Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms
Chapter 359: A Veteran of the Lecherous

Chen Xiaobei pocketed his cell phone and took out the Great Priest Beans from his treasure chest; they glinted like stars in the sky.

Cold winds brewed in the atmosphere; hundreds of malicious spirits flew out of the Hundred Ghosts Formation and entered the Great Priest Beans.




The tiny beans began to crack, expand and turn into shapes that resembled humans. In seconds, soldiers in iron armor started to climbed out of the ground; they were his loyal soldiers!

"Pluck all the peaches from the tree. Please be careful, please Be gentle! Don't damage to my peaches!" Chen Xiaobei ordered casually.

He then sat on the ground with his legs crossed while scrolling through his Weibo; with the help of hundreds of Ghost Soldiers he did not have to do a thing, sparing him both strength and time. More importantly; his secret on the island would remain concealed!

Half an hour later, all the peaches had been plucked and ready to be loaded onto a speed boat to be delivered to the other side of the island.

Chen Xiaobei himself had told the logistic company to deliver all the peaches – roughly three million of them – to his shops. And if a single peach did indeed sell for nine hundred and ninety-eight, he would earn a total of three hundred million! All he needed to do was to sit tight and check the balance of his bank account once the First Love Peaches hits the market.

Naturally, Chen Xiaobei did set aside a few peaches as gifts for his friends. He had just a few of them, which would not affect his income in turn.

Having settled the peachy matters, Chen Xiaobei could now relax and prepare to train. All of a sudden, his cellphone rang; it was his mom, who called to tell him that Yap Liangchen had been picked up by his family.

Chen Xiaobei hung up and tried to figure out what was going on.

"They must be people from the Yap Family who came to Green Vine City for the Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant! I was expecting Yap Liangchen to be the bodyguard for my family – I must rescue him!"

He quickly called Liu Quanfu and asked him to assign some of his men to protect his family. After that, he called Yap Liangchen.


An unfriendly tone came from the other end. "Who the hell are you? Why are you looking for the bastard Yap Liangchen?"

Judging from his voice, it was a young man around Yap Liangchen's age.

"I have the Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant with me! Give me your location now! I'll deliver it to you as soon as possible!" Chen Xiaobei cut to the chase.

"What?! You have the pendant with you?! Grandpa…" The young man shouted.

"Huh…" Chen Xiaobei was stunned for a while, before adding a witty jest. "You're too polite… I'm surprised by you calling me your grandpa…"

"F*ck you! I'm not talking to you!" the young man shouted. Soon, someone took over the call.

This time, it was an elderly and stern tone.

"Are you sure you have the pendant with you?!"

"I'm sure! Tell me your location now!" Chen Xiaobei said.

"We are at the Shangri-La Hotel! Presidential suite! You better not play with us; I have a hundred ways to search for you if you try to be a smart ass!"

"Don't hurt Yap Liangchen! I'll be there as soon as I can!" Chen Xiaobei said.

"I won't punish the bastard as long as the Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant is still in tip-top condition!" The old man replied and hung up.

"That old man is too damn cocky!" Chen Xiaobei rolled his eyes and rushed to Shangri-La Hotel immediately.

He remembered the design of the pendant; one quick use of the Flame of Transmogrifying and a normal pendant that looked exactly like Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant was made. Chen Xiaobei frowned.

"It looks perfect now! But, what should I do about the Spiritual Qi? It's impossible for me to fool them by appearance alone!"

There was a limited amount of Spiritual Qi on earth – which was exactly the reason the Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant was so precious!

"I think I have to go into the chat group and ask those deities!" Taking out his cellphone, Chen Xiaobei dove into the Red Envelope chat group immediately.

Chen Xiaobei: Everyone! Is there anyone who could tell me how to imbue Spiritual Qi within a normal object?

NeZha: Wow! God Chen, you're online! I know how!

Chen Xiaobei: Tell me now, please! It's an emergency!

NeZha: All you need is a Soul Orb!

Chen Xiaobei: I wouldn't be here if I have one with me. Where can I get it?

NeZha: The orb is a low-level item; everyone knows how to craft it. But do you know what type of Spiritual Qi you need to imbue?

"Oh right! I almost forgot about Qi attributes!" Chen Xiaobei thought.

Chen Xiaobei: I need Yang Fire Spiritual Qi!

NeZha: Hehe… You have the right man! My best friend Hong Haier is trained in Yang Fire Spiritual Qi! Look for him!

Chen Xiaobei: Alright! I'll talk to him!

Chen Xiaobei scrolled through his friend list and found Hong Haier's profile in seconds. The kid was as cute as NeZha; his puffy face was begging to be pinched.


Chen Xiaobei's cellphone rang as he fawned over Hong Haier's profile picture – Hong Haier himself had messaged him.

Hong Haier: God Chen! I just saw your message in the chat group. I can give you the Soul Orb for free, but I need you to do me a favor first!

"Damn! This kid is brilliant! He wants me to help him first before he gives me the item!" Chen Xiaobei thought with a smile.

Chen Xiaobei: What can I do for you?

Hong Haier: Actually, I want you to help my mom, not me!

Chen Xiaobei: Princess Iron Fan? How can I help her? (Shocked)

Hong Haier: I think you know about my family. My dad has a bunch of lovers and he's not at home most of the time. Therefore, my mom is really lonely!

Chen Xiaobei: Hmmm… So, you want me to talk to her? But we're not that close!

Hong Haier: I don't want you to talk to her, I want you to help her to satisfy her carnal needs! Don't you understand the feeling of being horny but having no way of unleashing your inner beast?


Chen Xiaobei could feel his digestive tract twisting and turning when he saw Hong Haier's reply; he almost dropped his precious cellphone as well.

"This is crazy!" Chen Xiaobei was stunned.

Though Princess Iron Fan was definitely a beauty, he could never have an affair with a friend's wife and sleep easy. What was more, Hong Haier himself asked for Chen Xiaobei's help – the kid was definitely a veteran of the lecherous!

Chapter 359: A Veteran of the Lecherous
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