The Sacred Ruins
Chapter 363: When The Time is Ripe

"Brother Chu, please tell me if there's a way to enter?!" Li Canghe grasped Chu Feng's shoulders and shook them with great strength . He was so excited that even his fingers were trembling .

The results would be simply unimaginable if such an imperial court of evolved beings were to come into being . It far surpassed all the sects on their mother stars and could allow a planet to directly cross over to a higher realm .

That was because the knowledge from these evolved civilizations would allow them to avoid many winding roads!

"Senior, my bones are about to break," Chu Feng said with a frown .

"Forgive me . I forgot that you've fallen below king level . But, don't worry . As long as you lead us inside, we'll definitely repay you and help you find a way to recover . "

Li Canghe thus promised . This inheritance was greater than the star from which he had come . If he could obtain it, he would undoubtedly become the ancestor of a sect .

At this time, his eyes were aflame . It wasn't just excitement but also ambition . Why must he serve someone else?

His current identity was merely that of a servant and not an actual descended being . He wanted to surpass his current status and become the master of the Origin Magnetic Immortal Cave!

"Let me see if there's a suitable path and if we can safely approach the energy pagoda," said Chu Feng .

"Great! If we can successfully assault this place, I'll be your escort in the future and allow you to become a most respected guest of the descended beings," Li Canghe promised .

Chu Feng felt indifferent in his heart . This kind of promise was meaningless and cheap . He hadn't forgotten the old man's actions when the toad ate the purple apple just now .

At that time, there was a certain coldness in the bottom of Li Canghe's eyes . If even a single mutant fruit could upset him, then there was no longer a need to discuss the more valuable things .

If he really obtained this inheritance, this seemingly kind Li Canghe might be the first to silence him .

However, Chu Feng was still smiling on the outside and didn't reveal his thoughts .

"Chu Feng, I'll give you a delightful surprise if you can break this domain . " Princess Lin's smile was extremely charming . She whispered beside Chu Feng's ear, her breath comparable to an orchid .

"I'm afraid it'll be a shocking surprise instead," replied Chu Feng .

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "If you can dig open the energy pagoda here and prove yourself a genius in the field of domains, our Princess Lin might really devote her life to you . "

If was obvious that Zhou Yun treated Chu Feng quite well and would help him speak from time to time . She was looking forward to Chu Feng and Princess Lin forming a good relationship .

Although she felt that the possibility of the two coming together wasn't that great, it wasn't so bad to become friends either .

Chu Feng glanced sideways at the princess .

Her clothes were fluttering in the wind, making her perfect curves even more evident . Even her hair was lustrous and glowing, as was her delicate jade-like skin . She was quite alluring when she smiled .

Princess Lin was natural and unrestrained . Her fair countenance was still smiling as she met his gaze with her charming eyes . Although she felt that it was impossible for her to be with Chu Feng, she didn't refute Zhou Yun's words immediately .

"How would I tell my family if I were to marry an extraterrestrial? My parents will be shocked . That's not too appropriate," said Chu Feng .

Some people looked over with cold eyes as if they wanted to say, "Do you really think you can climb that high?"

This was especially true for the descender scions . Disdain flashed through their eyes . They understood that Chu Feng's talents with domains were extraordinary, but he wasn't quite at the level of a great master yet . They felt that he was still quite far from being able to stay on equal footing with evolved beings of heavenly talent .

The unconcerned Chu Feng, however, began to study the local geography .

The ruins were quite large and there were bronze roof tiles everywhere . Even though it was a dilapidated land, there were broken metallic walls everywhere . The place was obviously quite majestic . It went to show just how glorious and thriving this place was in the past .

Chu Feng investigated several times and, once again, called for people to probe the road ahead . Li Canghe and the old woman agreed without hesitation and ordered the corporate people to probe the road ahead with their lives .

In the end, fifty men were wiped out and died within the mist . They were killed by the brilliant patterns on the ground .

The higher-ups from the corporations were greatly frustrated and their hearts were dripping blood . They secretly hated Li Canghe for his cold-bloodedness . They were totally being used as cannon fodder .

At the same time, everyone present felt disappointed and anxious . All fifty paths had led to dead ends . Could it be that this place was a land of death that couldn't be entered?

"I'll go in myself and slowly play it by ear . I can't sacrifice more people," said Chu Feng .

"That won't do . It's too dangerous . We won't feel easy if something happens to you . You must take care of yourself," Li Canghe objected .

Of course, the man wasn't truly caring about Chu Feng but was instead afraid that there would be no one else capable of breaking domains after his death .

"I am 50% confident that I can enter . There won't be any more hope if we go back just like this," said Chu Feng .

He had already found the path and was over 80% confident that he could enter . He had found that new path just now .

Even if it resulted in failure, he had methods to safely retreat .

Although his chances were good, he wouldn't tell them everything because he didn't want these people to follow him . He wanted to go and explore alone .

Everyone was moved . A 50% certainty was worth taking a risk for . The benefits would be huge if he succeeded!

Everyone was moved . A 50% certainty was worth taking a risk for . The benefits would be huge if he succeeded!

Everyone inwardly agreed in the blink of an eye . They wished for him to take the risk and open the road!

That was because they felt a sense of urgency . At the moment, the earth was constantly recovering and the outer realm beings were rushing over . A large batch of divine sons and saintesses might descend at any moment .

If they couldn't grasp this opportunity, the competition, later on, would be even more intense . Many people would find it hard to make progress .

An early step would put one in the lead every step of the way . The most important was to occupy the lead!

"Brother Chu Feng, you must be careful . Although breaking the domain is important, but it's greatly inferior compared to your own life . You have to put your own safety above all else!" said Li Canghe .

Chu Feng said compassionately, "Elder brother, please rest assured . I'll exhaust every method at my disposal to help everyone hack open a safe path . "

He kicked the toad and made it come along . It could help at the critical moment .

The toad was completely unwilling . It glanced sideways at Chu Feng and almost revolted . In the end, it agreed to go along when Chu Feng patted its shoulder without saying anything .

That was because it suddenly remembered that someone as shameless as Chu Feng wouldn't risk his life this way and was probably looking to grab fortunes . It had to go along .

It became quite impassioned, stating that it had thought things through and that it would follow and protect Chu Feng even to his death .

"Go!" Chu Feng gave it a kick .


They gradually disappeared into the mist and began to approach the energy pagoda .

Before long, the area became completely covered in rolling mist . They saw an ethereal pagoda before, but now they couldn't see anything .

Additionally, the white mist had turned into a greyish brown color . It was bizarre and unsettling .

In the end, the mist turned as black as ink . It would be hard to see one's fingers after extending the hand . The area had become completely isolated .

"Brother Chu Feng!" someone shouted .

However, everything before them was quiet . No one replied .

Everyone glanced at each other . They felt a sense of foreboding because the area had become an isolated space . They could no longer sense anything inside .

Everyone glanced at each other . They felt a sense of foreboding because the area had become an isolated space . They could no longer sense anything inside .

Could it be that Chu Feng had died inside? Were the ancient domains activated to form a forbidden land?

"Chu Feng!" Some people began to call out .

Lin Naoi walked forward and began to observe in detail . She then called out gently but still there was no reply .

"Damn, he probably failed and paid with his life," some people concluded .

Feng Hong complained, "He seems to have overestimated his own abilities too much . How could one charge recklessly into such a place? He shouldn't do such things if he's not confident . "

Many people wore ugly expressions because Chu Feng was the only person proficient in the field of domains . If he died in there, their future paths would come to an end .

"Ah, how comfortable . The energy in here so so dense . "

The toad's mood, on the other hand, was completely opposite that of the other people . It opened its eyes wide and gazed fixedly at the energy pagoda in front .

In truth, Chu Feng had already brought the toad inside successfully . However, the area began to transform the moment he stepped inside . Some of the special domains were activated .

That was why dense mist began to rise and the area was isolated from the outside .

Originally, Chu Feng wanted to put down a domain of his own to isolate everyone's perception, but now, it seemed unnecessary .

The place was filled with rubble and the metallic buildings had melted in some places . After cooling down, they formed many irregular lumps .

There was a four-storeyed pagoda at its center . It was very faint and stood 12 meters tall above the rubble . Strands of silvery white energy were pouring off of it .

According to Li Canghe, this was the inheritance tower! The imperial court was destroyed back in the year after it was attacked by invaders . This land became a ruin, but they had left a way out . This energy tower was formed after the passage of many years in order to pass on their legacy .

This was a method that belonged to a top-grade sect!

Li Canghe revealed that this energy tower contained vast amounts of information . One would be able to obtain various books and volumes belonging to this orthodoxy after entering .


Chu Feng noticed a certain object within the tower . It was a silver box .

The box hovering in the space within the tower wasn't very big . It was quite odd because Li Canghe had told them that the inheritance was recorded within the energy . There shouldn't be any objects left behind .

The box hovering in the space within the tower wasn't very big . It was quite odd because Li Canghe had told them that the inheritance was recorded within the energy . There shouldn't be any objects left behind .

But there was definitely a silver box in the tower before him . This went against logic .

Chu Feng made a judgment immediately . This silver box was likely more important than the main inheritance of this imperial court!

It was placed within the heart of this pagoda because it was more valuable .

"What could be inside?" Chu Feng stared at the box, and at the same time, began to walk around the energy pagoda . Ther were broken domains here but no immediate danger .

That was because this area was one of the most important targets of enemy attack . Everything here was destroyed . Currently, the domains here were far less perilous than the ones outside .

Even the damaged domain runes could form some isolation . They were like walls but one could easily jump over them .

"So fragrant . There are mutant fruits here!" the toad suddenly cried out while opening and closing its nostrils . It was quite excited .

Chu Feng noticed it after walking through a patch of rubble and arriving on the other side of the pagoda . He sensed a deeply penetrating fragrance .

Very soon, they saw two little trees rooted behind a metallic wall, each of them bearing several fruits . They happened to be in their most fragrant state . It seemed they had long since matured .

Fortunately, they were mutant fruits . Although they were fully ripe, they didn't fall to the ground and were still growing on the tree .

Among them, the fruits on a certain jade green tree were completely golden and only the size of a longan . They were glowing resplendently like golden pills and flowing with prismatic lights, their fragrance, intense and lingering .

The other silvery white tree carried a number of bright red fruits, each as large as a fist . They looked like legendary cinnabar fruits, but they were too big .

One tree with five fruits and the other with four . They could be considered quite the high yield!

Chu Feng revealed a smile and immediately picked a fruit resembling a lustrous golden pill and popped it into his mouth . Golden light immediately erupted and illuminated his whole body .

His pores began to relax . It was simply too comfortable . This longan immediately melted and transformed into a warm flow which rushed towards his bones and limbs accompanied by intense fragrance .

Chu Feng's sixth shackle was instantly severed . Unlike before, he didn't even spend any energy . It could be said that progress came easily as the time was ripe .

In truth, he could have broken through since eating the golden fruit back in the tomb of the divine khan . It was just that, he didn't dare to act to vigorously for fear of disturbing the balance in his internal environment and hence causing the grinding stone's evolution to be imperfect .

Now, he had evolved calmly without any intense activity . That was because he had simply accumulated too much, and his body automatically started to evolve after eating another fruit today .

"The sixth shackle! I didn't even get to choose the region . It actually severed on the spot," Chu Feng mumbled with an odd expression . At this moment, he felt incomparably powerful .

Chapter 363: When The Time is Ripe
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