Everlasting Immortal Firmament
Volume 6 Chapter 034: Di Shitian

Long Shenwu defeated Sun Wukong with a palm strike, knocking it down into a palm-shaped pit below. This reminded it of when Five Fingers Mountain trapped it.

It is not that I fell for Gautama’s trick, but perhaps Gautama was really that strong? And the person before me is as strong as Gautama?

Have I underestimated the people of this world?

Long Shenwu looked coldly at Sun Wukong as some doubt flashed in its eyes.

“Gu Hai? Imperial Emperor Gu?” Long Shenwu suddenly looked at Gu Hai.

“Third Crown Prince? Imperial Emperor Wu? Hah! What a coincidence! How did you find us?” Gu Hai looked at Long Shenwu.

Long Shenwu looked at Gu Hai with a strange gaze. Previously, Father showed great interest in him. That indicates he is no ordinary person. Furthermore, the monkey actually fled from him out of fear earlier.

Although the monkey is not as strong as me, its strength goes without a doubt, yet it feared Gu Hai? Could it be that he has something that I can’t see?

As for Gu Hai killing Long Zhanguo, Long Shenwu did not care. Based on the information from the Heavenly Realm, Gu Hai just granted Long Zhanguo release.

“We are curious. What is special about this monkey that you traveled so far to the west to capture it?” Long Shenwu asked as he gave Gu Hai a puzzled look.

“We have a fated connection with this monkey. However, our operation was very secretive, and we even picked a hidden location, yet you…?” Some doubt flashed in Gu Hai’s eyes.

Before Long Shenwu could speak, Ao Sheng laughed, “Secretive? Hahahahahaha! We were in the nearby sea region. Had it not been for the commotion you caused, how would we have found out?”

“Huh?” Gu Hai’s face sank.

They were nearby? Such a coincidence?

Gu Hai’s expression changed as he turned his head to look at Ao Shun. “Ao Shun, is this place near the Western Sea Dragon Palace?”

“Oh?” In the sky above, Long Shenwu narrowed his eyes.

“I’m not sure. The Western Sea Dragon Palace’s location is a secret. No one knows it aside from Royal Father.” Ao Shun shook his head.

“How did you know?” Ao Sheng’s face sank.

This is really near the Western Sea Dragon Palace?

Gu Hai felt depressed. I truly picked a good location. To think that I was so close to Long Shenwu?

“Initially, we were thinking of inviting Crown Prince Ao Shun over. However, it looks like this is heaven’s will. To think that you came here on your own accord?” Long Shenwu said indifferently.

“What do you want to do?” Ao Shun’s expression changed.

“Eldest Brother, lend me your blood!” Ao Sheng said with a cold smile.

With Long Shenwu and Ao Sheng working together, they held an absolute advantage. There was nowhere to escape.

At this moment, Ao Sheng felt extraordinarily cocky. However, Long Shenwu stared at Gu Hai gravely.

“Borrow my blood? Ao Sheng, you just opened the Northern Sea’s dragon burial mound. Now, you want to open the Western Sea Dragon Palace? Have you forgotten the ancestral teachings?” Ao Shun snarled while glaring.

“Forgotten? How could I forget? However, are we going to leave my dragon race’s belongings in there? Isn’t that too wasteful? It has been eight hundred thousand years. Eight hundred thousand years! The wisp of divine nature above the Western Sea Dragon Palace’s dragon’s gate might have already reformed a new deity.” Ao Sheng smiled.

“Didn’t you already leap over the dragon’s gate?” Ao Shun said seriously.

Ao Sheng’s face sank. “The Northern Sea’s dragon’s gate? Humph! Are you talking about this dragon deity?”

As Ao Sheng spoke, the back of his head suddenly emitted a black light that coalesced into a large black dragon. When the black dragon image appeared, it gave off powerful draconic might.

“The Northern Sea’s dragon deity?” Ao Shun said, his face sinking.

“If the old dragon does not die, the new dragon will not be birthed. Royal Father’s dragon deity has died already. That allows for a new Northern Sea’s dragon deity to come to life. However, my new dragon never came to life. It is just a puppet, with no intelligence or spirituality. Although the divine nature formed the dragon deity’s body, it is not qualified to be a deity. It can only be an energy source as a puppet, so I want the Western Sea’s dragon deity,” Ao Sheng said with a frown.

Ao Shun narrowed his eyes.

Ao Shun also had a dragon deity. When Ao Tianhuang died, Ao Tianhuang had used his will to help him establish a dragon deity—a dragon deity qualified to be a deity? Because his dragon deity came to life, Ao Sheng’s dragon deity could never be qualified to be a deity?

Ao Shun did not say anything. Ao Sheng remained depressed over this matter.

“Imperial Emperor Wu, how much of Ao Shun’s blood do you need?” Gu Hai asked.

“Huh?” Ao Sheng felt startled.

“I’m not sure. Perhaps we just need some as a primer,” Long Shenwu replied.

“How about this? We will accompany you to open the Western Sea Dragon Palace, and Ao Shun will cooperate. However, can you leave this unruly monkey to us to deal with? A living Ao Shun would be better than just blood, after all. That should make it easier for you to enter the dragon palace,” Gu Hai suggested seriously.

Long Shenwu ruminated over this for a while before nodding. “Alright.”

Gu Hai turned his head to look at the nearby Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong’s expression changed. It roared, “Gu Hai, you want to send me back? You can forget about it!”


Sun Wukong immediately turned into a beam of light shooting into the sky.

“Unruly monkey, trying to flee?” Long Shenwu’s eyes turned cold as he extended his hand to grab Sun Wukong.

Long Shenwu manifested a humongous palm and grabbed Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong’s expression changed. “Five Fingers Mountain?”

[TL Note: This scene is similar to how the Gautama Buddha trapped Sun Wukong under Five Fingers Mountain. Five Fingers Mountain was the Gautama Buddha’s hand, which caught it. Five Fingers Mountain was likely a manifested hand rather than his actual hand.]

Sun Wukong’s expression changed as it recalled the scene of the Gautama Buddha trapping it under Five Fingers Mountain in the past.

Just as Sun Wukong felt disconcerted, a manifested fist suddenly appeared and flew towards Long Shenwu’s manifested palm.


The manifested fist was gigantic. When it clashed with the manifested palm, space shuddered and rippled. The ground below shook violently, and the surrounding seawater churned, kicking up towering waves.

Sun Wukong managed to escape as a golden-robed man suddenly appeared before it.

This man had a broad face and long, flowing white hair. He possessed an extremely pointed gaze, radiating a sharp murderous intent. This man’s punch matched Long Shenwu’s manifested palm in power.

“Di Shitian?” Ao Shun’s expression turned cold.

“Oh? Crown Prince Ao Shun? I sent Shi Zhenzi to invite you. Unexpectedly, you came on your own accord?” Di Shitian suddenly guffawed.

“Humph!” Ao Shun snorted coldly.

Di Shitian looked coldly at Long Shenwu.

“Haha! Imperial Emperor Wu, how capable of you! Competing with me over the Western Sea Dragon Palace is one thing. To think that you have the time to capture this monkey?” Di Shitian sneered.

“Di Shitian, it is not your place to interfere in our capture of this monkey!” Long Shenwu said coldly.

“Indeed. It is not my place to interfere. However, the Western Sea Dragon Palace is not yours, either, right? Perhaps Crown Prince Ao Shun came to look for me. Am I right, Crown Prince Ao Shun?” Di Shitian suddenly smiled at Ao Shun.

Clearly, Di Shitian could tell that Ao Shun was under pressure.

“Di Shitian? You are overthinking. We have already allied with Imperial Emperor Wu. It has nothing to do with you,” Gu Hai interjected.

“Huh?” Di Shitian’s face sank as he looked at Gu Hai.

Di Shitian turned to Ao Shun. “Crown Prince Ao Shun, do think it over. Long Shenwu and Ao Sheng dug up the Northern Sea’s dragon burial mound. They also plan to dig up the Western Sea’s dragon burial mound. If you come with me, I guarantee that Long Shenwu cannot do anything to you. I absolutely will not dig up the dragon burial mound or desire the Western Sea’s dragon deity. I only want a portion of the Western Sea Dragon Palace’s Earthly Soul Essence. What do you think?”

Although Di Shitian had just arrived, he could tell that Ao Shun wanted to dissociate himself from Long Shenwu.

Ao Shun glanced at Gu Hai, then shook his head. “There’s no need. This is my Ao Clan’s matter. It is not the place of an outsider like you to interfere.”

“Humph! You don’t know what is good for you!” Di Shitian’s eyes turned cold.

“Di Shitian? Why did you save me? I have killed countless disciples of your Eight Heavenly Dragon Tribes.” Sun Wukong frowned at Di Shitian.

“You damned monkey, don’t read too much into this. Scram back to your Flower and Fruit Mountain. If not for the Lord Buddha asking me to save you, who would care if you die?!” Di Shitian said coldly.

“Huh?” Sun Wukong’s expression turned stiff.

Nearby, the faces of Gu Hai and the others sank.

It looks like our operation has been exposed. It is not just Long Shenwu who discovered us. The Spirit Mountain Holy Land knows as well. However, why did none of the Three Lives Buddhas show up, only Di Shitian? What is the Three Lives Buddhas’ intention?

“Ao Shun, let’s go!” Gu Hai shouted coldly.

Gu Hai flew over to Long Shenwu slowly with Ao Shun, Shangguan Hen, and Chang Ming.

“Ao Shun, have you thought it through?!” Di Shitian appeared somewhat anxious as he tried to grab Ao Shun.

“How audacious!” Long Shenwu shouted as he threw a punch.

Di Shitian’s expression changed as he counterpunched.


Spatial ripples appeared again from the two fists’ clash. Ten mountains shattered—apparently from the spatial instability at the location of the clash.

Neither side could do anything about the other.

Di Shitian’s face turned sullen as he looked at Ao Shun. Unfortunately, Ao Shun and the others had already reached Long Shenwu.

Sun Wukong watched from the side sulkily.


Sun Wukong somersaulted, instantly flying into the distance and disappearing over the horizon.

The monkey king could not linger here. Since Di Shitian already said that, there was nothing more to talk about.

After Sun Wukong left, Di Shitian looked coldly at Long Shenwu.

Long Shenwu refused to give in. He sneered, “Di Shitian, should I make you remain here forever?”

“Long Shenwu, just you wait!” Di Shitian snorted coldly.


Di Shitian stepped forward and instantly flew into the distance, then dived into the sea.

“Your Reverence, that Di Shitian will probably not leave this be,” Ao Sheng said with a frown.

“So what if he does not leave this be? Humph! The Three Lives Buddhas want to take advantage of our conflict? Let’s see who will have the last laugh. Let’s go!” Long Shenwu said coldly.

Gu Hai’s expression changed slightly.

The Western Sea Dragon Palace?

Although Gu Hai had failed to capture Sun Wukong, he felt that the Western Sea Dragon Palace was not as simple as it appeared, and planned to follow Long Shenwu for now. This would also deter the Three Lives Buddhas from going after him.

As for Sun Wukong, he could only deal with it later.

The group quickly flew somewhere nearby.


The group dived into the sea and disappeared.

Hall of Great Strength’s entrance, Spirit Mountain Holy Land:

The Present Buddha, the Past Buddha, and Nan Longnu watched a screen, manifested by blessings, before them. The screen showed Gu Hai’s battle in the distance.

“Gu Hai is here, Lord Buddha!” the Past Buddha said with a frown.

“He even tricked Sun Wukong into leaving? Why does he want to capture Sun Wukong?” Nan Longnu asked with a frown.

“Capture them all after they open the dragon palace. We will question them then,” the Present Buddha said.

Volume 6 Chapter 034: Di Shitian
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