• MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

    Rank 1007 Update 4 months ago

    .[Creating Pumpkinmancer Class: Confirm?].... Pro VR Gamer Jack O’Neil died as tragically as he lived: betrayed, then eaten by ducks! Luckily, fate gave him a second chance when he found himself coming back to the past..... Watch as he makes his return as a Ranker, even stronger than before! This time he aims to become number one and clear all regrets from his previous life. He will right all wrongs and wrong all rights! — Eh…w...

  • Classless Ascension

    Rank 1034 Update 2 years ago

    .[Climb the Dimensional Tower and have any wish fulfilled by the gods themselves!].. Enters Josh Malum... He was feared on Earth, but in this new world, he is but a Fallen. One that is forced to Climb. If it wasn’t bad enough already he is also Classless, something that is unheard of in the Tower. Yet none of it phases him...«You think I sho...