One Useless Rebirth

Rank 792

List of reviews made by users for the One Useless Rebirth novel.

12 users have written reviews for the One Useless Rebirth novel and rated it with an average score of 4.1 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 792nd among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub VIP platform.

12 Reviews

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GreenEmerthyst 3
Chapter 274 7 months ago

This story was full of drama and filled with love. The characters were well-developed and the plot was engaging, making it a captivating read. Explores the dynamic relationships between the characters and how their love for one another shaped their actions and decisions throughout the story. It is a story of love that stuck by each others trust and loyalty. The story delves into the complexity of human emotions, showcasing the power of forgiveness and the ability to overcome obstacles. The author beautifully portrays the sacrifices made by the characters for the sake of love, highlighting the importance of selflessness and dedication in relationships. As the plot unfolds, the readers are drawn into a rollercoaster of emotions, experiencing the highs and lows alongside the characters. Ultimately, this tale of love leaves a lasting impression, reminding us of the transformative power of genuine connections.

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MyLadyShip 3
Chapter 293 8 months ago

Reading this book felt like I was watching a very DRAMATIC telenovela. The tea was so HOT, I skipped sleep just to see how the plot progresses. I also loved how it was so descriptive about the MC's career journey in photography. I wish they could change the promo picture because I wouldn't have read this if it weren't for the reviews. Also be careful when reading, because you might notice the translator switching character's names with another and sometimes you might have to switch to using one brain cell to understand some chapters. But that was only a small portion. Thanks for translating this story. . . . Now I want my own villa :].

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AvaRead 13
Chapter 293 one year ago

This is a novel where the male lead chases his wife without knowing he is in love. ლ⁠(⁠´⁠ ⁠❥⁠ ⁠`⁠ლ⁠) The male lead is clueless about romantic love and assumes it is brotherly love. The main character is so independent, hard working and passionate about photography. He is so upright that after rebirth, he does not take the chance to take advantage of him going back into the past to earn quick money. Overall, it is a good novel worth reading with little drama. ⊂⁠(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠⊂⁠ ⁠)⁠*⁠. ⁠✧

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prettyyeyii0820 2
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

This is a nice read for me. Puppy and Bird is a good tandem. . Hope to have a happy ending in the alternate world for Qiuhe and Bai as well. I love the sweet moments esp how Bai was able to capture Di's love for him.

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KanikaMishra 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

Although tittle is not attractive but i have to say I was so emmersed in reading entire novel. Had complete closure aswell. I loved it and the love was so honest. It has plots n sub plots all covered elligantly also the romance build up between both guys were very satisfactory. P. s - I am writing via tab onscreen board so apologies was spelling and incoherent Grammer. 😳

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SylvieCena 2
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

this story ia so so great bai is much like a tsundere, hope the the childish di in other world gets to be together with the other bai, its like they were fated to meet

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marewoof 4
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

A smooth sailing kind of novel. The characters background are so well thought out, the drama in it is very smooth it left me satisfied, if you are looking for some messy kind of drama this isnt it, it is as straight as a line can get. And author just went for the parallel world kind of story at the end, which personally for me doesnt nee dto be added IMHO. But do try reading since its all good and fluff and stuff ♥️ If this has smut I swear I would re read it again 😂

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Salamonder 0
Chapter n/a 2 years ago

It's a very sweet story, it's like going back in time to find love or to save the person you love. This novel it's a bit slice of life. Nice to read.

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Chapter n/a 3 years ago

It is tag as shounen ai different from yaoi where the action is much more deeper. This one is bubbly and cute. Could not say anything for the translation but still, thank you to the translator at least you able to convey the story. Twist and turns, like a drama. If you, the readers up for it added with bubbly love then you can read them. And addition, if you don't mind it being BOY x BOY, that's it. Great story and not too much thing that is complicated hence easy to read while. reading other novel with heavy plot twist. Well done for the translator and writer + anyone else included in this novel. Thank you! And heavy reminder, this is BOYx BOY, you guys should get them the moment its summary writes "lollipop" and the translation is readable and able to understand what they want to convey. Happy read to all.

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Alice9322 0
Chapter n/a 3 years ago

Una historia preciosa, es la primera vez que escribo una reseña así que ya se imaginarán lo mucho que me gustó, la verdad no leí la historia en este portal así que no estoy segura de la redacción que mencionan los comentarios anteriores, sin embargo, si buscan en el explorador otras páginas con esta novela estoy segura de que no se arrepentirán de leerla, es muy hermosa y se ha convertido en una joya ente mis lecturas.

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