This Damned Thirst for Survival

Rank 642

List of reviews made by users for the This Damned Thirst for Survival novel.

10 users have written reviews for the This Damned Thirst for Survival novel and rated it with an average score of 4.9 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 642nd among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub VIP platform.

10 Reviews

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GreenEmerthyst 3
Chapter 237 one month ago

I love the book. Really interesting and adventurous . The characters were so well developed, and the plot kept me on the edge of my seat. I couldn't put it down until I reached the very last page. I can't wait to read more from this author in the future. The descriptive language used throughout the story painted such vivid pictures in my mind, making it feel like I was right there alongside the characters on their journey. The unexpected twists and turns in the plot kept me guessing until the very end, and the satisfying conclusion left me feeling both fulfilled and craving more. This book truly captured my imagination, and I know it will be one that stays with me for a long time.

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MyLadyShip 3
Chapter 237 5 months ago

The main couple took the phrase 'Keep your friends close but your enemies closer' LITERALLY. These two 'enemies' have much more spark and are much more intimate than any of the top lovey-dovey novels out there. (ABO novels would give them a run for their money though!) Both of the main characters are cynical, conniving, deceitful, selfish beings that's why they are a match made in hell. The only person that downgraded the quality of this novel is the translator. Good thing the new translator will re-translate this book so that I can read it again(〜^ω^)〜. Here are a few recommendations like this book; Folklore's #1 Boss (Ongoing), Thriller Trainee (Ongoing), Welcome to the Nightmare Live (Ongoing) and The Grim Reaper Can't Be Tricked [Not translated (╯︵╰) ].

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sianndd_ 11
Chapter 237 5 months ago

I kept looking forward for their eventual romantic scenes or developments when I started reading this because of that synopsis, BUT D*MN the storylines are seriously f*ck*ng good! Maybe I'm overhyping it since it's actually my first time reading this type of novel and concept, but maaaann I stayed. It kept hooking up my interest chapter by chapter, and when the romance finally happened it's so d*mn funny! The author did a good job for this enemies to lovers troupe. I wish someone had picked up the novel and gave it a better translation.

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OneFoolishReader 22
Chapter n/a one year ago

This novel is the definition of enemies to lovers. The ML AND MC despise eachother at the start. I'm pretty sure the ML even tried to kill MC a few times (not too sure since I read this a while ago). However, the story is cool and the plot was enjoyable. I did drop this novel though since they had too much malice towards eachother for me to enjoy and the romance was extremely slow. But if this is your cup of tea, definitely give it a go

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  • Sumer 60

    Is the tl good? Is it finished?

    • MyLadyShip 3

      tl is not that good, but the story is finished ^.^

      • Sumer 60

        The amount of swearing I have seen this "translator" being subjected to, i am already scared before reading

      • MyLadyShip 3

        I also thought of dropping it, but the main couple's chemistry was too hot and plot was so juicy, I couldn't help myself but finish it. I've never said this, but I never thought a translator could ruin an authors story. I hope another tl could pick this up and do it some justice.

      • Sumer 60

        there is, just too much behind

      • MyLadyShip 3

        I'm patient. Who's translating, and where have they reached?

      • Sumer 60

        check the other reply

      • MyLadyShip 3

        Wow, so far behind...maybe they'll drop all the chapters in one sitting...hopefully. Thanks for the heads-up \0^0/

      • Sumer 60

        Welcome ~

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TheRedLoveSpring 1
Chapter 57 one year ago

The fu***ng best. It was so good, the plot twist and the plot as a whole is very very interesting and exciting. They're relationship has this very thick sexual air around it, you can just feel it. It make my baby hairs stand up. Definitely recommended to people that like a mystery, supernatural, drama and horor with a pinch of a yaoi.

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jhehite 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

this is so great. a mind-blowing and a rollercoaster ride of emotions. i just really love how they realize their feelings for each other—like man, such a good match couple.

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Karma69 1
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

The mixture of terror, romance and madness among the protagonists makes me addicted! It's amazing the hatred and mutual desire between them, the secondary characters and the things they face, it's all so captivating and just amazing

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CrystallineBlue 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Just one word-Mind blowing!! From the MC's and ML's interactions, mind games, horror cases solving, the slyness and the desire to get back at each other, the humorous and unexpected plot to the different characters with 3D personality. It is simply amazing. It does a really good job in transitioning from pure horror and mystery to horror and mystery with romance. It never gets boring and makes you look forward to seeing how the MC turns things into his favour despite being very unlucky. Another thing I like about this is that he MC puts everything in his possession to full use and efficiently overcomes cases with what he has. He does have a gold finger of course but his intelligence is his main weapon. The character's personalities are also pretty likable.

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Ghazal 2
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

The story is thrilling and gets you emotional at the same time. It's easy to read good translation. It's a new story there are no clichè. Enjoy

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lnwUser42106 1
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Gives the vibe of beauty and the beast. It's hard to find good horror novel with bl theme that's not infinte genre. It's worth it. I feel satisfied

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