I Became a Genius Mage in the Cthulhu Game
Chapter 80: Hungry Mansion (4)

[Remote Detection]

I activated a wide-range detection spell.

Even while I was seated in the car, I could perceive a wide range of the surrounding area.

Only five minutes remained until we reached our destination.

Ghastly spirits rushed at us from all directions, front, left, and right, but they couldn’t break through the previously activated [Tindalos’s Shell] and [Ibn Ghazi’s Beacon].

Our main concern was the nine stray dogs trailing behind the car.

At first glance, they appeared to be nothing more than dogs, but in essence, they were corpses possessed by ghosts.

They were [Corpse Golems].

These creatures were supposed to be encountered inside the mansion…

Why had they all crawled out?

“Ah, who knows. That’s hardly the issue right now.”

The skins of the beasts would offer minimal resistance to magic.

– Gooooooo!

In fact, one particularly obsessed Corpse Golem leaped out.


[Tindalos’s Shell] scorched its hide black…

– Kieeeeeeeeeeeg!!

But it screamed and broke through!

The claws of this monstrous creature that was neither human, beast, nor ghost clung tightly to the car.

Before I could react, Jang Hyeon-deok suddenly shouted.

“I can handle this much!”


Jang Hyeon-deok slammed on the brakes out of nowhere.


The Corpse Golem was expecting to hit the slowing car with its claws but ended up smashing its head into the rear instead.

– Guoooooo!!!

Despite the sudden deceleration, we didn’t come to a complete stop.

The Corpse Golem was flung off before crashing onto the road.

Bang, thud!

Jang Hyeon-deok swiftly changed gears.


He accelerated again after shaking off the creature.

“Good. Well done!”

But the enemy wasn’t just one.

Spurred perhaps by the spirit of the one that had just attacked, the remaining eight beasts increased their speed and charged.

– Gaaaah!

– Gaaaaye!

We were not far from the mansion now.

My senses detected something lurking in front of the mansion.

There’s something waiting in front of the mansion too.

If we reach the mansion with these wild beasts in tow, we’ll be surrounded.

“Fu*k off, you runts!”

I intended to shake these creatures off here.

I reached under the seat for the Butcher’s Hook I had casually placed there and activated its effect.

[The unique ability of the S-grade weapon ‘Butcher’s Hook’, ‘Proof of Slaughter’, was triggered.

// Proof of Slaughter: The power of necromancy spells increases by 100%.]

[Turbid Current]

This was a large-scale attack magic that merged water and necromancy elements.

It was difficult to activate without water, but here, water was abundant!


The sound of groundwater bursting forth.


And the sound of the rainwater, which had been flowing like a river, reversing its course.

Magical power from the netherworld intertwined, and a powerful black polluted torrent surged up from all directions, creating a huge wave around the car.

The wave mixed with mud and trees turned into a landslide that swept away the ghosts.

– Guuaaaaaaah!

– Stop, stop it!

“Even ghosts are getting swept away by the wave?!”

“That’s exactly what this magic is for!”

It wasn’t just a spell that caused physical damage.

Because it was imbued with necromantic element, those caught in the wave suffered damage directly to their spectral forms.

And thanks to the Butcher’s Hook, that effect was doubled!

These lesser spirits should be easily swept away with just this.


The wave that swept away the gathered spirits and corpse golems continued to roar down toward the base of the mountain and disappeared.

As the obstructing wave cleared, the mansion came into view in the distance.

We were now very close to the mansion.

At that moment.

[System: The penalty trait ‘Feast’s Offering’ has been strengthened.]


The trees in front of the road exploded and something huge popped out from there.

Jang Hyeon-deok screamed before I could.

“A bear?!”

A monstrous creature with a bizarre appearance, as if covered in grotesque masks all over its body.

It was dozens of ghosts entangled in bear fur.

While it vaguely maintained a bear-like shape, in reality, it was made up of hundreds of faces.

[The souls trapped in the taxidermy collected by the mansion’s owner begin to awaken.]

At the same time, the message window displayed an unexpected piece of information.

[These taxidermies are not just mere objects now. The taxidermies growl as they approach you.]

This was the message that should have appeared when the wild dogs first showed up.

[Your eyes will widen in astonishment at the sight of the spirits bound within. /Null

Recovery in progress…

Recovery complete…

The souls of the sacrifices trapped in the giant bear’s taxidermy begin to awaken.

Dozens of souls forcibly injected into one body are struggling to take control of this body. The faces of the souls trapped in the bear’s body swell to create a hideous mask. This entity is now a powerful being that can no longer be called a ‘corpse golem’.

The essence of necromancy, a ‘Necromancy Golem’, now blocks your path.

Their madness, pain, and despair inflict terrible wounds on the minds of those around them.]

[System: Attempting to resist the distortion with your mental strength stat. Mental strength check…failure.]

[System: The unique trait ‘Madness of the Abyss’ has been activated. Fear effect has been nullified.]

“Ha, that’s not even funny!”

It’s just a mid-boss, right?

Damn, why does the mid-boss keep coming out to greet us at the entrance!

“That, that thing! What do we do now!”

Fortunately, it seemed that Jang Hyeon-deok had also succeeded in his Mental Strength check.

Then, there was no problem!

“Just go! Crush it under!”

“What? Whaaat??!”

“I said step on it!!”

The speed of the car increased.

The massive body of the necromancy golem swelled up.

It could no longer be called a bear.

It was a 5-meter monster, entangled with dozens of gigantic faces and filthy fur.

– Krrraaaaahhhhh!!!

– Keeeeehhhhh!!!

– Kiiiiieeekkk!!

Dozens of mouths attached to its body let out a cacophony of horrifying screams in unison.

The car pulled the floating fires that had been wandering around it to the front.


[The unique effect of the S-rank accessory ‘Ring of Corrupted Flame’ has been activated. ‘Red Element Concentration’ and ‘Legacy of Fire Knowledge’ has been activated

// Red Element Concentration: Increases the effectiveness of all fire-type spells by 50%.

// Legacy of Fire Knowledge: Enhances understanding of ‘fire-type magic’.]

A fierce fire concentrated in one point.

It was further amplified into a seething mass of plasma.

As soon as the pouring raindrops touched the vicinity of it, they evaporated into steam due to the immense firepower.

Instead of stopping here, it forcibly injected the necromantic element through the [Butcher’s Hook].

[Howling Fire]

It released the condensed magical power to a single point as much as it could.


The noise, akin to the death throes, erupted as the pouring raindrops and the air were torn apart.

Crackle! Crunch!!

A beam of highly compressed magical power pierced through the body of the necromancy golem.

A large hole was torn through its body.

And through the gaps of that hole, the imprisoned spirits spilled out.

– Grrraaaagh!

– Freedom, freedom!

– I hate you!! Die!!!

– Kiiiieeek!

While some dispersed in search of freedom, those bound by necromancy tried to move their shattered bodies to swarm us!

“Ah, ah! Aaaaahhh!”

Jang Hyeon-deok reflexively tried to hit the brakes-.

“Don’t stop! Press harder!”


Right in front of us! A crash was inevitable!

The entire car was enveloped in a myriad of protective spells: [Tindalos’ Shell], [Protective Circle], [Distortion Field], and [Prayer of Protection]. To these, a new spell was invoked.

[Flame of Hatred]

This magic turned any received impact into fiery retribution before sending it back to its source.

The spell’s recipient was the car itself.

“Take this!”

The car’s weight and speed, the quadruple layer of protective magic, and even the necromancy golem’s attacks were all absorbed!


The [Flame of Hatred] erupted into a massive explosion.

Flames seemed to cover the earth and a blinding flash of light filled the air.

At the heart of the explosion, the necromancy golem was obliterated, leaving no trace behind.

Bearskin and fragments of corpses were scattered in all directions.

Spirits engulfed in flames wailed in the inferno.

And suddenly, the mansion loomed right before us.

“Ah, I pressed too hard!”

“Hey, stop! Stop!”

“I know!”


Jang Hyeon-deok slammed on the brakes.

The car was unable to overcome its momentum and slid for quite a distance before it came to a stop.

Its final resting place was perilously close to the mansion’s very front.

There was hardly a 5cm gap between the car and the wall.

Had Jang Hyeon-deok not executed a masterful last-minute turn of the wheel, we would have crashed directly into it.


Jang Hyeon-deok buried his face in the steering wheel and sighed deeply.


He then raised his head without saying a word.

His face was ashen and drained of all color.

There were tears in the corners of his eyes and his lips were strangely twisted and trembling.

His expression was a sight to behold…. but perhaps he deserved some praise?

“Well done. You really are a professional driver.”

“…. Thank you.”

The sky was still dark, and a fierce rain continued to pour down.

First, I activated the [Distortion Field].

Once ready, I grabbed the duffel bag from the back seat and got out of the car.

It’s slightly heavy.

Though my strength had increased, it was still one of my lower stats.

The duffel bag that was filled with various items felt heavy in my arms.

So, we’ve arrived?

[The Hungry Mansion].

A large two-story building loomed in the darkness.

Having come this far, it was almost like my own home.

I surveyed the mansion’s exterior and started pondering how and where to make renovations.

“Excuse me… Mage-nim?”


Before I knew it, Jang Hyeon-deok had stepped out of the car and approached me with his legs trembling.

“This is the place you spoke of, right?”

“Yes, it is.”

“What exactly is this place?”

“Hmm… it’s… a pension in Jangmyeong Mountain?”

“A pension? This building looks more like a haunted house.”

Jang Hyeon-deok wasn’t exaggerating.

It was a Western-style mansion with an old exterior that seemed out of place in the secluded forests of Korea.

The surroundings of the mansion were overrun with strange and unidentified weeds.

It looked more like an abandoned building than one that was being maintained.

After glancing at the mansion several times, Jang Hyeon-deok came up to me with a terrified expression and whispered.

“There’s something, something on the second floor!”

“Well, there should be. Dealing with what’s inside is my task for this request.”

“It’s not over yet?”

“It’s just beginning.”

Jang Hyeon-deok stared at one of the second-floor windows.

The window, which seemed less for letting in light and more for surveillance, gave off an eerie atmosphere.

“The things we saw earlier… there will be more of them, won’t there?”

“Roughly speaking, yes.”

“Haha… I see… I see…”

Jang Hyeon-deok nodded his head with a meaningful smile and then continued.

“I-I’ll be heading back now…”

“Hmm. Alright, go back.”

“…Aren’t you going to stop me?”

“Why would I stop you?”

“Jang Hyeon-deok is quite useful, you know!”

What’s he getting at with this?

“Hurry up and go, man.”

Afterwards, Jang Hyeon-deok went back and forth and talked nonsense several times.

It seemed he was scared to go back alone, but entering with me would be even more dangerous.

Besides, there was one task left for Jang Hyeon-deok to complete.

“Take this with you on your way.”

“What’s this now?”

“It’s a task for the quite useful Jang Hyeon-deok.”

“C-Can’t I just go home?”

“Just stop by somewhere on your way and do this one thing.”

I moved closer to explain what he needed to be wary of and what he had to do.

“What if a ghost appears again?”

“I’ve taken care of the big ones, so the talisman should block the rest.”

“Are you sure it’s going to be alright?”

“As long as you don’t get out of the car, you’ll be able to go back.”

Jang Hyeon-deok grumbled a bit more but eventually, with a voice sounding utterly defeated, he agreed and started the car.

“Hmm… Can I really trust that guy?”

I found it hard to place my faith in him.

Yet, by the time these thoughts crossed my mind, Jang Hyeon-deok’s car had already disappeared from view.

“Oh, never mind.”

What could be done about it now?

I turned towards the mansion.

“Alright then. Shall we get down to business?”

The stairs leading to the mansion’s entrance were slippery with moss and clearly neglected.

This place hasn’t been maintained at all.


When I rang the old bell next to the front door, I heard a creepy electronic sound.

“I’ll need to replace this bell too…”

Despite pressing the bell, no one came out, so I had to ring the bell again several times.

After a while, I finally heard some movement from deep within the mansion.


A young man with a sinister appearance stood before me.

This was the owner of the hungry mansion.

Heo Sang-hyeon welcomed me.

“You’ve finally arrived.”

Chapter 80: Hungry Mansion (4)
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