Paradise of Demonic Gods

Rank 567

List of reviews made by users for the Paradise of Demonic Gods novel.

9 users have written reviews for the Paradise of Demonic Gods novel and rated it with an average score of 3.8 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 567th among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub VIP platform.

9 Reviews

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Recklessness 2
Chapter 1163 3 months ago

It started very strong, love mc that uses swords. I will say verify consistent with abilities. It was a 8/10 for me until the last 100 chapters I was confused and the ending was rushed.

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YashiroShoko 4
Chapter 842 10 months ago

Interesting novel, some of the power system a little iffy and a bit rushed here and there but had some fun reading. Divinely could of been better witch is why I gave a 3.

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thesilvertiger 6
Chapter 1163 10 months ago

This book was really good. Even though it looked like the five year lifespan will make it either yoo rushed or too slow, the author managed to make it interesting all the way through. Apart from that, while I could make a long review about the whole book, you better just read it yourself.

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fizonel_bhukharetsu 32
Chapter n/a one year ago

This captivating story offers an intriguing premise, accompanied by fast-paced storytelling that matches the speed of our determined MC. Refreshingly, the MC does not aimlessly offend everyone he encounters, nor does he attract the unfounded affections of every girl he meets. The author skillfully employs an engaging narrative tool to maintain reader interest throughout the story. The tale begins with the typical cliché of a trashy MC ostracized within their family. There are familiar elements such as the good uncle, evil elder, and snobbish aunts, which have become somewhat generic in contemporary Chinese novels. However, the story takes an exciting turn when the MC's cheat is introduced. In order to gain the potential for power, the MC must sacrifice a significant portion of their life and their own personality. They still need to work hard and climb the social hierarchy to attain actual power. The author adeptly subverts the common tropes found in Chinese novels, presenting a fresh perspective. Rather than relying on mystical understandings of mountains or paintings with immortal souls, power is conveyed through scientific explanations. The combat scenes are thrilling, focusing on close-quarters battles at superhuman levels. These encounters often conclude more swiftly compared to fights in other novels, which can span multiple chapters. The story features a richly populated world populated with diverse characters, each with their own aspirations and goals. Some characters attempt to befriend the MC for personal gain, while others seek to exert control over him. The MC, motivated by self-interest, aligns himself with those who offer greater resources and opportunities for profit. While some argue that the MC adopts a hero-like persona, this perception is erroneous. Without delving into spoilers, it is important to note that the MC only eliminates those he deems evil, regardless of their benevolence toward others. He does not actively aid the weak and impoverished, nor does he mourn their deaths. Instead, he welcomes these events as a means to fuel his anger and progress in his cultivation. This depiction portrays the MC as a deeply flawed character, further adding to the complexity of the story. In conclusion, this exceptional story offers an interesting premise and utilizes a fast-paced storytelling style that mirrors the MC's determination. It successfully avoids the pitfalls of offensive behavior and unrealistic romantic entanglements. Instead, the author provides an engaging narrative that subverts clichés often found in Chinese novels. The fleshed-out powers, grounded in scientific concepts, bring a sense of realism and excitement to the combat scenes. The world-building is enriched by a diverse cast of characters, each driven by their own ambitions. While the MC may not embody the typical hero archetype, their morally ambiguous actions add depth to their character. With its unique approach and captivating storytelling, this novel is a worthwhile read for fans of the genre.

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  • Nufetto 12

    why is the review cut off at "depth to"

Chapter 378 one year ago

This novel has me exited and had me enjoying reading the novel but around the 350 to 450 area the Mc got boring he’s suppose to have no kinship no relationships no love no kindness but he has people that he protects like Anderson , Lilia, 😂😂😂😂 idk does the author even know what no kinship is he’s trying to have both like pick one side follow your own plot and around this time frame of chapters I got incredibly bored the main character is incredibly complacent he’s to comfortable he’s just sitting there making money getting everything he needs in his lap resources I miss when he was a knight and fought for his life barely surviving when the story was at its peak now he kills his enemies with barely any wounds if it’s difficult he’ll have a scratch 😂😂 the author doesn’t care about suspense anymore and btw I’m tired of Lilia can the author just kill her off I’m currently around chapter 450 the author needs to do better with the story if he doesn’t salvage the plot and his own story with the next 50 chapter that I’m going to read I’ll probably drop the author did great at the start but looks like he got lazy 😔😔🫠

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gunsun13 1
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

I love the story. The world building is okay however it is very disorganised. The passing is amazing and the 5year problem will not really affect the speed of the story. The beginning was perfect however the ending felt rushed and kinda confusing.

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EverywhereYouSee 5
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

The ending seems rush and confusing or maybe it was just me rushing. The beginning is rlly good and it was rlly interesting how he got revenge and became stronger. He had many people under him and it was interesting how he met them. I would recommend reading only the first half of the novel. The latter half is about his origin and things like the mysterious man and the demonic gods. Very complexing.

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ThirdMoon 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Really good until the ending
It started getting confusing during the last 20 chapters. because things went 0 to 1000 real quick (Timelines, higher dimension, quantum stuff)
Good read, Overall rating would be (4.5/5)
If the ending was better it would be (4.7/5)
currently one of the top 3 novels I have finished (#1: RI) . Might moved down to top 5 in the future.

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Masturbation_Sysyem 1
Chapter n/a 3 years ago

Das sind doch nur eine kleine Auswahl von dir gehört und gesehen hat sich auch noch einen schönen Tag wünsche euch ein frohes Fest wird es wohl eher als ein Jahr lang war er bei den anderen zu tun hatte

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