My Disciple Died Yet Again

Rank 801

List of reviews made by users for the My Disciple Died Yet Again novel.

8 users have written reviews for the My Disciple Died Yet Again novel and rated it with an average score of 4.4 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 801st among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub VIP platform.

8 Reviews

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Adcium 13
Chapter 394 2 months ago

I've seen this a few times over the years on different websites. I never read it because the name and description weren't that grabbing. I finally started it a few days ago and I wish I could go back in time and stab my foot with a pike. This story is amazing, I was rarely bored for longer than 2 chapters and the jokes in it were perfectly suited to my tastes. Just try it out.

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ChenGe1 3
Chapter 393 6 months ago

I can't believe this romance novel does cultivation better than most xianxia webnovels out there. All in all, a surprisingly pleasant with a good plot and intriguing premise. However, I have to dock 1 star off because I do not enjoy the romance. It's really bland and I enjoy reading the MC relationship with other characters more than the ML.

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JlfnvPajelL 12
Chapter 122 6 months ago

This is just an okay read, only worth it if you are willing to turn your brain off to enjoy its comedy. This is because of a few reasons where I find the mc very insufferable, even though the beginning of the novel stood out so well and entertaining. First of all, she is a naive goody two shoes kind of protagonist, the one you often see in the typical shounen Isekai manga where mc thinks that everything in the world can be solved by kindness. This is not to say that she can forgive anyone and all that, but the fact that she never think of deleting the bugs, the core of every problems and bad scenarios at its first sight. She even protected them bro, how retarded is that? And when the worst consequences of her naive actions arrived, she broke down as intended, yes, but very quickly after that got her memories wiped because apparently her master doesn't want her to grow up from her stupid mindset. This is in my opinion, a failure in writing character development. Second of all, she is quite a slow witted girl. Now this is definitely not a bad thing in this comedy novel, but the point is that sometimes she suddenly starts acting like a complete *d**t, with the sole intention of the author is to push the plot progression. This can be seen twice already from my current reading progress. Once is how she suddenly started believing in her enemies' provocative words right in the middle of the battle, leading to her f*ck*ng up everything. Secondly is how she had already experienced the overpowered might of her hidden enemy, yet when confronted by him she still tried to do an all-out attack, right in front of his face, in hope that he will be insta-killed???? Wtf is this stupid logic. Comedy or not, I simply can not laugh because of how retarded it was. That's about it. If you still think that this novel is enjoyable, them have a good read I guess.

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Hitman_lover 7
Chapter n/a one year ago

I. LOVE. THIS. NOVEL. This novel is absolutely hilarious with interesting game elements (& a system with a wonderful sense of humour, sorry MC, I’m laughing at your expense), Xianxia cliches done really well without being too wordy or overly complicated. The character is sorta Mary Sue-ish but I mean come on, what do you expect from a character that literally cannot permanently die and has an OP system helping her do quests plus, I’m pretty sure the main purpose of this genre is comedy, not action so it’s ok that she’s Mary Sue-ish. I am very happy the MC ended up with the master, their dynamic is hilarious, she’s constantly dying and he’s constantly trying to keep her alive and questioning why his disciple keeps dying yet not dying. Also, his lack of common sense amuses me, it’s like if you ask him where his common sense went he’d be like “what’s that? Can you eat it?” Then the MC would be like “why am I with him? Oh right because of his pretty face/power/strength. Conclusion: this is a great for a casual read. And has all my favourite xianxia cliches wrapped up in a nice bundle of comedy.

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AiNoMegamiZ 2
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

I've gotta say, I thoroughly enjoyed this novel, sure there it wasn't perfect, and unfortunately, it left a lot of important stuff completely unresolved, it also forgot about several side characters that were important through the story development and all of this led to the ending of the novel feeling rushed. By all means, if you're not the kind of reader to put a lot of thought into the stuff I mentioned it go ahead and read it, but don't expect a perfect novel. +Points for the translator to take his/her time to explain a lot of words, memes, and more.

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PawnedSoul 4
Chapter n/a 3 years ago

Very funny novel. I am sure you will laugh at some pages. Not your regular xianxia novel. Have a good plot. Good characters. You will definitely love the protagonist.

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NastiarOfShu 0
Chapter n/a 3 years ago

For Novel with Xiaxia genre, this is a unique one. After all, who cared about the level of cultivation power if the MC could live and die so easily! Actually I want to say something about Heaven become useless... Ahem, I will stop then.

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Kaoxx287 0
Chapter n/a 3 years ago

What happens when the author wants to test all his idea of reincarnation?

This novel is born with a MC resurrecting several times but not always in a simple human body (no more details or i would spoil you good ideas)

Funny with romance but also surprisingly with heartbreaking moments, this novel is definitely worth a read in the mass of generic novels out there.

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