The Sacred Ruins
Chapter 325: A Gathering of Heroes

Lake Xuanwu, Jiangning . To its east was Mount Jing and to its west was the Ming City Wall .

The largest royal gardens of ancient China was also called the Mulberry Lake or the Empress Lake . It was a cultural heritage with a long history that could be traced back to the pre-Qin era .

Ouyang Xiu once praised, "Nanjing isn't more beautiful than Empress Lake . Qiantang River isn't more beautiful than the West Lake . "

The Empress Lake, at present, was as luminous as jade with strands of auspicious purple mists rising into the air and suffused with astonishing energy fluctuations .

Chu Feng and the old grandmaster approached the lake and sensed the dense vitality . There were golden carps leaping out from the lake from time to time . They were several meters long and sparkling with multicolored lights .

"This way, please!" There were agents guarding this place . The man looked at their invitations and revealed a surprised expression . However, he disguised it aptly and only took charge of leading the way .

That was because they had been warned not to make a fuss whoever they met . One had to know that there were numerous famous people and experts coming here .

"Eh? Why do I feel that man looks rather familiar?" Someone saw the figure of Chu Feng's back and revealed an odd expression, staring fixedly at the latter .

However, Chu Feng didn't turn back and only walked onwards with the old grandmaster .

The ice and snow had melted and the whole world had evolved rapidly . The vicinity of this lake was completely different from before . Presently, it was not inferior to the famed mountains—there were wonderous grasses and mutant trees growing on its banks . The fragrance rushed at one's nostrils .

Many corporations such as Bodhi Biogenetics and Deity Biomedicals gained ownership of this area and lined the place with gardens and villa districts .

"Impossible, who did I just see? That man looks just like Chu Feng!" Someone stared at the figure near the lake .

Chu Feng had disappeared from public eyes for three months . The people had shifted their attention to the newly rising tyrants since no one had heard any news about him for a long time . Now that he had suddenly returned, many people were fairly surprised .

"This isn't ordinary news . Are you sure it's him?"

"Looks a bit like him!"

The group of people went over excitedly but was blocked by the crowd and couldn't get any closer .

Suddenly, great movement was seen in the distance . Flames were surging in the sky as a fierce red bird that looked like the legendary vermilion bird descended amidst a spray of scarlet flames .

Doubtlessly, this was a king level entity . It was extremely strong and exuded a terrifying aura which intimidated the many evolved beings who approached it .

"Which great demon is this? What a strong aura!" Some people were shocked .

The red mutant bird was over 150 meters long and kicked up a whirlwind after it landed . It was surging with red radiance and overflowing with dense energy which swept through the area like a tidal wave .

The group that had their eyes on Chu Feng was similarly attracted by the scene .

"Ah, it's only a mount!?" The people were moved . One had to know that this vicious beast was an expert with at least five severed shackles .

There was a palace upon the bird's back being used as a temporary residence from which a few people walked out and jumped down onto the ground .

The leader was a young man wearing a violet shirt . His hair was hanging below his ears and onto his shoulders . This person appeared quite elegant and his eyes were very bright .

He wasn't very old and seemed at most 25 or 26 years old . Smiling gently, his whole person exuded an inexplicable energy .

Despite smiling amiably, everyone felt a certain hidden sharpness from him—this was no ordinary person .

"The young grandmaster of the Baji School, Gao Yuan!"

The arrival of the young Baji grandmaster caused no small commotion . This was a new evolved being who had trained in the Baji Fist to the realm of perfection .

It was rumored that he had picked eight lightning fruits on Mount Zhongnan which pushed him towards becoming a top-grade expert .

Additionally, his fist techniques became infused with the lightning attribute and became almost indefensible . It was also rumored that his first arts had already formed an ability .

"Those from the Baji School are indeed powerful . They could even use a ferocious bird with five severed shackles as a mount . How imposing!" some people whispered with envy and apprehension .

"I wonder if the old grandmaster has come . " Some people glanced at the palace on the red bird's back .

Everyone knew that the Baji School's rise was simply too rapid . Apart from this young top-grade expert, Gao Yuan, there was also a 100-year-old grandmaster whose techniques were near-divine!

Many people came to welcome Gao Yuan as he walked forth . People didn't dare to neglect such an honored guest . All of them were wearing smiles .

Before long, a super racing car rolled in and stopped there with a rumble . It was extremely streamlined with bright glossy colors—one could tell at a glance it belonged to a lady .

Before long, a super racing car rolled in and stopped there with a rumble . It was extremely streamlined with bright glossy colors—one could tell at a glance it belonged to a lady .

Many people had come today and some of them were famous people . There were naturally various kinds of eye-catching vehicles . The people were already somewhat used to it .

However, this person drew away everyone's attention after she got down from the car .

"Jiang Luoshen!" someone shouted .

After several months, Jiang Luoshen had grown even more beautiful—her eyes were like black gems . Her charming hair fell loosely behind her while her countenance was lustrous and perfect . One simply couldn't find a single blemish .

Her superb figure was accentuated by the undulating lines of her curvatures . A pair of long legs stepped down from the car and incited a peculiarity in many eyes . They almost seemed to be burning .

"Reportedly, this national goddess has become a king level entity on Mount Putuo," some people whispered .

The whole world had evolved, changing many things and many people . Some experts grew stronger, some took the opportunity to make swift progress . Jiang Luoshen wasn't weak to begin with . Add to that the support of a corporation behind her back, it would be impossible not to improve .

Her charm only grew stronger after becoming a king . Her flowing eyes, her bright red lips—her every move exuded a sense of beauty which bewildered the heart .

Jiang Luoshen walked proudly and elegantly, asking her guide with a smile if Lin Naoi had already arrived . This clearly showed some signs of silent competition .

Bodhi Biogenetics and Deity Biomedicals had always been competitors while the two ladies were also goddess-grade characters . Although their relationship appeared harmonious, there were no small amount of comparisons being drawn .


Strong winds screamed in the air as a silver figure circled in the sky before landing . It was actually a western dragon . Its whole body was snowy white and lustrous, exuding a divine aura .

"Silver Dragon Recura!"

Many people let out surprised cries . This silver dragon, one of the recent top-grade experts, was simply too famous in the West . His strength was absolutely terrifying and he reportedly possessed a divine bloodline .

He landed on the ground and transformed into a young silver-haired man . With his charming smile, one had to admit this handsome man did have the temperament of a western dragon .

Even the Western experts had arrived . This showed that all parties treated this meeting quite seriously .

"Nice to meet you, Benefactor Recura . Who would've thought we'd arrive at the same time . "

"Nice to meet you, Benefactor Recura . Who would've thought we'd arrive at the same time . "

In the distance, a man riding a white elephant had arrived . He was a monk with short hair and draped in a monastic robe . He looked less than 30 years old and although he appeared fairly tranquil, there was boiling blood energy contained within his body .

"The senior monk from India!" Some people recognized him .

Both Recura and this young monk could both speak the Eastern language quite fluently . After landing, they walked away laughing together .

It could be said that experts were appearing with increasing frequency . Many famous figures had arrived .

Moments later, a silver flying vehicle flew over at supersonic speed . Only after it landed on the grass did the sound of an explosion arrive through the air . This attracted the attention of many people .

"A flying saucer?"

The group of people stared fixedly at the flying machine with wide eyes . They were incomparably astonished .

At this time, a number of people emerged from the flying machine—a dazzling blue-haired beauty with a lustrous horn on her head and a certain transcendent temperament . There were others like marine humans, bronze scaled sea monkeys, etc . All of them were experts emanating intimidating energy fluctuations .

"The dragoness . It's a group of marine race experts!"

Many people were nervous .

After the snow melted, the earth and sky changed rapidly, causing Xuanwu lake to expand by over ten times .

At the end of the grasslands, a narrow strip of green land pierced into the Xuanwu lake like a bridge connecting the wide island within the lake with the surrounding land .

Chu Feng and the old grandmaster had already reached the island . Many people had already arrived here beforehand . The gardens and villa areas were full of people . There, they met a few familiar faces .

"Heavens, who's that man? Is it Chu Feng?!"

After arriving on the island, Chu Feng attracted the attention of many people who immediately discovered him .

Some people from the surrounding areas turned to look with surprised expressions .

Some distance away from Chu Feng, Xu Wanyi was shocked out of her wits . The wine glass in her hand almost dropped to the ground . Her face was pale as she lightly placed her hands on her chest .

Back then, Chu Feng had killed her sister Xu Wanqing and the young master of the Mu Family . She hated him for it and continuously sought revenge . In the end, Chu Feng rose rapidly and almost shocked her to death when he arrived at Deity Biomedicals .

Some distance away from Chu Feng, Xu Wanyi was shocked out of her wits . The wine glass in her hand almost dropped to the ground . Her face was pale as she lightly placed her hands on her chest .

Back then, Chu Feng had killed her sister Xu Wanqing and the young master of the Mu Family . She hated him for it and continuously sought revenge . In the end, Chu Feng rose rapidly and almost shocked her to death when he arrived at Deity Biomedicals .

Although it was rumored that Chu Feng had been crippled and he had already disappeared for three months, Xu Wanyi was still restless after seeing him again .

Fortunately, Chu Feng only shot her a glance and proceeded to ignore her .

"Greetings Brother Chu, I've long since heard of your fame . It's such a pleasant surprise to meet you here today . " The first to walk over was a white-robed young man . He was extremely scholarly and refined like jade . He could be counted as a peerlessly handsome man .

Chu Feng was astonished because he had come into contact with this young man before and it left a deep impression on him . That was because it was from him that Chu Feng had stolen the Xingyi Fist Manual .

This was Xu Qing, the supreme genius of the Xingyi School . At such a young age, he had already become a true grandmaster and was a top grade king level expert with six severed shackles .

He introduced himself with a gentle expression and no noticeable hostility .

Chu Feng, however, was cautious in his heart because this man was a dangerous character . He had always been scheming in the dark, cautiously and meticulously . His strength was also astonishing .

Chu Feng had used the Xingyi True Forms before in battle but most of them had been killed by him . Only a few marine race members had escaped .

It was unknown whether Xu Qing was in contact with those marine race members . If he had access to inside information, he would likely not treat Chu Feng amiably .

However, the present Xu Qing was friendly and possessed an outstanding temperament . He was smiling as he chatted with Chu Feng . The atmosphere between them was quite harmonious .

"In truth, I didn't have any relationship with Brother Chu in the past and even held some ill will towards you . However, so many things happened and I learned that the divine children and fairies from the outer realms would descend at any time . This made me feel that I was too unbearable in the past . Now after meeting Brother Chu, I feel sorry to have not meet you earlier . "

Xu Qing spoke frankly and was quite humble . Chu Feng naturally followed along and the two chatted agreeably .

At this time, the young grandmaster of the Baji School, Gao Yuan, arrived, and after entering the island, he happened to see Chu Feng and Xu Qing in the distance .

"Oh, you're Chu Feng? Interesting, you actually showed up today . " Gao Yuan wore his hair to the shoulders and possessed shining eyes . He arrived in the company of a few people .

Chapter 325: A Gathering of Heroes
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