Mystical Journey
Chapter 125


In the manor, a black cape suddenly stopped . In front of him, a large amount of flaming debris exploded everywhere . The bright yellow flame removed all the shadow under his cape as a beautiful yet cold female face appeared .

Not far from him, more than ten killers in green were killed in the explosion . A few lucky ones survived, and only their limbs were blown off as they crawled on the ground to escape from the fire .

"Third Royal General Charlotte . "

From a hidden window not far away, the Eight-Armed Dragon King locked onto the caped woman as he said in an undertone .

"I can’t believe the Duskdune Shura is using this much force . What did your dad get himself into that made them attack with full forces without considering the consequences?" He turned around at looked at Su Lin behind him .

"I don’t know, I hope it's not like he killed their family or anything like that . " Su Lin shrugged .

"Whatever, the hidden bombs are probably not going to be effective . This guy’s instincts are too sharp! Leave first, I’ll do it myself . " Eight-Armed Dragon King Yoda bit onto his smoke pipe and began to check and load his sniper rifle rounds one by one .

"Are you sure? One person . A Special Agent Colonel is protecting here on the outside, there is no way they get in here that fast . " Su Lin looked rather relaxed .

"The scary thing is that she doesn’t need to go through the door," Eight-Armed Dragon King said quietly .

Su Lin walked over to see outside when he spotted that Third Royal General Charlotte was gradually taking out two black barrels from under her cape . She slowly assembled them together to create an odd looking gun with a barrel sized of a fist .

"What is that…"

"Damnit . " The Eight-Armed Dragon King rapidly lifted up a sniper rifle as he aimed at Charlotte and fired .


The black cape in vision suddenly exploded as the upper body shattered into pieces of meat . Only the lower half walked a few steps before falling over .

"That’s it?" Su Lin was shocked .

"Still too early!" the Eight-Armed Dragon King sneered . "Let’s go! She has already found this place! That’s a fake . "

He dragged Su Lin and left .

From an underground entrance in the corner at the right side of the room, they ran in before the entrance quickly closed .


The door was kicked open as a black cape dragged a Colonel in . She scanned the room before her vision locked onto the entrance at the corner of the room .


Another loud noise and flames suddenly erupted and emerged from the closet, table, floor, and the ceiling . Flames burst out from everywhere in the room .

The room turned into a sea of fire .

At the tunnel beside the room, a black cape crossed her arms and leaned against the wall . She looked at the room emerged in flame before quietly walked away .


In the underground tunnel .

"Hello, didn’t you say I’d go in alone while you’d stay behind? Why are you running with me!?" Su Lin looked at Dragon King Yoda running in front speechlessly .

"I am running because I am going to help other places . " Yoda smiled, "If my guess is correct, that bastard has already entered the death trap . Two fakes already died, even she can’t be overzealous now . "


A depressed explosion echoed from the back as the ground shook .

"Look . She is done . " A cheerful smile emerged on Yoda’s face .


In the tunnel .

The black cape stood at the same place silently, not making a single move .

The exploded room burned not far behind from her as the sound of wood burning and crackling was occasionally heard .

Tiny droplets of sweat appeared on Charlotte’s face . Her beautiful eyes were constantly scanning her surroundings .

"This setup . Only you, Yoda," she mumbled as her body didn’t dare to move a single inch .

She knew that if she moved slightly, the hidden bombs would all explode . She didn’t know the nature of the mechanisms . Sensor? Time? Pressure? Trap?

But she knew that if she moved a single step, whether to the front or the back, she would immediately trigger the bomb .

No one could undermine Eight-Armed Dragon King Yoda’s bomb .

Her eyes focused as she suddenly realized that her body was surrounded by tightened transparent silks .

The silks were tightened like metal wires and filled the room . It was like a silkworm's cocoon as it completely covered her .

She knew that if she touched any wire, it would start a chain of violent explosions .

Countless silks created a human-sized space exactly where she was standing . This was the only place where she could avoid any of the silks .

Splash .

A droplet of sweat fell down on the ground .

"Pity, but you are underestimating me . " A hint of arrogance slowly emerged on her beautiful face .


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four sniper rifles simultaneously fired at all four directions .

Yoda had two on his hands, two on his feet . His feet naked as his toes were as agile as his fingers . They freely adjusted the direction of shooting .

Every shot from the four sniper rifles would accurately take away four lives .

Su Lin stood behind him along with a young man in a Colonel uniform who was responsible for protecting Su Lin . The person that had previously died was a fake .

The two stared hysterically at the Eight-Armed Dragon King’s performance .

The three stood on top of the three-story building .

Bang Bang Bang… amongst the heavy gunfire, Yoda ecstatically roared .

"Haha! Go die! Die!"

The faint gray smokes filled his surrounding as it gave a bloodthirsty taste .

Suddenly Yoda rolled .

A black dot dropped from the sky .


A black spear pinned where he was standing before . The silver tip penetrated deep into the concrete floor .

"I knew I wouldn’t get you, Charlotte . " Yoda stood up as he moved to the edge of the building calmly .


The black hook suddenly appeared from the edge of the building as a person hopped on top .

Black cape, as the head was not covered, a beautiful yet cold face appeared, and one of her eyes was hidden behind a white patch . She retracted the black hook .

"Yoda, I haven’t seen you in a while, you are still this sinister . Too bad, I am within twenty meters of you . Should you give up or should I personally end you?"

"Isn’t ‘sinister’ the definition for you?" Yoda sneered . "You should be the one giving up . "

His hands shook .

Crack crack crack…

The cracking sound filled the top floor .

The eight sniper rifles on this body simultaneously divided into two arcs as the gun barrels all pointed directly at Charlotte .

"Do you know why I can be called the Dragon King?" He began to laugh .

"That’s because no one can beat me when I have eight rifles . Therefore, I am known as Eight-Armed Dragon King!"

Charlotte froze in place without moving a single inch .

She was extremely focused as the eight rifles were all equipped with special explosives and bullets with rapid firing speed .

She had originally thought that Yoda’s name was just an exaggeration, but she didn’t believe it was like this .

She noticed that Yoda controlled the eight sniper rifles with his special transparent silks .

"Let me see how much strength is left of the original Royal General . " Yoda groaned as two barrels combined to fire simultaneously .


Garen and One of the Four Royal General separated as both took steps back .

Pieces of clothes and dust from their impacts still scattered in the air .

Within the stone house, Garen finally heard the tunnel closing behind him, and a smile appeared on his face .

Without thinking, he suddenly bumped left as broken stones scattered .

He broke the wall and fell in the water .


The stone room exploded in a second and was completely engulfed in fire . The reflection colored the lake into a dark red .

Garen just walked out of the lake before a black shadow dashed at him .

"Double Star!"

Two blue lights shined from the black shadow and flew directly at Garen’s chest . It was the light from the reflection of the daggers’ tip .

A grimace showed on the Pink Pupil Royal General’s face . Both of his arms were fake as two crescent-shaped daggers popped from below . From the blade, it was obvious that it was made through multiple materials combined together .

The two chilling stars fiercely stabbed in Garen’s chest .


Garen’s body leaned upward as the dagger was popped away .


Pink Pupil Royal General whipped his hands as he released a cloud of gray sands which completely submerged Garen .

He then stepped backward .

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Countless amount of bullets fired directly at Garen . These gray sands were explosives and were instantly ignited . The explosion's red flame engulfed Garen .

The shooting lasted for a few seconds before it stopped .

Where Garen stood was completely covered in smoke and nothing was visible .

"Don’t play these boring tricks again . "

All the sudden, Garen’s voice gradually appeared from the smoke, calm and collected .

Pink Pupil Royal General’s eyes slightly contracted, and he gazed onto Garen walking out of the smoke .

This strong man’s body looked like steel plates with the light black color, his body size seemed to have increased . He slowly walked out of the smoke as his upper body was completely naked . There was not a single sign of injury on his body .

"Impeccable Body Hardening Technique!" Royal General’s voice lowered . "Looks like normal weapons are useless against you . Too bad Charlotte is not here . "

"Charlotte? Another Royal General?" Garen confusedly asked .


Another bullet fiercely hit his right eye . The moment the gun fired, Garen closed his eyes, and his eyelid bounced away the bullet .

"Annoying little bugger . "

He waved his right hand .

A killer in green not far away was frightened as he held his neck, a blood hole appearing on his neck .

The entire battleground was silent . A bullet couldn’t even penetrate his eyelids!

This terrifying Body Hardening Technique must have reached human’s limit?!

Royal General’s face twitched as he unknowingly stepped backward .

Garen scanned around .

"Too many buggers . . . let’s clean up the battlefield first . "

Before his voice died down, Pink Pupil Royal General suddenly felt a fearsome aura exploding within him .

His face paled as a frightening thought flashed across his mind .

"Lori! Run!" he suddenly used all his energy to scream out .


A wave of terrifying aura completely engulfed him in a glimpse .

Chapter 125
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