Every Single One of You are Thrash!
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