Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms
Chapter 377: Who’s Going to Help Me Scratch My Itch?

*Pow! *

Murong Xiaoyao's punch collided with the savage's. His fist was superior in both size and power, forcing her back within seconds. Staggered, she took a few steps backwards and attempted to regain her footing.

"Die!!" The savage yelled as he seized the chance to kill Murong Xiaoyao with another punch.

"Shit!" She panicked. It was impossible for her to dodge when she was still off-balance. Her opponent would deal serious damage upon her even if that punch fails to kill her!

"Don't be afraid! I'm here to protect you!" A warm and gentle sound echoed beside her.

Out of the blue, her waist was grabbed by a large hand; it guided her retreat, avoiding the punch. Moving according to the flow, she took the opening to fall into Chen Xiaobei's embrace. In that every moment, she felt safe, but was worried for him too.

"That savage is more powerful than either of us! What are we going to do now?" She frowned and asked nervously.

"Let me think about it… later." Ignoring the threat, he lifted her hand to examine the spot where her knuckles struck the savage man's own.

"It's only slightly swollen. Your bones and muscles are fine. Don't worry." He smiled.

"F*ck you! How dare you ignore me?" The savage man shouted in a language similar to English, but it was heavily mixed with European accents and almost unintelligible. Still, Chen Xiaobei could understand the man without any problems.

"Why should I care about a worm like you?" His mouth twitched as he replied.

"F*ck you! I'll grind you into mincemeat!" The savage exploded, and charged at Chen Xiaobei at full-strength.

"Asshole Xiaobei! Why'd you piss him off? He could kill us both!" Murong Xiaoyao screamed fearfully. To her, Chen Xiaobei was just a brat with five thousand combat power; it was impossible for him to beat the savage.

"Pumpkin, he's just slightly more powerful than you! He has to train for another hundred years if he wants to kill me!" Chen Xiaobei beamed calmly.

"How's that possible? Both of us came out of training around the same time! You shouldn't be any more powerful than I am!" Murong Xiaoyao said doubtfully.

"Just watch!" He shrugged, holding her with one hand while the other prepared for the savage's attack.

*Thud! *

There was a muffled sound. The savage's huge fist was halted by Chen Xiaobei's palm! The man could not make him budge even though he had placed his entire weight behind the punch.

"How… How could this be?" Murong Xiaoyao was speechless; the savage and Gu Caozhuo were shocked as well.

"Garbage! Were you trying to help me to scratch my itch?" Chen Xiaobei grinned mockingly. He was not putting up an act either; it really did feel like someone was scratching him gently. His ten thousand health was definitely not something to fooled around with!

"Impossible! You are just a skinny Chinese bitch! How could you have such strength!" The savage simply could not believe that Chen Xiaobei was stronger than him. He pulled back and aimed another punch at his face.

"F*ck! Didn't your mom teach you not to punch people in the face! Get lost!" Chen Xiaobei raised his right leg and landed a swift kick on the savage's crotch.


All five hundred people crossed their legs subconsciously!

"Ouch… Argh… Argh…"

The burly savage was sent back up the hole he jumped down from!

"Oh my God… What kind of strength is that… That's too terrifying…"

"Who the hell is this Chen Xiaobei? Why is he so damn powerful at such a young age?"

"This power… I feel like he's even more powerful than Boss Murong Tian…"

"Shit… I don't think we can defeat him at all!"

"No one will have the guts to fight him anymore… Because one kick and your manhood will be gone for good!"


The Black Gang watched in terror and trembled even when they talked.

"Xiaobei… Since when you became so strong?" Murong Xiaoyao asked as she still lay in his embrace, too surprised to remember she should be shaking herself free.

She had believed all this while that her own combat power was on par with Chen Xiaobei's level. It was only now that she finally realized that he had become stronger than her! Her intention of becoming more powerful than he was might already had become impossible.

"You should go to Third Elder first." Chen Xiaobei said, poking her and bringing her back to reality. Blushing, she quickly ran to Third Elder.

"Gu Caozhuo, tell me! How should I kill you?" Chen Xiaobei asked icily, his eyebrows raised.

"Do you really think you can win? It's still too early!" Gu Caozhuo laughed, and then shouted for his backup.

"Roland leader, Mr. Dongfang! Come, quick! We might lose control of the situation soon! What the hell are you guys waiting for?"

*Boom! *

The savage man whom Chen Xiaobei had defeated was thrown down the hole on the ceiling, and a dozen savages that resembled the fallen man jumped down afterwards.

"Garbage! Shameful!" Some of them jeered their fallen comrade.

Chen Xiaobei used his Netherspirit Battlescouter to scan the new arrivals; it turns out that their combat power was between five to six thousand. He should have no problem against them.

However, their leader appeared different. He was more muscular than the rest and was wearing an outfit made out of black wolf pelt, as well as a hat that was essentially a wolf's head.

Truth be told, he looked pretty darned cool.


[Cultivation: Middle phase of Qi refining stage. Health: 8800. Combat power: 8000!]

Chen Xiaobei frowned – he definitely should not underestimate this guy.

Having his ten thousand health alone would not make him invincible – he would still feel the pain and bleed! Furthermore, Chen Xiaobei only stood a chance if the enemy only punched and kicked; if they brought out melee weapons he would definitely lose too!

Such was the difficulty of facing a stronger opponent; it appears that his chances to defeat that barbarian leader was pretty slim. However, he also forgot that Gu Caozhuo had summoned another person other than the savages.

"All these savages are so rude! Where are their manners?"

Someone wearing a red outfit stepped down the stairs slowly. From that person's physical appearance alone, he should be a man – but he also had long hair and wore makeup. His mannerisms were no different than a lady's too!

"What the f*ck! Who is that transvestite?" Chen Xiaobei asked in disgust.

Chapter 377: Who’s Going to Help Me Scratch My Itch?
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