Indulging in Carnal Desire
Chapter 229: [Khan’s Story 21] Think of a way

Once the two servants had returned to the quiet room, Hu Luoyan had already left.

After waking up a few of his trusted aides, he instructed them to do something and threw the antidote to them before hurrying out to join his brother.

After all, a couple of threatening forces had already begun to stir. Last night was merely the first wave. His initial plan was to draw out all these restless forces, but because the unexpected happened, which was also known as Chu Jiao, he had to put them on a leash. At this moment, Hu Luoyan felt that their first and most urgent priority was to ensure his queen’s safety.

“Wuuu wuuu wuuu, princess, how could this happen, wuuu wuuu wuuu…” Hong Xiu endlessly wailed at the side while wiping the bright-colored marks on her master’s body with distress, “Princess, which deranged beast did this to you? Wuuuuu, Bi Luo, are we going to be killed for this…”

Hong Xiu did not even dare think about what would happen once the princess, who prized cleanliness, were to wake up and find out that a day before she was getting married, she had actually… she had actually been plucked by someone. How furious would she be?! How would she deal with the slave girls who knew of this humiliation!

As the proverb went without saying, the most tight-lipped people are the dead ones. She had seen this happen far too many times in the harem before. And every year, at the bottom of a dried up well in the cold palace, they would always be able to pull up more than one palace maid or court eunuch who had ‘committed suicide.’

“What else can we do?” After taking delight in her master’s misfortune, Bi Luo was not as calm as she looked on the surface. She wrung a handkerchief, while expressionlessly saying, “We are but mere slaves. If our master truly wants us to die, we won’t be able to open our eyes to see the sun the following day.”

Even if their master weren’t the most respected princess of Great Chu, she was still a bargaining chip used for a political alliance, so killing them would be akin to killing a bunch of ants.

“Th-Then what should we do? Wuwuwu….”

Hong Xiu had always been a cowardly person, but after hearing Bi Luo say this harsh reality, she felt both distress for her master as well as fear for her own life. As such, she could only wail louder.

Bi Luo was annoyed by her cries and angrily threw the handkerchief back into the basin, “Cry, cry, cry. You only know how to cry, can’t you do anything else!?”

“Why don’t you come up with a way while the princess is still asleep!”

“A-A way? What way?” Hong Xiu blankly stared at Bi Luo. In her eyes, Bi Luo had always been the cleverer one between them. That was why she usually relied on her.

Bi Luo pressingly racked her brains, looking at the peacefully slumbering Chu Jiao, and an idea finally popped up.

Tonight, an evildoer raided the station and knocked out all the soldiers. The princess was then unfortunately assaulted by the evildoer, so everyone would be unable to escape the blame.

However, as the proud princess of the Chu Kingdom, if she were to learn what had happened while she was asleep, what would she do?

Would she… be so aggrieved that she would have no face to meet people?

Or, would she… be so ashamed to the point of wanting to kill herself?

That’s right.

If the princess were to hang herself, this headache of a matter would easily come to a close. Emperor Chu loved the princess so much, so he would definitely be furious at the outcome. Following this, the Chu Kingdom and the Xianbei would also perhaps go to war, and petty slaves like them would go ignored! The sky was high and the emperor was far away, perhaps… perhaps this would be the starting point of her escape from the miserable life of a slave!

Bi Luo’s heart thumped quicker, feeling extremely excited by the thought of this.

She had never wanted to live a slave’s life, but her luck with reincarnation was poor. Why did Chu Jiao get to become a spoiled princess and enjoy all the luxuries of life, whereas she had to be a slave girl who had to watch her both mouth and actions?

“Tell me, quickly! What plan did you come up with!” Hong Xiu saw Bi Luo go into a daze and pushed her lightly.

“The plan is to…” She gently stroked the wet handkerchief across the sleeping girl’s neck.

The plan was to… kill the princess and frame it as a suicide!

Bi Luo thought this and moved her lips for a long time, but these dangerous words didn’t come out. This was because she had cast a glance at the sleeping princess and felt that she had caught her eyes moving underneath her closed eyelids.

Could it be-the princess was awake?

Bi Luo started to know fear, consoling herself that she fortunately didn’t speak the words out. She had truly lost her mind for a moment from being able to harbor such disgraceful thoughts!

But, if the princess were truly awake, why didn’t she open her eyes?

Cold sweat began to seep out on her forehead.

The princess must’ve heard her earlier words, which was why she was waiting for her to say it out loud!

Bi Luo didn’t guess wrong.

Chu Jiao had already been awake from the start.

Hong Xiu’s sobbing was so deafening that it was impossible for her not to have risen.

At first, she had planned to continue lying in rest for a while but didn’t think that Bi Luo’s black lotus heart was gradually revealing itself, so she prepared to continue listening.

Bi Luo’s thoughts ran amok. Her earlier words would definitely offend the princess. This won’t do. She needed to come up with a plan to turn this around.


Chapter 229: [Khan’s Story 21] Think of a way
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