Gacha Sovereign

Rank 237

List of reviews made by users for the Gacha Sovereign novel.

11 users have written reviews for the Gacha Sovereign novel and rated it with an average score of 3.7 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 237th among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub VIP platform.

11 Reviews

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Ridge_Zirk 5
Chapter 135 4 months ago

Well it totally deserves in terms of the plot idea and storytelling (at least till chapter 150) But the translation has done massive damage to the story and my brain cells It's not that the story is stupidly written but the translation is so trash that you could literally feel getting dumber as you keep reading and even forgetting how to read English is a risk involved in this endeavour So readers if you're here for the plot and something different in the journey to immortality, then there's a perilous journey ahead of you But if you're here for the sake of just reading for entertainment then I'd recommend to run from this novel as if a bear is behind your back

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Louisery 12
Chapter 3 5 months ago

This story is tras 1/10. First of all mc is bullied because he has bad grades? weird such stupid reason to bully someone and i have never seen anyone do that even in movies or novels. . . Now the reason mc has bad grades is retarded his sister is genius and because of that mc wanted to help her do things she cant?? so he started to learn farming and seafearing??? instead of idk mathematich or pcyschic or whatever carrier she will go to so you can help her that way but no he goes and learns some retarded uselless sh*t that you can call someone to do it for few dollar pretty cheap. After this for some reason his grades start droping? what does he do in school not go to classes or does he use phone in classes or is he not paying atttention ?? if he is just listening unless he is mentally retarded he could have avarage grades and most subject in high school are easy cause it seems he goes to normal one so only hard subject might be math and pchych rest is all memorization and with forced memorization you can get A+ in almsot every subject. And most subject in high are new so even without prior knowledge as long as you put litle effort you can get avarage grades but somehow mc isnt able to do that and after he his parents realize their child grades went from normal to all Fs they sure went litle harsh or calling him mistake but mc just said f*ck it and didnt even care instead of trying harder to get better grades. So now mc is bullied by few people? we never see anyone do that and just one guy steal his gf and then call him poor and stupid? and thats all and mc is like this world is trash and evil everyone hates me i am going to kill myself stupid just litle effort and he could improve his grades and be normal but no he instead goes and reads uselles stuff like farming. Now story is normal isekai japanese setting 5 people summoned 4 heroes mc isnt gets worst class his former gf and her new bf say to the king that mc is idk uselles and to get him expled which other two summoned are against but king does so anyway?? stupid. now other than that mc saves princess to one of three human kingdoms which have rank 8 people and can easily send rank 6 or 5 to acccomany her but no they sent one rank 3 and few rank 1 and suprise suprise two rank 3 orc show up and almost kill them all when rank 3 are treated as ants and there are millions of them so i have no idea why her father let this happen and though woah he must want her dead but no but her father and uncle are people who care about her and make her choose her own marriege for love but second after mc is found out to have rare element they thrent him to get married to her. . . plus after they go to some resturant some noble comes and asks mc who he is instead of saying he is princess fiance or that he doesnt need to know he for some f*ck*ng reason says he is commoner and then gets suprised when the guy sends some people to break his arms even though while execive would have normally happened if commoner went close to princess and mc knows this so mc beats the guards and noble withouth killing him even though the guy is yelling that he will kill mc skin his entire family blah blah blah and after this for some reason mc gets mad at princess??? she didnt do anything at all and its your own fault same as his "tragic" backstory and he blames her for being evil? other than that mc is retarded below smart and has 0 eq, i am sure monkey would do better than mc in this situation.

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  • Hollex 4

    I agree with you on everything. The first world (about 200 chapters) is garbage, but when the MC gets to the second world it literally should be considered another novel. The story improves a lot, the translation/writing is good and the protagonist literally transforms completely into another beast far from the depressed and naive isekai hero. Basically a Xianxia story, with good fights, young masters to bully and in general what you can expect from a cultivation novel with a system. I sincerely recommend you to give it a chance or literally ask for a summary of the first world and start reading from the second world.

    Edited: 5mo
    • Louisery 12

      o so i should i just skip the first world or?

      • Hollex 4

        I think this is the author's first work, and as you may have noticed, the beginning of the work is garbage. The author realizes this and tries first to correct the mistakes of the first world, but the disaster is so big that in the end he gives up and decides to hurry to finish the first world and go to the second world where he avoids most of the mistakes that occur at the beginning. Skipping the first world or having the guts to read it? I would recommend you to be strong and read it because there are some important events and concepts. The bad part of the first world is basically having a depressed protagonist who gets abused again at school and really until about chapter 100 or so doesn't get out of that hole (The real sh*t). Then the protagonist matures through suffering and changes his personality to that of a Xianxia cultivator. In summary, the first world the MC will get 2 wives, a pet, alchemy knowledge, several companions, maturing and a goal to pursue.

        Edited: 5mo
The_Superior_One 6
Chapter 1199 10 months ago

First 200 chapters are both not up to standards compared to rest and has horrible translation. But after that this novels become one of the greatest novels i have read that has over 1000 chapters 👌

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StrawhatPirates 4
Chapter n/a one year ago

It was pretty awesome, we have the mc because of a bad past develop an inferiority complex though later changes, the harem is great and actually helps him, or go out in adventures with him and not thrown away though the ending was a bit rushed it was still OK.

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Hollex 4
Chapter n/a one year ago

Give a try! If you pass the test of the first 100-200 chapters the novel becomes one of my favorites cultivation novels(after the fail isekai part). The MC becomes a traditional MC cultivator (protective to his friends and ruthless with enemies) with an HAREM (a good one). All the girls in the harem are active with the protagonist and follow him during most of his adventures. The history and enemies are very interesting with good battles and plots. The only drawback should be the bad isekai start and the rushed but not bad ending (the MC discovers and deletes the final enemy in less than 100 chapters).

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Wizzy 2
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Pretty good novel. Just skim through the first 3 chapters since you've probably read or seen that plot in anime or other novels. After that, it stays as a sort of light cultivation novel where the MC is really never in immediate danger. There's some typical young master stuff but MC has allies that are able to destroy them by the time they actually start making big moves. It starts to turn into typical cultivation novels around 600 chapters in with the MC and his allies no longer being strong enough against his enemies.

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Veehigh 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Please 😭😭am kind of addicted to this novel, please inform me or a notification if or when there is a next part, I know it's hard, but please don't end it yet. *kneel* He has yet to find a new sword God, Martha reincarnation and the blue bird are yet to find him, his sister is still researching how to find him, am sure she would have died though, but please don't make it stop yet. *now*

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NoTier 5
Chapter n/a 3 years ago

First of all, the novel needs to fix its grammar, it’s not unreadable (trust me, try to read an mtl and then come back, those are truly unreadable) , but the mistakes are consistent throughout the beginning chapters (I’ve read up to 135 and the problems consists). Secondly the story isn’t bad, but the reason I’m kinda discontent with it is that the author tries to portray emotional development, but IMO it just isn’t there, with this I mean we don’t actually get to see the journey of recuperation of the mc, sure, we do get some details but it almost feels like he overcame everything quickly. The relationships could have been built better, hell, for him to understand his feelings he had to watch his two girls almost die (almost the same situation for both of them, it felt repetitive and for the first one I don’t even know how he arrived at the scene at just the right moment since he was like 20 floors away).
This is just my opinion, but if they are gonna include relationships,(and also harems), it would be best to build a specific and distinguishing personality for each of the girls or it’s just going to get bland real fast (I think in this case it’s the time skips fault, you barely get to know each the characters, it’s all just training to get stronger and somehow their love progresses without anything meaningful happening).
Also there is this lack of truly original and smart opponents, all of the antagonists are just dumb as hell, generic young masters or generic corrupt teachers or officials that offend the mc for no reason, this is what gets on my nerves the most. (how the hell is he the deans apprentice and the teachers still have the courage to try and kill him, it makes no sense at all)

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Ravenry 0
Chapter n/a 3 years ago

It's a great manga. I love this. At first the MC somewhat have weak personality but it later chapter becomes better. We need to understand that his background, that's he's abused so this MC have some sort of inferiority or not really a ruthless or calm protagonist.
Unless you're mother toungue isn't English and not a grammar Nazi, you could read this novel..though they really need to fixed many of it.

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Owl 3
Chapter n/a 3 years ago

The grammar is trash and I don’t really know about the story. I mean really bad so bad that it affects the story and is really bland because of it.

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