Strongest Mage with the Lust system

Rank 293

List of reviews made by users for the Strongest Mage with the Lust system novel.

17 users have written reviews for the Strongest Mage with the Lust system novel and rated it with an average score of 3.5 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 293rd among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub VIP platform.

17 Reviews

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Ordinary_Rock 6
Chapter 536 2 months ago

Personally I don't it's that bad yeah some characters and MC act dumb sometimes it's still entertaining if you're bored , would've been better if they changed the system early on since the old man thing is weird 💀 anyway sm*t is good world building isn't bad nor good Plot is a bit of a mess hopefully it goes back on track in recent chapters Give it a read if you're bored 😩

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SunkingsAvatar 13
Chapter 436 2 months ago

Another great novel story that was spoiled rotten due to excessive sm*t. I really liked the story, the cultivation system and world building was good but the sm*t part makes it beyond saving. Sad to see a good concept getting spoiled.

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Lucipherion 10
Chapter 498 8 months ago

It's kinda rough. Basically any category in this novel is average. The sm*t, characters, plot, world, etc are all just average. The author will say something then a few chapters later do the opposite. Early example, saying magic has to be cast through an item until later ranks, them his first spell is a fireball without using anything, and then it just goes in that direction for the rest of the novel. Luckily it looks like his rankings will speed up at chapter 490, but from chapter 30 til like chapter 450 he stayed at the same level which made me feel like the story would go on forever, which usually means it won't be finished since the author has other books he is starting according to the ANs at the end of the chapters.

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1nvald 3
Chapter 8 9 months ago

Good plot badly written author forgets sometimes and he some parts go on for to long. Sometimes he makes the mc seem like a genius without the system and than the mc is just trash the next he doesn't do well explaining powers it self either he says no lower tier can kill a higher their no matter what but than proceeds to have in past chapter that it's possible. (SPOILER) if the author could at least let him actually cultivate now that the false system is gone he could fix some problems with the mc cuz

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WanderingHobo 9
Chapter 466 9 months ago

The novel is not amazing but it also isn't bad. There are enough chapters now that it can be an interesting read, though I would recommend stacking even more chapters. The world building is average, the main character is average though his harem members I have come to enjoy because they often seem to have more character growth than the MC. However, there are several problems with this novel that make it a less enjoyable read (aside from the cliche young master tropes that happen). 1) The author makes it clear very early on that there is no "crossing realms" to fight stronger enemies because each level has such qualitive changes to their power that it is impossible for a lower level to fight a higher level. The author sometimes skates around this by allowing the existence of items that can be used but the items have to be at or above the level of the enemy for it to work. 2) Very slow pacing. A slight spoiler but it takes almost 400+ chapters for the MC to level up once. Once! The author gives a kind of explanation in the story as to the reason why but still. . . it's a long time. Especially when some of his harem members seem to grow faster than him. 3) The MC keeps having enemies that are far stronger than him. This is normal and expected but due to issues #1 and #2 he just constantly gets punched around and often has to depend on others much stronger to interfere. There are a lot of face slapping events in this novel and most of them involve the MC getting his face slapped. 4) The MC is oddly naive or dull headed. He'll do things like kill someone he knows is important but then he never thinks or prepares for the consequences. This means he gets ambushed more than he should because he hardly ever prepares or he under prepares because again, his enemies are frequently much stronger than him. So he ends up coming off as an arrogant MC with no power to back himself up with a few a deus ex machina situations. 5) His relationship with his harem members. Sometimes, his interactions with his "loved" ones feels like he just treats them as XP bags and other times he seems to genuinely care about them. The problem is that even when he shows or says he cares about them, his attitude towards them is more of being protective of his property. Again he has strong enemies but he never seems to do anything to protect his harem members. He often goes on solo trips with only one or two of his harem members and that leaves the other members open to danger and he barely does anything about it. He doesn't really give them any protective items or warn them about his enemies and sometimes he just straight up seems to forget the existence of some of the members despite saying he loves them. In fact, it's so bad at times that I'm surprised his enemies actually haven't gone out of their way to target his harem members though that does seem to be changing. He ends up reacting more to things after they have happened as opposed to preventing the issue in the first place (though to his credit, there are some events that are technically unavoidable). So to sum it up, if you don't have anything else to read, this is an okay between novel. But just be aware that the above problems will likely annoy you. I'm still holding out hope that it'll improve more since the author does seem to be willing to make some changes, in which case, I wouldn't mind changing this review to a 4 star because it does have potential to be better. But for now, it'll be a 3 star.

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Vegeta2569 3
Chapter n/a 10 months ago

Review after 350+ Chapter The narrative picks up steam early on but loses steam later. The story's pacing deteriorates as we go along; the academy arc has lasted for more than 200 chapters and there is still no indication that it will come to an end. Pros: 1) The harem girls' character development is better than expected (perhaps even better than the MC's development). 2) MC has a valid motivation for growing stronger—to avenge the death of his mother. Cons: 1) Slow pacing; As of now, mc is still struggling to become a 3 star mage keep in mind that the main character was only a 2 star mage before chapter 50. 2) Repeated Storyline

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Sfiry 5
Chapter 427 10 months ago

The novel is quite interesting to say the least, and the main thing is that the character is intelligent and has ethics, I think at least. The plot of the system is good, and now that I've followed it, I just hope this author releases more. World-building is average, and power levels are simple. It's a mediocre novel in every way you look at it. As a result, READ it – you have nothing to lose, and you'll relax a bit by reading this. 4/5.

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ULterIorMoTiVE 13
Chapter 55 11 months ago

Read it 50 chapters, decent plot with good characters but there are too many point where this novel can improve, s*x scene are not too long it should cover atleast two to three chapters with more details and don't random *ss other scene in s*x session, too much overpowered mc don't struggle. 😞

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MoxLM 5
Chapter 213 one year ago

I'm being very kind with this grade, because honestly, if it weren't for the good plot quality beginning, it would be a 2. If you want to read this, be prepared for the typical clichés of cultivation novels, such as annoying young masters, dumb characters in your sect, and perhaps the most irritating of them, what his bride is taken to a stronger place for having a magical talent and, by great coincidence of fate, she is on the same level or even stronger than the mc. Sincerely? It had a lot of potential which the author killed by getting hung up on too many cultivation tropes, and of course, there are other factors like: women are personalityless dolls, the protagonist is WEAK, yes, the system is USELESS, and not least, the world building and secondary characters are downright bad.

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elvishyme 2
Chapter 271 one year ago

"Strongest mage with the lust system" is a title I thought was AI generated. I'll be honest though, during the first 100 chapters of this series, I was seriously hooked. Though it has some sexual scenes in the story, it wasn't anything excessive. The premise of the story was pretty well balanced out and the characters were never the less like-able in some ways. But as I continued reading this series, the author did something that I thought was actually impossible; He/she got rid of all of the somewhat "decent" plots of the story and threw away character development within the story. From chapter 100 and on-wards it just felt like the author wasn't trying anymore. He/she was basically spoon feeding the s*x scenes in the book and were introducing characters into the MC's harem left and right. Sure I get that the system in the story required him to conduct some questionable actions against women, but now he's just like a incel who's sleeping with other women left and right while trying to keep it a secret from his maid/fiancee. The later characters were also very unlike-able because of their lack of character development so it just felt like their static character-tropes were just with the MC for the sake of 1. Power 2. Love 3. S**ual conduct 4. Riches. Moving the characters aside, just what is going on with the world building? This series is completely yanked that out of the window since they spent well over 60 chapters in a single place with s** scenes every other chapter. The author just can't get a sense of balance while writing the story either. Sometimes he/she leaves a chapter rather underdeveloped and just hopped onto the next thing the chapter right after. While other times he'll/she'll spend 4-7 chapters just on A SINGLE character/situation. Overall, I give it 2 stars for the decent beginning of the story, but the way the author absolutely sold killed the entire series for me. I'm sorry but I'll be dropping this one.

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