Live Dungeon!

Rank 1231

List of reviews made by users for the Live Dungeon! novel.

6 users have written reviews for the Live Dungeon! novel and rated it with an average score of 1.7 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 1231st among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub VIP platform.

6 Reviews

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Shadow_DEVIL -1
Chapter 226 one month ago

Edit: beginning - 1. 5 stars. Later - ~3stars, I read some more and it gets better later on, but the beginning is quite poor and he still doesn't seem to care much, but he stops being so dumb (everyone else is still kinda dumb though) and the pace picks up. You could even just skim the start as it exists purely as an excuse for the premise of the story to exist. It's pretty bad. Another fairly emotionless *d**t MC who just sort of exists and doesn't seem to care he has been thrown into a new world. Lots of exposition flaws with "show, don't tell" syndrome being the main narrative form. We get told what is happening, but never really experience anything because why do that when you can just do a one month timeskip and tell us the MC sold his staff for a lot of money and is now being mocked relentless by random, faceless voices in the crowd for being "lucky boy". His two companions, a dog man and cat girl are also brainless. When they aren't engaged in s*upid banter, they exist as an exposition device to explain the world to us (but not SHOW us, that would be interesting). Then we learn the entire world is also brainless because they treat white mages (healers) poorly because apparently a person who can heal, protect and literally bring you back to life aren't worthy of respect because they can't pewpew? Then they time-skip 30 d*mn floors of the dungeon, because seeing them learn how to work together and get to know one another would be as boring as exploring a new world. This story is completely devoid of character and charm.

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Allaysion 2
Chapter 37 one year ago

I show can't get into it. It's really slow the MC is being carried and doing things above hus pay grade like it's nothing I mean level 50+ teammates are struggling and he's below level 30 keeping up it doesn't make sense. Experience doesn't account for the level gap. The solit guild is more annoying than having any real relevance. There reason for splitting Amy out was braindead at best. It's just boring. I stopped at 37 cause there's just no reason to continue.

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julien 3
Chapter 106 one year ago

Okay, I can't take it in good conscience to read any further than chapter 106. All of the arcs thus far are bland, the pacing of the story is about as consistent as a block of Swiss cheese and the characters are essentially Oblivion NPCs. Avoid!

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TheWortyOne 7
Chapter n/a one year ago

Live Dungeon! is a light novel that attempts to blend the Action, Fantasy, and Shounen genres into an engaging story. However, it falls short in several aspects, making it a disappointing read for those seeking a well-crafted and engaging adventure. One of the most significant issues with Live Dungeon! is its unlikable main character, Kyotani Tsutomu . Hes a stupid and parasitic character, which makes it difficult for me to connect with him and become invested in his journey . A strong and relatable protagonist is essential for any story, and Live Dungeon! fails to deliver in this regard. The side characters in Live Dungeon! also leave much to be desired. They lack depth and development, making them feel like mere plot devices rather than fully fleshed-out individuals. This lack of character development further detracts from the overall reading experience, as readers struggle to become invested in the characters and their relationships. The plot of Live Dungeon! is another area where the novel falters. It's boring and not engaging or funny. . The novel's pacing is slow, and essential information is sometimes delivered late or without proper explanation . This lack of clarity and coherence in the storytelling makes it difficult for readers to follow the plot and become immersed in the story. Moreover, the novel's world-building is underwhelming. Despite being set in a different world with a unique premise, Live Dungeon! fails to provide sufficient background, lore, and explanations for its setting and game mechanics . This lack of depth in the world-building further contributes to the novel's overall lackluster quality. In conclusion, Live Dungeon! is a disappointing light novel with an unlikable main character, poorly developed side characters, a weak plot, and underwhelming world-building. Readers seeking a well-crafted and engaging adventure in the Action, Fantasy, and Shounen genres would be better off exploring other options.

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  • Discount_Sinu 3

    Sorry bro

Sinu 11
Chapter n/a one year ago

The novel promised a thrilling and captivating adventure, but it ultimately fell flat in almost every aspect. This novel left me utterly disappointed and frustrated, wondering how such a poorly crafted piece could ever gain recognition. First and foremost, the characters were as one-dimensional as they come. They lacked depth, development, and any form of relatability. It felt as if the author simply tossed together a group of stereotypical individuals without investing any effort into making them believable or interesting. As a result, I found it impossible to form any emotional connection with them, which severely hindered my ability to become invested in their supposed "struggles. " Furthermore, the plot was an absolute mess. It lacked coherence and consistency, often leaving me confused about the direction the story was taking. The pacing was all over the place, with unexplained time jumps that left crucial gaps in the narrative. It seemed as if the author was in a rush to tie up loose ends, resulting in a rushed and unsatisfying conclusion that failed to address the plot holes created throughout the novel. The writing style was equally disappointing. The prose lacked finesse and elegance, instead appearing amateurish and unpolished. The dialogue felt forced and unnatural, with characters delivering clunky and unrealistic lines. The author failed to create a vivid and immersive world, relying on clichés and tired tropes instead. The descriptions were sparse and lacked the necessary detail to transport the reader into the story. Moreover, the novel's editing and proofreading were sorely lacking. Typos, grammatical errors, and inconsistencies were abundant, which only added to the frustration of reading this already subpar novel. It felt as if no one bothered to review the manuscript before it went to print, and it greatly detracted from the reading experience. In conclusion, it was a major disappointment. The lackluster characters, convoluted plot, amateurish writing style, and numerous editing errors made for an overall unsatisfying reading experience. I would not recommend this light novel to anyone seeking a well-crafted and engaging adventure. Save your time for something far more deserving of your attention.

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leo2740 4
Chapter n/a one year ago

MC is an MMORPG player, whose game of choice is a dungeon-delving type. The game is going to close, so he decided to solo (with 4 secondary accounts) the dungeon till its last boss, perhaps part for pride and part because there had been noone who had done so. Once he done so though, he got an invite. . . And simply sent to face the final boss again, in the flesh, alone, in his main account as a white mage/healer/priest/cleric. Suffice to say, he died. The story proper then starts. There's barely any further information from the gods, who in the old Lore of the game was the maker of the Dungeon, and it was basically for fun. So far, he has gotten two party members, but they were mostly forced on him, because of a kind of PR disaster, involving the fact that the Dungeon spits out dead adventurers with the most expensive item in their hands, and an auctioneer that forgot to keep his private information, well, private.

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