Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife
Chapter 257.1: Specifically Creating

Li Hong Yuan confidently nodded his head. Naturally, there was him for all things.

Jing Wan turned her head and glanced at him. Truthfully speaking, such an egomania, truly makes one’s head spin.

And Li Hong Yuan seemingly was always able to sense her gaze first thing, returning an unbearably flirty shallow smile, making one blush and heart race. And in outsiders’ eyes, it was also close and intimate, very much having tacit understanding.

Luo Old Madam held the tea cup, taking a shallow sip, pretending that she didn’t see anything at all. Once old, one was just unable to bear such lovey-dovey behavior from young people, but this was her most beloved granddaughter and her husband. The better their relationship, naturally the happier she’ll be, so naturally she won’t go be that disdaining club[1].

Jing Wan casted a glance at her grandmother, she seemingly didn’t notice. Jing Wan relaxed a breath, quickly sitting upright. Being lovey-dovey in front of her elders, this level of shame at least needed to shoot up fifty percent. Speaking of which, in her past life, where the general mood was more open, it was still a bit better, and the acceptability level much higher. However, in the present environment, perhaps it was just a great shock.

Towards this grandmother and granddaughter pair, where one pretends to not know, and one deceiving oneself that the other party didn’t see, Li Hong Yuan decline to comment.

Jing Wan recalled a question in hindsight. Her grandmother had an enormous amount of trust towards Jin Qinwang, and this trust wasn’t something that can be established overnight. That’s why, it couldn’t have been during this period of time after the marriage. Towards Jin Qinwang’s character, grandfather and her must have long had an understanding of, and this timing probably needs to be traced back to before the engagement. Moreover, this understanding, most likely was even deeper than she’d thought.

There was a kind of ‘others all know, yet only I don’t know’ feeling. Alright, she wouldn’t really go as far as to be angry either. For her grandmother to not tell her, she certainly must have her reasons, so needless to mind.

After calmly discussing the important matters, they just casually began talking about personal matters.

“Wangye very much likes children?” Luo Old Madam asked.

“Why does one say so? ————–Just based on holding that little thing once just now? Just bored, that’s all.” His own wife’s grandmother, Li Hong Yuan still had that bit of patience to reply to her boring questions.

Carefully thinking it over, children, this kind of thing, Li Hong Yuan really did’t have any feelings towards. First setting aside the fact that after having children, it’ll inevitably divide away his wife’s attention, women giving birth was just extremely dangerous to begin with. If it threatens Wan Wan’s life, then he will unhesitantly give up on children. Although men continuing on their bloodline was human nature, it absolutely wasn’t at this time. Even if in the future, that is still just letting nature take its course. He absolutely won’t insist on it.

Luo Old Madam, seeing that he really didn’t have it taken seriously, didn’t say anymore either. In any case, in Le Cheng Emperor’s eyes, he didn’t have the right to inherit the throne anyways. Then, prior to the Emperor getting replaced, this son not having an heir, what did it matter? He was the only one, during the process of fighting for the throne, that didn’t need to consider the problem of having an heir.

Regarding this bit, Jing Wan knew even more, but right now, she still maintained her silence.

Luo Old Madam originally wanted to let them stay for a meal, just the time was still early, and seeing Li Hong Yuan with a very bored look, Jing Wan just declined.

Luo Old Madam felt a bit disappointed inside. Now, keeping her granddaughter for a meal all wasn’t that easy anymore. However, she didn’t insist on it either. Her granddaughter has now married, so her center of gravity shifting a little was also normal.

Leaving the Luo Manor, “What fun places are there in the capital, does wangye have any recommendations?”

Having entered the capital for a little more than a year, yet Jing Wan still haven’t visited all the places one can go to in the capital. She felt she should reflect on this bit.

“What fun things can there be in the city, let’s directly leave the city and go to the estate.”

“Eh? Leaving just like this?” Having lived in this world for more than ten years, there really hasn’t been a time where one just leaves on a whim. So long as it was leaving the city and unable to return that day, all needed to make preparations at least one day in advance. Even if not leaving the city, and just going to someone else’s home as a guest, one still needed to prepare some things that one might use. This ‘wanting to leave and immediately just leaving’ refreshed feeling was a first.

As the carriage exited the city gates, Jing Wan was still feeling a bit surreal. These imperial descendants traveling out, shouldn’t it be even more troublesome? Having retainers in front and behind, grandiose and imposing, that should be the norm. To just set out in light luggage like this, laid-back to the point of being willful, this one was probably also the only one.

Jing Wan also knew, everything can’t be this simple. As a matter of fact, that Eunuch Mu has already disappeared without a trace. Presumably, if not returning to the qinwang manor to have people pack things, then it was just preceding ahead to the estate to make arrangements.

One word from above, and the people below will have to break their legs from running.

However, no one felt this was wrong. Even Jing Wan was also aware that this was their value in existing, only by having use can you live. When useless, you can just get lost, and after getting lost, what kind of days one will face, that was just difficult to say.

For servants that were appropriately trained, perfectly completing their master’s any demand was their greatest honor.

With Li Hong Yuan indulging, Jing Wan didn’t just obediently stay withdrawn in the horse carriage either, lifting open the window curtains and resting against the edge of the window, facing the cool breeze and admiring the beautiful scenery. Just too satisfying.

Directly in front was a carriage fleet, appearing to be an ordinary caravan. However, towards the matters of the capital, they should be quite familiar with, and seeing Jin Qinwang Manor’s carriage, just let the people hurriedly make way, stopping at the side. As a result, Jin Qinwang Manor’s carriage brushed past their side. As the saying goes, while you’re admiring the scenery, you also unknowingly and inadvertently became the beautiful scenery in others’ eyes.

Of course, this wasn’t referring to Jing Wan, but rather Li Hong Yuan. ——-Sigh, no matter where, there was always those obsessed with face, no?

“Whose that person in the horse carriage?” From a certain carriage among the carriages stopped by the roadside came a woman’s intrigued voice.

“That’s the sixth imperial son Jin Qinwang’s carriage. The one inside should be Jin Qinwang without a doubt, and the woman by the window should be his wangfei that married in a few days ago, coming from the Head Minister of Appointment’s manor, and recognizing the Grand Elder Princess as an adoptive mother.” A man quietly answered.

“Really worthy of being called Qi Yuan’s number one male beauty. That face really is matching the rumors.”

“Master, isn’t the focus of your attention wrong?” The man was helpless.

“Wrong? Jin Qinwang, aside from that face, what other areas are there worth paying attention to?”

That man was actually unable to respond.

Have to say, for Jin Qinwang to mess around to the point of where everyone all believe that he just has a good face, don’t know whether one should observe a moment of silence for him, or should praise him for his methods being too high level, hiding too well, not having the slightest leak.

Although Li Hong Yuan’s attention was mostly on Jing Wan, it didn’t mean that towards the matters outside, he was just completely unaware of. For someone that shouldn’t appear at this time to appear, he actually wasn’t too surprised. Can only say, their guts are pretty big.

Speaking of which, the people that appeared in his past life, counting the years, it was already a memory from several decades ago. Who would still remember what those people looked like. Unfortunately, towards the identities of the ‘important ones’, Jin Qinwang still remembered. The secret agents and spies that were sent out weren’t useless either. If they can’t even bring back a few portraits, then they can all use their death to apologize for their failure.

Don’t assume that just because you reside in the boudoir, you just won’t be noticed, and no one will find out. That was just under normal circumstances. Even facing the Li Hong Yuan who didn’t have a cheat, one was all able to be killed by him. After loading the cheat, you dying unknowingly, can only just go before King Enma to cry out your grievances. ————Li Hong Yuan’s expression was languid, not even batting an eye.

However, appearing at this time, perhaps can even help him fish out some fish that are hiding in the depths and haven’t been discovered.

[1] Meaning the wooden club used to beat apart love birds.

T/N: I really love it when things change from LHY’s past life due to the various ripple effects.

Chapter 257.1: Specifically Creating
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