Mystical Journey
Chapter 134

"The experiment failed? What happened?"

"I don’t know . Several dozens of years ago, a group of people escaped from a human subject research center . I’ve seen telekinesis before and I knew they were strong, but that’s all I know . " Celine shook her head .

"Last question, do you know anything about the Golden Sword Throne?" Garen asked in a light tone .

"What’s that?" Celine looked confused .

Garen stood up . "That’s all I wanted to ask . I don’t know what happened between you and that little guy and I don’t care . However, if you want me to stay with you and protect you, you should at least pay me . "

"I already prepared something for you . " Celine sneered . She took a black scroll out of her pocket and threw it toward Garen .


Garen carefully caught the scroll and looked at it . There were several tiny words printed on the surface of the scroll: "Essence Locking Technique . "

"That’s the payment . "

Garen stared at her for a second, turned back, and left with the scroll . He returned to the courtyard and finished his dinner before receiving Su Lin’s message .

He quickly headed to the meeting room inside the manor . Garen had promised Su Lin that he would help to fight against Duskdune Shura, so he would not leave the manor before it was done .

Most of the others had already sat down in their seats by the time Garen entered the meeting room . Yoda, the Eight-Arm Dragon King, was not here and his seat was taken by a tall slim blonde lady wearing a tight black leather suit . Garen could see that her breasts were covered by black bandages through her open collar . The lady was not wearing underwear and was quite alluring .

"Let me make an introduction . This is Miss Mayer Iriland, an international police officer, " Su Lin said after standing up . "She’s here for Duskdune Shura as well . "

"She’s trying to track down Duskdune Shura?" Everyone in the room looked surprised . Duskdune Shura could easily escape when surrounded by many special agents, yet Mayer was trying to track him down alone . They thought that Mayer must be someone special .

The two generals, Su Lin, and Aris all stared at the lady . Her face was not that attractive, she showed absolutely no expression, and it seemed like she did not want to spend too much time with strangers .

"It seems like I’m late . I think everyone here has already heard about how strong Duskdune Shura is, so I’m not going to go over that again . Based on a telegraph I obtained from Kandivella, at the borders of the Yalu Confederation, Duskdune Shura has already arrived at the ruins of Kandivella . " She gave everyone in the room a cold look .

"Everyone, as an officer of the international police, I hope you can follow my orders so we can catch Duskdune Shura together . I heard that there is someone here that can fight against Duskdune Shura one on one . Please stand up . "

The others immediately began to stare at Garen . Garen scrunched his eyebrows . Although he was not happy, he still stood up .

"Try your best to slow down Duskdune Shura and create space for my people . Follow my orders when we start the mission," Mayer said in a calm tone .

"Wait," Garen stopped her, "my sole purpose is to protect my friends . I don’t care about other things . "

"Please notice that I am not asking . I’m giving you an order and you have no right to disobey it . " Mayer furrowed her eyebrows . "I’m an officer from the international police and I have the authority to give orders . You can sit down for now . "

"Orders?" Garen sneered . "Who the hell are you?"

The two generals had bitter smiles on their face . While Su Lin and Aris sat by the side, they also did not know how to deal with such a situation . Su Lin was trying to ask Garen to calm down by signaling with his eyes .

Mayer’s expression did not change and it seemed like she had already expected a situation like this .

"Mr . Garen . " She took out a pile of information sheets and put them down on the table .

"These are the records of the murders you have committed since you debuted . You killed about 35 people, directly or indirectly . You can choose not to follow my order . and I’m willing to shoot you to death for all the murders you committed .

"Are you threatening me?" Garen narrowed his eyes .

"I’m not . Actually, I’m giving you a chance . " Mayer stared at Garen calmly . "Follow my order or die . Your choice . "

"I choose to kill you!" Garen grinned and pulled the door off the wall .


The door was about two meters tall and it flew toward Mayer while spinning like a fan blade . Garen’s aim was accurate and the door did not hit anyone else .


Mayer used a high kick and easily smashed apart the entire door . She quickly turned and did a side front snap kick toward Garen’s head .

Her long leg drew an arc in the air and a silver blade popped out from the bottom of her high heel . She aimed at Garen’s temple .

Strangely, Mayer’s side front snap kick was vibrating intensely, as if she could change the direction of the kick at any time she wanted .

Su Lin held Aris’s arm and retreated with her . He knew how strong Miss Mayer and Garen were . Although Su Lin was a great Martial Artist himself, he still did not want to get involved in this .


Garen hit Mayer’s dagger with his palm . The dagger broke and pierced the ceiling .


The two kept trading hits, with Mayer using an array of different kicks with her slim legs . Garen blocked most of her attacks but was still hit in the chest several times . Mayer was much faster than him .

They already left the meeting room and the fight had moved into the hallway . The guards did not know what to do and decided to stay away from the two combatants .

"Axe Kick!" Mayer yelled as she raised one of her legs high into the air and kicked down vertically as quick as lightning .


"Naive!" Garen grinned, grabbed her leg, and swung her toward the wall .


Garen suddenly stopped moving and it was almost like time had paused .

He grabbed Mayer’s right leg and was about to smash her against the wall .

Mayer held onto a wall lamp tightly with her left leg still planted on the ground . Her face turned pale and she bit her bottom lip hard, but there was still no expression on her face . Mayer was breathing heavily and she had not expected Garen to be so strong .

Garen looked at a head-sized hole in the wall beside him as dust sprinkled down to the ground .

"Old man, what the hell?" He looked at the other end of the hallway .

Yoda, the Eight-Armed Dragon King, wielded a black heavy sniper rifle in his hand and he was aiming at Garen . Yoda’s face flushed and he looked furious .

"Let Mayer go . I don’t care about the others, but I will f*cking kill you if do anything to her! Don’t even try!"

Garen gave Yoda a cold stare . "You really want to die . "

A strong aura spread through the hallway as Garen’s body started expanding . At this distance, he was sure he could kill them both after taking one hit from Yoda .

"Go away Yoda! I don’t want you to help me!" Mayer yelled . It seemed like she was not appreciative of Yoda’s support .

"Yoda! Garen! Stop . For the God’s sake," Su Lin said suddenly . "Miss Mayer, it’s a misunderstanding . Let’s calm down . We should work together to fight against Duskdune Shura . "

"Alright, calm down everyone . " Lenny walked out of the room with her cane . "Miss . Mayer, I understand that the international police has the right to give orders, but Garen is not a part of your system and he doesn’t like being ordered to do things for you . You know what, how about we let General Crohn give out orders this time? He knows the situation very well . "

Garen released Mayer’s right leg . He did not really want to kill her, but he simply disliked her arrogance .

The generals did not want to get involved in this fight . Yoda’s presence made him want to kill Mayer and Su Lin immediately stepped in after realizing what Garen was going to do . Su Lin did not want the situation to get worse at the point .

"Cunning old prick," Garen mumbled . Mayer’s leg was injured and she was having trouble walking away . She had previously given Garen a hard look the whole time while she was speaking and Garen needed to assert his dominance . Otherwise, Mayer would think he was scared .

Garen did not want to waste time anymore, so he turned back and walked out of the building .

"Garen, wait . " He heard someone’s voice coming from behind .

Su Lin quickly caught up and put his arm on Garen’s shoulder .

"Sorry, there’s nothing my father can do at the moment, so we had to let you deal with Mayer . She was always so arrogant and we needed to make sure she did not mess up our plan . "

"I understand . Mayer was trying to flaunt her skills by fighting me, but she did not expect me to be so strong . Her combat skills are good and she’s a Grandmaster of Combat . She must be strong since she’s going after Duskdune Shura . " Garen crossed his arms and laid his back against the wall by the exit . "What’s her relationship with Yoda?"

"Yoda has been chasing after her for many years…" Su Lin had a bitter smile on his face, "However, Mayer doesn’t like him at all . That’s all I know about them . She’s one of the registered Grandmasters of Combat in the federation . Her kicking techniques and tracking skills are incredible . "

"Well…" Garen was speechless .

"You did very well last time and we’d be dead without you . We’ll take care of Duskdune Shura later . They already learned how serious the matter was and they will send more people here . There is one more thing . I need you to go to a place with me and we will be finished after that . What do you think?" Su Lin spoke calmly .

"Sure, no problem . " Garen did not hesitate .

He owed Su Lin two favors, the one for his sister and one for the time he got surrounded by the enemies on his way back . He had not yet reached the Master Level of his Body Hardening Techniques at that time and he would have taken some serious damage without Su Lin’s aid . The government was pursuing him as well and the situation could have become much worse .

These were the reasons why Garen decided to stay with Su Lin first before going to the Southern Sky Holy Fist Gate to obtain the secret techniques . Garen wanted to keep his promises and Su Lin was his friend .

"Let’s go . We will drive there . " Su Lin patted Garen’s back and walked toward the parking lot .

After several seconds, Garen saw Celine appear out of nowhere and she landed on his right shoulder .

"Get off me . " He scowled .

"I’ll go there too . I need you to protect me," Celine responded in a cute tone, while sitting steadily on Garen’s shoulder .

"Fine . Come with us . " Su Lin looked at Celine and smiled, "There is no point in hiding it anymore . "

Chapter 134
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