List of reviews made by users for the As An Immortal, I Only Learn Forbidden Skills novel.

16 users have written reviews for the As An Immortal, I Only Learn Forbidden Skills novel and rated it with an average score of 3.7 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 468th among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub VIP platform.

16 Reviews

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TimQQQ -1
Chapter 425 2 months ago

I can't in good faith give this novel more than a 2 if i take into account all chapters. the first 300 chapters were surprisingly good. and then for whatever reason, the personaily of the mc and how he is acting completely shifts from "im an immortal already so ill take this slow and steady and win the race" to "i am the chosen one under the heavens and my talent knows no bounds so ill just take risks 24/7, even in the face of immortals way stronger that could notice my immortality and chain me up" and it changes so fast. after the black rock arc its like a switch, im almost sure the authors changed. even the style of writing chaged. and the mc becomes a typical young master with boundless talent, the fact that he is immortal hasnt even been exploited in like 150 chapters from where ive read. seriously dont read this, its the most disappointed type of novel, starts great, but ultimately wastes hours of your time by becoming complete **** after 300 chapters. i only reason to 500 or so, but people say it dosent get better and only goes downhill and from what i read i believe it

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TheWortyOne 7
Chapter 290 3 months ago

At the beggining this novel was lowkey fire but after like 200 chaps it goes downhill, the mc takes unecessary risks, becomes the most talented /the chosen one, gets supreme technique, and it just becomes a typical chinese cultivation novel with people saying courting death abd what not all the time

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JuicyJOE 4
Chapter 358 9 months ago

Someone already mentioned this, but after Chapter 300, the quality of the novel took a sharp downturn. It's almost as if the chapters before and after Chapter 300 were written by different authors. . The unique characteristics of each character have disappeared, and they all seem to have become generic, low-quality Chinese characters. . the main character has become the center of the universe. . The "prodigy" syndrome is in full swing, demanding that the main character transforms into a "super genius. " . Each chapter is filled with filler dialogue like 'The MC can't possibly survive this!' or 'Oh my god! He survived! Let me spend the next 30 paragraphs explaining how surprised I am!' . Logic seems to be thrown out the window, and there are questionable actions happening everywhere.

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MHLEnviro 12
Chapter 489 9 months ago

I had read almost 500 chapters, first chapters are great. It is about a weak immortal who try to become a strong one. MC is cunning enough. He has some funny companions, a rabbit, a dog, and a sword. Till, this chapter there is no love story. Why 3 star, after 200 chapters, we see all repetitive CN things. Creativity decrease, for example MC in one arc goes to a dangerous place with winds, the deeper the more dangerous. In next arc He goes to a river, the deeper the more dangerous. All r the same. I may drop it. If u r a fan of martial arts story, and don't have any material to read, try it. If your library is full, forget it. Or at least read the first 209- 300 and have some fun.

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Supreme_Lord 6
Chapter 160 one year ago

*sighs. . . Lets see I liked it . Though there can be some work done on mc's character development it is an interesting story. Well it can be bland sometimes but give it a try.

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Glaurung 3
Chapter 416 one year ago

Its a fun read but it has its own problems which can be hard to overlook. The main problem for me is the sheer flatness of the villains and antagonists as they all perfectly embody the dumb, arrogant, greedy, and "I come from XXX sect so you can't touch me" stereotypes of bad cultivation novels. The author states multiple times that making it far in cultivation requires intelligence and survivability, something these guys miraculously lack. The enemy sects consisting of thousands of individuals somehow are all unanimously evil, which justifies the MC in exterminating them even though only like 1 dude from the entire sect attacked him. Other than the this glaring issue the novel was otherwise a fun read, as the MC shows wisdom and ruthlessness fitting his age (which is rare nowadays). While the pace is slow (its a novel about an immortal who could see that coming) I would recommend it if you can ignore the issue with his opponents being lobotomized and suicidal. I would give it a 3. 8 star review because despite how fun the story can be having good antagonists is a key part of what makes a good story.

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Old_Demon 7
Chapter 394 one year ago

Quite a nice novel, it's similar to "immortal in a magic world" but instead of Magic it's about Qi or Cultivation. Though I've said similar, the difference is that the rate of progression between the two (externally and internally) differ from each other by a good amount. If I were to compare it, it'd be like comparing two different types of drinks, one is elegant and slow savoring like tea, the other is high energy and explosive like Rockstar (the energy drink).

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SpaceFriedChicken 36
Chapter n/a one year ago

Decent novel actually, Other than a few pronoun mistakes here and there, the translation is quite good. Another mega plus point is this is not a harem. Regarding the story, the story is of a transmigrated person who gets immortality as his cheat. Immortality as in he can't die, but doesn't have other OP powers other than it. MC is a smart person who knows the dangers associated with this when he doesn't have the strength to match the cheat, so he acts with a lot of caution. Overall, highly recommended. 4. 4/5

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VlogOvidiu 3
Chapter 140 one year ago

Good shit, not your usual chinese cultivation novel. A mix between Reverend Insanity and Providence. MC is smart, waits a lot for the perfect moment, takes close to 0% risks, calculative. Some might say that the story is fast, I myself can't, It's slow, very slow, if 140 chapters of fighting with peasants, farmers and the occasional soldier while learning shit cultivation manuals that he stole from the old ladies while they were at church on a sunday is fast, then yes it's fast. But overall it's really good, very well-written. 5 stars

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  • Ffaltu 1

    Are you on weed!!! Did you leave comment on wrong novel??

    • VlogOvidiu 3

      No, this is a factually correct review, your opinion is wrong.

      • DarkTh 9

        Nearly everything in your review becomes wrong around chapter 300 or so. That's why we all dropped this one

      • VlogOvidiu 3

        I dropped it at 140, so I'll never know when it gets fast, don't want to either.

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Chompah 4
Chapter 324 one year ago

Pretty good writing until chapter 200-ish. The characters and world building aren't deep enough but that's ok. The Mc is cautious, rational, loyal to his friends and can utilize his resources very well. Then around about chapter 200-ish it went back to the typical hot-blooded, dumb and lucky wuxia Mc. He literally charges into any opportunity he sees and offending everyone, which would contradict the personalities the author portrayed repeatedly earlier. Other than that, everything else turned into a typical Chinese cultivation novel (not that good).

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