Indulging in Carnal Desire
Chapter 260: [Emperor’s Story 12] Distress

As the sun started to set, the window frames in the room were dyed with a dim yellow hue. The light in the room was faintly diffused with the day’s last bit of luster before mixing together with the darkness brought by nightfall.

Jing Chen’s footsteps were light as a feather as he walked towards the bed. The panic and restlessness he had felt growing turbulent in his heart since afternoon, had nearly dissipated upon seeing the person on the bed, leaving behind only distress.

The person on the bed was lying down with ‘his’ face placed in her hands. ‘His’ usually quick-witted eyes were tightly shut, and along the corners of ‘his’ eyes were two dried tear marks hanging on ‘his’ face. ‘His’ soft hair was loosely scattered across ‘his’ forehead and temples, making ‘his’ whole person look delicate and disordered.

Jing Chen slowly reached out a hand, pushing aside the little eunuch’s scattered hair, his fingers inadvertently coming in touch with ‘his’ satiny cheeks.

The strange feeling he got when he held the person’s waist this afternoon suddenly resurfaced in his heart again. Jing Chen covered his chest and frowned. ‘Why was his heart beating so rapidly? The person in front of him had accompanied him for many years, so the two had already become used to coming in contact with each other. Yet, why was it that he now felt his heart palpitate every time?’

As though his touch had tickled the person on the bed, the little eunuch rubbed ‘his’ cheeks against his hand like a good little kitty.

Jing Chen felt a sense of deja vu from this scenario and couldn’t help but scratch the little eunuch’s chin with his finger. Seeing ‘him’ moan unconsciously, the armors he had erected around his heart were peeled off layer by layer, leaving only the softest part behind.

Back when they had gotten acquainted, he was but an unlucky prince who no one cared about. It was this person who cared for him, showed concern for him, protected him, gave him the first wisp of warmth he had longed for. And now that he had grown up, he wanted to protect her instead, yet…

Jing Chen’s gaze travelled downwards, the little eunuch’s horrible condition from below the waist made his heart clench in worry again. He gently touched the outer clothing with a quivering hand, and with a pinch of his fingers, he realized it was of already dried-up blackish-red blood.

He initially thought that he had the strength to protect her, however, reality gave him a rude awakening slap, telling him how foolish and helpless he was.

A roaring storm broiled in the youth’s eyes, his dark red eyes appeared like those of the devil. He unconsciously clenched his fists, his wounded palms once again starting to bleed from his tight grip, but he did not notice this at all.

As though he was torturing himself, Jing Chen hastily pulled off the eunuch’s gown.

He wanted to see for himself how much suffering she had received. He wanted to ingrain today’s foolishness in his memories so that he could return it hundreds and thousands fold to those ruthless people!

Open flesh was stuck onto her gown, and with each tug downwards, Jing Chen could feel the body beneath his hand quiver from pain. He gritted his teeth, and with one vicious swoop, he pulled the little eunuch’s pants off, finally seeing the horrible state of ‘his’ bottom.

The two round bottoms were colored in a purplish hue, ‘his’ rump covered with several scars left by the strikes of the staff, a couple of them oozing sticky blood. The blood that had coagulated had formed scabs, covering the surface. Contrasting with the jade and fair skin, the whole appearance looked particularly terrifying.

Jing Chen’s young eyes were filled with distress. He reached out a trembling hand, wanting to touch it, but was also afraid that he would cause more pain to the little eunuch. His hand remained hanging mid-air until someone had grabbed onto it.

“Little Dumpling, you’re awake!?” He happily held her weak hand and stared at the person on the bed.

Chu Jiao’s face was bloodless, but at this moment, she still pursed her lips and smiled at the youth.

She waved her hand, hinting for the youth to come near her.

Jing Chen meekly complied and leaned in close, not even minding that he had one knee on the ground and had placed his head before the little eunuch.

Chu Jiao lightly touched the youth’s eyelids with ice-cold fingers. His scarlet red eyes made her feel restless. Every time the youth was like this, a negative sentiment would always ferment in her heart. She was always afraid that the youth would grow up skewed, doing things that he could never turn back from.

Seeing him close his eyes out of reflex, Chu Jiao struggled to prop herself up like what he usually did when he was small, and gently pressed a kiss.

“I’m fine, Master. I’ll recover after a few days of rest,” ignoring the searing pain coming from her rump, Chu Jiao comforted, “Don’t delay your studies.”

Just like this! ‘He’ was always just like this!

His little eunuch always cared for him but never for ‘himself’!

Jing Chen felt rage and distressed, but he couldn’t do anything about it.

“I understand!” He then went to pull the little eunuch’s pants off, “But first, let me take a look at your injuries!”


Chapter 260: [Emperor’s Story 12] Distress
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