Indulging in Carnal Desire
Chapter 236: [Khan’s Story 28] Put an end

In the end, Tuoba Hui was harshly kicked out by Hu Luoyan, who was at the very end of his patience.

The original reason why Chu Jiao prevented Hu Luoyan from revealing her true identity was to not beat the grass and scare the snake away. She didn’t know whether Tuoba Hui was a good person or a villain as the original plot merely dedicated a few words to describe him.

However, seeing how the two brothers interacted with each other, Chu Jiao felt that there was no need to conceal her identity anymore.

“It’s alright. Let’s keep him guessing for a few more days,” Hu Luoyan felt that there was no need to inform Tuoba Hui this early, “This way, he wouldn’t be so idle these next couple of days.”

“…” Chu Jiao was only rendered speechless by his response.

When it was finally time to depart, Tuoba Hui had gotten to know of Chu Jiao’s true identity.

And after knowing that Chu Jiao was the princess this entire time, his mouth had dropped so wide that one could stuff a large egg in it.

“I was wondering why brother appeared to be in such a foul mood all this time. As it turns out, this was the reason!”

Tuoba Hui felt indignant, sensing that he had suffered some sort of injustice. He clearly didn’t do anything wrong, merely sweet talking the girl in a short conversation, but his brother was a truly petty person who valued the opposite sex over his own blood brother!

“You still have the nerve to speak,” Hu Luoyan annoyedly pushed him away, “I asked you to keep a watch of a certain person back in the palace, but in the end, you brought the person to your own bed and slept with her, didn’t you?”

Tuoba Hui clicked his tongue, “Are you referring to Ke Qi’er?”

Hu Luoyan replied in a deadpan manner, “Who else?”

Tuoba Hui waved his hand in disdain, “Say, do you think third brother has no other servants left? He’s always dealt dirty tricks against you in the battlefield before. But now, he can only resort to honey traps to do his bidding.”

Honey traps?

Quietly sitting at the side, Chu Jiao was just idly peeling walnuts and cracking them.

“Cough!” Perceiving his brother’s warning gaze, Tuoba Hui quickly explained to his sister-in-law so that she could catch up, “A spy had infiltrated the palace, intending to tempt brother. Unfortunately, my brother is an upright person and wasn’t the least bit moved by her advances, so she changed her target and seduced me instead.”

Chu Jiao slowly peeled the walnuts, “Why are you telling me this? As a princess of Great Chu, I’m not concerned with the matters of the Xianbei country.”

“Hehe,” Tuoba Hui chuckled mischievously, “How could princess say something like that. You’re about to become our Xianbei’s Khatun. Isn’t King Brother’s matters considered your matters as well?”

Chu Jiao amusingly hooked up the corners of her lips, giving him half of the walnut, “So in the end, you were tempted?”

“You could say it like that, but in reality, I would call it… How do you Hans say it again? If you don’t enter the tiger’s lair… You won’t get the cub?”

“You fool! It’s ‘One cannot catch cubs without entering the tiger’s lair1One cannot catch cubs without entering the tiger’s lair 不入虎穴焉得虎子 means Nothing ventured, nothing gained.’!” Hu Luoyan simply couldn’t stand listening to his hazy recollection and chimed in.

“Oh oh, that’s right. As long as the meaning is right, it’s fine.” Tuoba Hui smiled foolishly, “She wanted to extract information from me, and since I worried that I wouldn’t be able to catch the person behind sending her, I’m simply playing along with her as of the moment.”

Of course, ‘by playing along,’ the majority of it actually took place in bed.

“That’s enough. Did you leave anyone behind in the palace when you left for this trip?”

Since both brothers left Gaoliu, this was a golden opportunity for the unreconciled third brother, Tuoba Feng.

Tuoba Feng was the person who showed the most promise in succeeding the throne since his thoughts were deep and his connections were aplenty. However, when Hu Luoyan succeeded the throne, suppressing Tuoba Feng, he became quiet and still. However, he had never stopped scheming in the dark, covetously eyeing Hu Luoyan’s throne all this time.

“I did. I left a couple of trusted aides there as well as thirty thousand personal soldiers defending outside the city. At the slightest whiff of trouble, they’ll immediately capture the person in question.”

“Alright, but we still have to pay close attention to any escape routes he might have.” Hu Luoyan nodded. They had been carefully casting this net the entire time. If all goes well, this time, they’ll be able to destroy the third brother’s wicked nest in one fell swoop, making it so that he could never scheme against them again.

“If your third brother is as resourceful as you claim,” Chu Jiao finally interjected at this moment, “I think he definitely won’t let go of this opportunity now that you two are both alone outside.”

“Does Queen Sister mean that they’ll come to mount a sneak attack on us?”

“Didn’t they already do so once?” Chu Jiao raised her head and cast her gaze at Hu Luoyan.

“Those people from before were second brother’s servants…” Hu Luoyan explained to Chu Jiao, however, after mulling it over, he said, “Hm… There’s a possibility that third brother leaked this information to him so that second brother would stand out.”

Tuoba Hui scrunched his brows together, “Then what should we do?”

“We should naturally put an end to him.” Hu Luoyan smiled coldly, holding Chu Jiao in his arms.

“Didn’t he attempt to kill my queen? Let him try and come.”


Chapter 236: [Khan’s Story 28] Put an end
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