Breeding Dragons From Today

Rank 789

List of reviews made by users for the Breeding Dragons From Today novel.

23 users have written reviews for the Breeding Dragons From Today novel and rated it with an average score of 3.6 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 789th among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub VIP platform.

23 Reviews

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preserver 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

i think the writer only words like calm gaze , indifferent expression , scared silly . plz change its name to language of eyes after chapter 200 you can skip lines and after chapter 450 you can directly skip chapter

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Nxthxrite 2
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

It was good till the underworld arc. it became worse since then. He just keeps getting new and new and new and new problems after solving each one, he is now acting more like a sissy

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Stunlock 1
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

It was good until the long and boring underworld arc. It just keeps going on and on with him still in that kingdom just for the decision if he's going to stay. Honestly, Im dropping this. Peace out

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lnwUser100563 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

This is one of the top 3 novel’s i’ve read and it’s amazing. I advice everyone to read it. Though it becomes a bad when he arrives at other planes, but it’s still good

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Faith21 1
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

This novel is pretty good in its earlier chapters. Raising dragons is it really cool and unique mechanic for the story. But once he leaves for the higher planes the story gets stale and unfocused and the author start to repeat details.

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Kevinr20 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

I'm not really sure how the novel is rated so high, well the story did start well until Joel reached the higher plane then everything goes down south as if the writer lost direction and write the story as it goes along. Not to forget how everyone keep praising how strong Joel as if the story is about just praising Joel.

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Bobisman 1
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Breeding dragons From today is awesome. The time skips and the constant growing of the ML is decent. The romance element disappears at some point but It is very good

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Galaleo 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Starts off at a decent pace and pretty much keeps it. The story is a rip-off Coiling Dragon Ring without the heavy emotions and family ties. The only unique thing about this novel is the dragon breeding system but even then at some point, it gets put on the back burner for a more cultivation Esque 'law' system. The Harem is meh with the exception of like 2 or 3 of the girls who actually had personalities and history with the MC. The MC is a block of "I need more power" and not much else.

Overall it's enjoyable to read and much better written than most other novels in the System genre. I'd say it's worth picking up if you don't let the Harem bog you down. Honestly, I don't know why people get so upset about harem in novels, not like you get good romance in this genre anyway.

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lnwUser80203 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

don't know why I bother attempting to read these kind of stories but whatever. Here is another MC saves girls and then girls for some reason falls for him and he starts gathering girls like its pokemon, i mean gotta catch em all am i right? I personally don't see why authors always have to make harems because you dont need to add a girl to his collection to write a good story and you can satisfy all your lonely fantasies with 1 girl. The story is only slightly different then most other stories of this genre with that system so if your looking for another of the 1 million of these kind of novels where the MC gets a system, picks up girls that has no personality and mind of their own, and ends up a god at the end or something of the sort then this is for you! Long story short there is nothing that really unique about this and its just another story to add to the many in the list of Harem/Systems.

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  • Zoro2224 6

    Did you even read? Or are you assuming that just because he saves women they become a harem? He isn't even interested in anything other than cultivation and dragons. So fuck your shit review.

lnwUser50487 1
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Starts off a little slow but the story revolves around the MC who slowly builds a wall of stone around his heart letting only his girls, dragons and people he considers 'good' in. The relationships he has with his dragons is also touching. Very enjoyable read.

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